gitcoinco / web

Grow Open Source
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DESIGN - As a user, I want to push a big red button at because I know I need coders, but I dont know how to navigate Gitcoin's product suite. This gives me an easy big button to push to help me figure it out. #3493

Closed frankchen07 closed 4 years ago

frankchen07 commented 5 years ago

Sub-task of

User Story

As a user, I want to push a big red button at because I know I need coders, but I dont know how to navigate Gitcoin's product suite. This gives me an easy big button to push to help me figure it out. This value proposition should be tested using a landing page.

Why Is this Needed

Data is the new gold. Everyone needs better data, better software. Software is eating the world. Because everyone needs these new systems, everyone needs software engineers. If you have access to software engineers, and can provide access to them to businesses in a way that manages expectations / trust all around, then you are selling pick axes to the gold miners.

We are testing the value proposition of "push a button, get a coder". "Push a button get a coder" is the most concisely expressed value prop, to funders of Gitcoin, to date. For coders, our value prop remains that we grow/sustain open source.

As expressed in our Q1 pitch deck:

Before Gitcoin, I had to do a whole bunch of bullshit in order to find a coder. After Gitcoin, I don't anymore.

screen shot 2019-01-07 at 8 07 23 am

This is a lean test of that marketing message.

Current Behavior

Expected Behavior

Here is what the user journey will look like:

screen shot 2019-01-07 at 8 09 01 am

The landing page will contain the following (positioning statements to be iterated on):

Definition of Done

Additional Information

Proposed Value Prop Slide, on this, from Internal 'Crypto Winter War Plan'

gitcoinbot commented 5 years ago

Issue Status: 1. Open 2. Started 3. Submitted 4. Done

This issue now has a funding of 0.805 ETH (94.99 USD @ $117.99/ETH) attached to it.

gitcoinbot commented 5 years ago

Issue Status: 1. Open 2. Started 3. Submitted 4. Done

Work has been started.

These users each claimed they can complete the work by 2 weeks, 2 days ago. Please review their action plans below:

1) nnooo has been approved to start work.

As discussed I will create a wireframe proposal for the described issue using existing assets and provided text.

Learn more on the Gitcoin Issue Details page.

PixelantDesign commented 5 years ago

Thanks for the interest @nnooo. Please feel free to use some existing assets but also create new assets for this landing page.

Looking forward to seeing what you come up with!

gitcoinbot commented 5 years ago

@nnooo Hello from Gitcoin Core - are you still working on this issue? Please submit a WIP PR or comment back within the next 3 days or you will be removed from this ticket and it will be returned to an ‘Open’ status. Please let us know if you have questions!

Funders only: Snooze warnings for 1 day | 3 days | 5 days | 10 days | 100 days

Wattnco commented 5 years ago

Yep still working on this plan to tackle it tomorrow.

Wattnco commented 5 years ago

Started on this today. It would be nice to have randomised landing pages to keep the site vibrant so I mocked up 4 of them.

getcoders_green getcoders_pink getcoders_yellow getcoders_blue

If you are happy with this please tip and I'll move forward with doing the next screens.

owocki commented 5 years ago

i liek the direction this is heading!

some thoughts:

@PixelantDesign further thoughts?

gitcoinbot commented 5 years ago

@nnooo Hello from Gitcoin Core - are you still working on this issue? Please submit a WIP PR or comment back within the next 3 days or you will be removed from this ticket and it will be returned to an ‘Open’ status. Please let us know if you have questions!

Funders only: Snooze warnings for 1 day | 3 days | 5 days | 10 days | 100 days

Wattnco commented 5 years ago

Why does it keep doing that?

owocki commented 5 years ago

it pesters you every 3 days if it doesnt see any activity on the thread. ill snooze it

Wattnco commented 5 years ago

Great thanks!

Ok what are next steps? I’d like to get paid for the above before moving on ideally.

Ideally the process for me is this: 1) Read brief and accept bounty 2) Do mockups of design solution 3) Upload mockups and once approved submit work, timesheet and get paid 4) Brief amended and or expanded based on feedback 5) Do more work based on adjusted brief and feedback 6) Upload mockups and once approved submit work, timesheet and get paid 7) If more feedback/amendments required repeat 4-6

Currently I am finding stage 3 onwards to be undefined and lacking clarity. Both from a what you want me to do and from a ux/feedback perspective on the site.

If workers find the doing work, submitting, getting paid loop lacks clarity it may put people off from returning. For example if I check my work in via Gitcoins submit work I input a time spent. If I continue to do more work I cannot submit it via Gitcoin until the previous push is accepted. This means I can’t keep pushing you work in progress as I go I have to either do it all and the submit (risky as it might be way off what you want) or I have to wait for approval to move on (which means I cannot keep working).

This is maybe intentional though..?

A potential solution to his is to have two components to bounty funding. 1) Hourly submitted work bounty 2) Milestone completion bounty

Make 1 automated so A) I setup a bounty and choose an hourly rate (and set maximum hours) and a milestone complete amount, set the goals and the rest of the bounty as usual B) Someone takes on the bounty and I approve them. C) Periodically they submit work and note the hours they spent. Gitcoin automagically pays the worker based on the hours they have spent D) Once I approve the milestone the worker(s) get paid based on % of hours they contributed E) Work is broken down into milestones so that a bounty creator cannot just keep giving feedback and getting free work. They have to ensure their brief and bounty are clear and pass or fail based on if the milestone was reached, even if it becomes clear more, new work is required.

owocki commented 5 years ago

Happy to pay out the bounty once you've completed the spec I originally posted and after that we've gone through the specified one round of revision.

As for the UX feedback, def open to chat about the UX, perhaps on another github issue?

Wattnco commented 5 years ago

Coolio so to be clear is this the spec you mean?

`- we could maybe use a carousel module that shows off different developers on the platform, how many bounties they've done

Or is there more from the original brief, up the top, that you'd like to see done?

As for the UX feedback I'd be happy to chat about it on another GitHub issue if you like.

owocki commented 5 years ago

i dont think i can hold you to the comment i left today; heres the spec from the OP.

Wattnco commented 5 years ago

That link is being flagged as unsafe?

owocki commented 5 years ago

i dont know why that is; but if you look at the OP you can see the spec under "The landing page will contain the following"

Wattnco commented 5 years ago

Ok so can you describe the modules flow. Do you want each module as a click through or all visible on the one page?

IE do I add the modules below the above design or do they appear once you click “Get Coders”?

owocki commented 5 years ago

all on one page please. i was thinking they'd be supporting modules to the module you designed.

Wattnco commented 5 years ago

Great thanks. I’ll get onto this tomorrow.

Wattnco commented 5 years ago

Ok @owocki and @PixelantDesign here you go.

getcoders_pink_withmodules getcoders_yellow_withmodules getcoders_blue_withmodules getcoders_green_withmodules

I have modeled the Platform stats on the same style as the Who's using Gitcoin module. I would suggest rotating 3 stats through as it takes up less space and can work in the same way as the Who's Using one.

Wattnco commented 5 years ago

This work so far is @3 days work (24hours).

PixelantDesign commented 5 years ago

Thanks for the updates @Nnooo! Looks pretty good. Last thing I would say is we probably don't need the double Gitcoin logo at the top of the landing page and in the header as well. I'd suggest using other graphics in the header if possible.

gitcoinbot commented 5 years ago

@nnooo Hello from Gitcoin Core - are you still working on this issue? Please submit a WIP PR or comment back within the next 3 days or you will be removed from this ticket and it will be returned to an ‘Open’ status. Please let us know if you have questions!

Funders only: Snooze warnings for 1 day | 3 days | 5 days | 10 days | 100 days

Wattnco commented 5 years ago


Hi @PixelantDesign I include two versions below. I would recommend using the Gitcoin logo for a few reasons:

1) The likelihood is that the users are coming to this page as first time users of Gitcoin 2) It is therefore likely the know little, if anything about the site 3) I would therefore suggest you use every opportunity to reinforce the brand (Gitcoin) to the user 4) By attaching the logo to the slogan you are creating a direct connection between Gitcoin, the brand, and this unique selling point. By removing the logo you are just showing a slogan. 5) Additional artwork in place of the Logo could confuse new users as to what the brand is

Ultimately it is up to you I just wanted to give you context to my work :)

I have uploaded a version of the Pink site with and without the Logo. Let me know your thoughts about this before I progress with any additional artwork.


gitcoinbot commented 5 years ago

@nnooo Hello from Gitcoin Core - are you still working on this issue? Please submit a WIP PR or comment back within the next 3 days or you will be removed from this ticket and it will be returned to an ‘Open’ status. Please let us know if you have questions!

Funders only: Snooze warnings for 1 day | 3 days | 5 days | 10 days | 100 days

gitcoinbot commented 5 years ago

@nnooo Hello from Gitcoin Core - are you still working on this issue? Please submit a WIP PR or comment back within the next 3 days or you will be removed from this ticket and it will be returned to an ‘Open’ status. Please let us know if you have questions!

Funders only: Snooze warnings for 1 day | 3 days | 5 days | 10 days | 100 days

Wattnco commented 5 years ago

Hey @owocki and @pixelantdesign do you have anymore feedback for me?

gitcoinbot commented 5 years ago

@nnooo Hello from Gitcoin Core - are you still working on this issue? Please submit a WIP PR or comment back within the next 3 days or you will be removed from this ticket and it will be returned to an ‘Open’ status. Please let us know if you have questions!

Funders only: Snooze warnings for 1 day | 3 days | 5 days | 10 days | 100 days

Wattnco commented 5 years ago

Still waiting for feedback

owocki commented 5 years ago

Sorry! Been underwater with traveling.

The landing page LGTM. My only two pieces of feedback.

  1. Line width on this area ( ) seems inconsistent with the rest of the page.
  2. There's no design for the Conversion Module Modal. Given that this is what the user sees when the lead is captured, it might be worth putting some design 👀 on.
Wattnco commented 5 years ago

Ok @owocki and @PixelantDesign I have added a conversion module now too. Regarding the line thickness as this is a wireframe/mockup it that something you want me to spend time fixing when it is going to be done when you create assets later? Let me know.

Ok so details: 1) Have the site randomly choose a colour palette on arrival so that it is vibrant and eye catching (see above mockups) 2) When the user lands on the page use this layout with the Gitcoin logo to reinforce the brand getcoders_pink_withmodules

3) When the user clicks on the top "Get Coders" Button push the button and lower content down and reveal the input fields as per this mockup. NOTE if they click "Cancel" everything slides/fades back to how it was. getcoders_pink_with email module top

4) If instead the user clicks on the lower button expand/slide/fade the content to reveal the input fields as per this mockup. Again NOTE if they click "Cancel" everything slides/fades back to how it was. Before: getcoders_yellow_withmodules

After: getcoders_yellow_with email module bottom

gitcoinbot commented 5 years ago

@nnooo Hello from Gitcoin Core - are you still working on this issue? Please submit a WIP PR or comment back within the next 3 days or you will be removed from this ticket and it will be returned to an ‘Open’ status. Please let us know if you have questions!

Funders only: Snooze warnings for 1 day | 3 days | 5 days | 10 days | 100 days

PixelantDesign commented 5 years ago

@thelostone-mc @octavioamu @willsputra what do you think?

owocki commented 5 years ago

i'm getting close to 'accept' state. i do think the line thickness is still a problem, but we can solve this by simply importing the svgs on

Wattnco commented 5 years ago

I am happy to make changes to line thickness but they would only be in these wireframes is that going to be helpful from a dev standpoint? If so then I should definitely change them, if not then it’s purely cosmetic at this stage?

Either way let me know :)

Wattnco commented 5 years ago

Also note I just grabbed the vector assets which are in your marketing files so it is likely this line thickness issue stems from there and will re-occur in future uses of them.

gitcoinbot commented 5 years ago

@nnooo Hello from Gitcoin Core - are you still working on this issue? Please submit a WIP PR or comment back within the next 3 days or you will be removed from this ticket and it will be returned to an ‘Open’ status. Please let us know if you have questions!

Funders only: Snooze warnings for 1 day | 3 days | 5 days | 10 days | 100 days

Wattnco commented 5 years ago

Hi there @owocki what’s happening with this bounty? It’s a long time not to get paid...

gitcoinbot commented 5 years ago

@nnooo Hello from Gitcoin Core - are you still working on this issue? Please submit a WIP PR or comment back within the next 3 days or you will be removed from this ticket and it will be returned to an ‘Open’ status. Please let us know if you have questions!

Funders only: Snooze warnings for 1 day | 3 days | 5 days | 10 days | 100 days

owocki commented 5 years ago

i will pay out the issue now. please post the sketch / source files. thanks

owocki commented 5 years ago

hmm.. can you submit work @Nnooo so i can pay it out?

Wattnco commented 5 years ago


Wattnco commented 5 years ago Here you go! @owocki

owocki commented 5 years ago

thanks @Nnooo !! @PixelantDesign can you pls issue payment?

gitcoinbot commented 5 years ago

@nnooo Hello from Gitcoin Core - are you still working on this issue? Please submit a WIP PR or comment back within the next 3 days or you will be removed from this ticket and it will be returned to an ‘Open’ status. Please let us know if you have questions!

Funders only: Snooze warnings for 1 day | 3 days | 5 days | 10 days | 100 days

PixelantDesign commented 5 years ago

@Nnooo please click submit work on the issue details page! Thanks!

Wattnco commented 5 years ago

Ok will do!

Wattnco commented 5 years ago

@PixelantDesign done, let me know if you need anything else!

gitcoinbot commented 5 years ago

@nnooo Hello from Gitcoin Core - are you still working on this issue? Please submit a WIP PR or comment back within the next 3 days or you will be removed from this ticket and it will be returned to an ‘Open’ status. Please let us know if you have questions!

Funders only: Snooze warnings for 1 day | 3 days | 5 days | 10 days | 100 days

owocki commented 5 years ago

@Nnooo @PixelantDesign is sick today :( but will respond when shes back. thx for your patience