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Grant subscription creation costs slightly more than the amount shown to pay for metatx #3736

Closed danlipert closed 5 years ago

danlipert commented 5 years ago

Outstanding Questions

@frankchen07 to set up a discussion with austin + dan + aditya + owocki related to security on this issue. Who is funding the subminer?

User Story

As a grant subscriber, I want to pay the exact amount I'm contributing (continuation of temporary fix for issue #3653)

Why Is this Needed

The metatx relayer requires a small amount of additional tokens to relay the transaction (I think...)


Current Behavior

Example: a 50 DAI subscription costs 50.000001

Expected Behavior

A 50 DAI subscription should cost 50 DAI

Definition of Done

The amount entered by the user is the amount shown in the transaction

Additional Information

I believe we can just configure the metatx relayer to charge 0? @owocki @austintgriffith

kuhnchris commented 5 years ago

alternative: instead of having to pay that fee (which essentially it is), you could ask for 1 DAI or 0.5 DAI when the user funds his first grant, so we have enough 'spare dai' to push those metatx?