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As a user, I want to exist, so I can have a homebase for all my Gitcoin activities, so I can know how to take actions on Gitcoin, with limited time / attention. #4153

Closed owocki closed 4 years ago

owocki commented 5 years ago

User Story

As a user, I want to exist, so I can have a homebase for all my Gitcoin activities.


If __users have an "at a glance" way of watching their items of interest on gitcoin then they will be more engaged / have higher retention bc there is higher ROI of viewing things at 100k ft .

Why Is this Needed

As we've grown and evolved, I've become increasingly concerned with the follow questions:



Type: Feature

Current Behavior

No Dashboard

Expected Behavior

A page at that is the center of your existence on Gitcoin. It will have

  1. A BIG input box up top, which will allow you to view funder view or coder view. Once (0) is processed, any outstanding actions that you must take will be displayed up top. A link to your unread notifications will be here too.
  2. Profile completeness info, per
  3. All of these navigation items should be listed here, in a consolidated view.
  4. A referral code that you can use to earn free bounties.
  5. A bounties section, with a link to bounties that match to you (if coder). Or a link to your bounties if you're a funder.
  6. A grants section, with links to your grants, or grants that match your interests
  7. A link to your most recent kudos (or if you have none, a link to suggested kudos). The most recent "free kudos friday" will also be displayed here.
  8. Once we launch subscriptions, a link to which plan you're on.

Definition of Done

See above.

Also, special care should be taken to make sure that the dashboard is performant.

Data Requirements

Increased LTV Increased short and long term funder/contributor retention


All funders or contributors that have actions to take on the platform


High Impact



owocki commented 5 years ago

binance dashboard for inspiration

willsputra commented 5 years ago

@PixelantDesign thoughts? Dashboard2

octavioamu commented 5 years ago

nice! I have some points to discuss/ask are we going to do a call about this feature?

willsputra commented 5 years ago

yeah I think we can discuss this tomorrow!

willsputra commented 5 years ago

Different tabs:

Bounties/Contributor Artboard Copy 5

Bounties/Funder Artboard Copy 6

Kudos Artboard Copy 7

Grants/Contributor Artboard Copy 9

Grants/Owner Artboard Copy 10

octavioamu commented 5 years ago

@willsputra can you post the document?

willsputra commented 5 years ago

@octavioamu here you go!

octavioamu commented 5 years ago

@willsputra oh I mean the document with the ideas we discussed.

willsputra commented 5 years ago

@octavioamu here you go!

frankchen07 commented 5 years ago

some comments as they come:

for the notifications section, I think should be a mark as read option, so they don't necessarily have to click through all of them in order to "mark all as read"

clicking anything on the dashboard should open a new window

the notifications area should be larger

the "bounties in progress" section in different looking sections looks a little bit awkward

users matching your bounties & matching your skills > rate your bounties, I would change the order

PixelantDesign commented 5 years ago



owocki commented 5 years ago

we should perhaps take another pass at this with more of a lense on what funders WANT out of a dashboard (and contributors, for their dashboards..). ..


have we showed these to any funders? what do the yorke rhodes of the world want out of the dashboard? what do we want new funders to see? existing funders?


what contributors on the platform can we show this to? what do new contributors, existing contributors want to see?

i'll take ownership of not having a good sense of this when i wrote the ticket. given that the high level strategy is becoming more funder-focused... we'll want to ask some of the questions here in terms of funder activation (and the new ideas around that within)

PixelantDesign commented 5 years ago

We have a lot of feedback from the community slack from contributors. We started capturing feedback from Katie/labs funder last week, and will continue getting feedback from funders this next sprint.

willsputra commented 5 years ago

latest iteration of funder dashboard Bounties-Funder Copy 3

owocki commented 5 years ago

whats with the whitespace on the right? seems like 'complete your profile' is just missing now + the whitespace looks weird. why not extend the main module to be the full width of the screen if we consciously removed all of the items in the right side...

why is there an expired bounty under 'active bounties'?

is there another rev of the contirbutor module?

kuhnchris commented 5 years ago

On the right i think there were ideas to put "hot topics" like stuff that needs intermediate action - aside from that looks good to me already. I just hope the data model can handle all of this... else we'd need to add some views.

willsputra commented 5 years ago

Another rev on the funder dashboard:

Collapsed Dropdown-Collapse

Loading (maybe we could use the same loading animation from the Issue Explorer?) Dropdown-Loading

Revealed Dropdown-Reveal

Some considerations for putting Expired bounties as active: 1) There are still actions that contributors can do on expired bounties, and 2) Funders are sometimes not aware if their bounties are expired.

@PixelantDesign what do you think?

willsputra commented 5 years ago

Some points from funder feedback: • Funders should land on dashboard everytime after login • Sort by actions needed, and recent below that • Expired belongs in inactive session • Reminder that no applicants or increase funds on a bounty would be helpful

spm32 commented 5 years ago

Have we considered also allowing users to view bounty hunters they've favourited on their dashboard cc @PixelantDesign?

If I come across an issue with no active applicants it might be nice for me to look through contributors I like and invite them. This could also be done via the bounty page.

PixelantDesign commented 5 years ago

Good idea! @ceresstation we could put it in as a concept to test.