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DESIGN - BOT Creatives - Winter 2019; 6th Edition #5465

Closed owocki closed 4 years ago

owocki commented 4 years ago

At Gitcoin, We <3 Bots.

Checkout all the fun bots we've done before:

Screen Shot 2019-08-28 at 11 34 24 AM

This is a bounty to create more Gitcoin Bots in new interesting scenes & styles.


i'll pay 35 DAI per artwork that looks as though some effort was put into it, up to 100 DAI if i really really love the piece (at my discretion). if budget is a constraint for you, reach out to me here (or and well take it from there.

i'll pay for 2 bots per person. if you submit 2 bots and i LOVE them i might ask you to do more.

How to apply

Use the 'start work' feature on Gitcoin to apply. Please post your portfolio when u apply

How to submit your work


Checkout the bot design illustration guide and also this guide; Also checkout the bots that have been done in the past


Please place you bot & scene into a hexagon format, just like these example bots.

Work with us to design your bot.Expect 2-3 itereations


Please submit your work to get paid.

Submit it in two places:

  1. Submit your work into a pull request to the creative repo here.
  2. and at

Additional Links

base art is in , checkout the bots that have been created before too at The last bot bounty =>

Requested Styles for the Bot

In the the past we have requested bots that were influenced by characters in pop culture. This time we're doing something different. I'm asking you to take the Gitcoin bot, and put it into a new design style. Some example design styles we think would be cool:

gitcoin quests enemies

with the launch of gitcoin quests.. we could use a new baddy or two for people to fight! checkout to play a quest and see what i mean

new ethereum things:

eth2.0 + optimistic rollup + ZK SNARKs; how can we reprersent them in a kudos!?

ethdenver/colordao checkout what we did last year too!

colorado stuff

mountains road trips marijuana IPAs/beer long hair/hippy culture

pitch a style back to us!

we're looking for creative ideas & styles. if you think you have a good idea, then please let us know!

additional comments

i know that some of these styles are incompatible with the line-based structure of the bot. please feel free to experiment with recreating the bot in a specific style. heres an example of someone taking the gitcoin bot & breaking the style guide, and it coming out really well:

Screen Shot 2019-08-28 at 11 45 38 AM

if you have any questions, please let a comment and ill get back to you!

gitcoinbot commented 4 years ago

Issue Status: 1. Open 2. Started 3. Submitted 4. Done

This issue now has a funding of 10.0 ETH (1863.26 USD @ $186.33/ETH) attached to it.

gitcoinbot commented 4 years ago

Issue Status: 1. Open 2. Cancelled

Work has been started.

These users each claimed they can complete the work by 1 month, 3 weeks ago. Please review their action plans below:

1) virtual-face has been approved to start work.

Love to those on stickers again. 2) guistf has been approved to start work.

Hi! It was very fun working on the last edition. I already have some ideas for this task and would love to try :) 3) robbiekruszynski has been approved to start work.

Happy to design some BOT concepts! 4) uivlis has been approved to start work.

Can't wait to design new styles for the bots! 5) vishesh-gupta has been approved to start work.

Hi! I am interested in building some designs for this bounty 6) cryptonautica has been approved to start work.

Done a few before and winter is coming. 7) kvndlgs has been approved to start work.

I'd love to participate in this bounty. here are some of my previous graphic works. 8) dvdptr has applied to start work _(Funders only: approve worker | reject worker)_.

hi, in addition to the die cut stickers I'd like to create some new bots. my idea is to remix exisiting ones with use of gradients as fill color, will post a preview. thanks 9) nasehim7 has been approved to start work.

I have worked on contributing creatives in the past. Would love to continue doing the same. :D 10) biuxmaster has been approved to start work.

Hi, I'm new here. I really would like to show some Kudos I have been working 11) davmey has been approved to start work.

Contributed in the past ( the pikachu and V designs ), still open for more submissions?

Learn more on the Gitcoin Issue Details page.

writeprovidence commented 4 years ago

Hello @owocki pls take a look

owocki commented 4 years ago

looking good! feel free to submit

On Fri, Nov 15, 2019 at 10:31 AM Emmanuel Jacobson wrote:

Hello @owocki pls take a look

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check out what i'm building on github

or what i'm shooting on photoshelter

or find me on twitter, facebook, instagram, linkedin, and

see you around teh internets!

PS -- Come to the next Boulder Blockchain meetup. Be there or be ^ 2. PPS -- Have I mentioned that *G*itcoin is live? More @

writeprovidence commented 4 years ago

@owocki okay, will do that

gitcoinbot commented 4 years ago

Issue Status: 1. Open 2. Started 3. Submitted 4. Done

Work for 10.0 ETH (1456.04 USD @ $145.6/ETH) has been submitted by:

  1. @writeprovidence
  2. @uivlis
  3. @kvndlgs
  4. @biuxmaster
  5. @guistf
  6. @kvndlgs

@owocki please take a look at the submitted work:

dvdptr commented 4 years ago

@owocki I'd like to pitch a style: as mentioned in my application I'm going to remix existing bots with gradients as fill color (brand related). I like this approach, could be used as some kind of special kudos for example. I'd like to do another one. let me know, thanks

Bildschirmfoto 2019-11-20 um 11 27 59

owocki commented 4 years ago

interesting idea! cool yeah i think this is right directionally

dvdptr commented 4 years ago

@owocki cool, thanks. will do another one and upload a preview asap

dvdptr commented 4 years ago

@owocki this is my second bot, r2d2 in gradient fill. to make them fit I chose similar style of coloring. going to send PR for both of them, would like to do some more if you approve. thanks

Bildschirmfoto 2019-11-21 um 10 44 07

dvdptr commented 4 years ago

@owocki PR for both bots sent

dvdptr commented 4 years ago

@owocki thanks for accepting the PR. let me know how you are paying out, as a tip I guess? if you like the gradient ones I'm happy to do some more.

kvndlgs commented 4 years ago

@owocki I've submitted my work but I copied the link to the SVG file instead of the pull request, will it cause a problem?

owocki commented 4 years ago

thats fine

On Fri, Nov 22, 2019 at 1:12 PM kvndlgs wrote:

@owocki I've submitted my work but I copied the link to the SVG file instead of the pull request, will it cause a problem?

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gitcoin is live and has generated over $2.7mm for Open Source Software - see our results

biuxmaster commented 4 years ago

@owocki Hi, I have applied and here it's some drafts I made. I'm waiting for your feedback


owocki commented 4 years ago

@biuxmaster thanks for doing that ! mind opening up a PR so i can give you feedback away from the main thread? thanks again; pumped for this :)

biuxmaster commented 4 years ago

@owocki I already made the PR, you can check here

kvndlgs commented 4 years ago

@owocki I updated my PR with a more related bot, I'm reading with my ears by moment. Sorry about that.

biuxmaster commented 4 years ago

@owocki Hi, I made a few more kudos about hippie, Colorado mountain and road trip. Pls, tell me what you think? kudos1

owocki commented 4 years ago

@biusmaster looks great - pls submit them

biuxmaster commented 4 years ago

@owocki Thanks, I already did the PR and submitted them on

biuxmaster commented 4 years ago

@owocki Hey, I don't know if this still active or not, but I made these 2 more kudos. What do you think? kudos

owocki commented 4 years ago

@biuxmaster they both look great! pls submit

biuxmaster commented 4 years ago

@owocki I already did the PR and submitted them on

uivlis commented 4 years ago

Hey @owocki was wondering when you'll proceed with the payments? Is this bounty still open? No rush, so to say, but it's been some time...

owocki commented 4 years ago

@uivlis yes its still open! tag me on the PR where i still owe u a payment. sorry i missed it!

uivlis commented 4 years ago

@owocki No worries, I just tagged you, but, from what I can see, all of those who have submitted work have not been paid yet. Maybe you forgot about the other PR's, too?

owocki commented 4 years ago

i've been tipping on the indvidual PRs.. will get u paid by monday (traveling this week so a little slow)

uivlis commented 4 years ago

@owocki Any news on the tips?

owocki commented 4 years ago


gitcoinbot commented 4 years ago

Issue Status: 1. Open 2. Cancelled

The funding of 10.0 ETH (1706.47 USD @ $170.65/ETH) attached to this issue has been cancelled by the bounty submitter

kvndlgs commented 4 years ago

@owocki should've had posted in this comment thread, I'm not sure what happened?

owocki commented 4 years ago

@kvndlgs mind tagging me on the PR u want me to payout?? thanks :)

owocki commented 4 years ago

here is the 7th edition bounty. give it a shot here