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The BIG Grants Round 7 Feedback Thread #7408

Closed owocki closed 3 years ago

owocki commented 4 years ago

Welcome to the BIG Gitcoin Grants CLR Round 7 Product Feedback Thread!

Grants is one of our core products alongside Gitcoin Hackathons. We improve grants on an iterative cycle around Gitcoin Grants rounds.

The next big effort to improve grants will be CLR round 8 (Dec 2020)

This is a thread where you can catalogue product feedback for us to work on for the next round.


codyborn commented 4 years ago

My donation transaction succeeded but the confirmation wasn't successful.


Here's the stack trace:

Error: overflow (fault="overflow", operation="toNumber", value="-44800000000000000", code=NUMERIC_FAULT, version=bignumber/5.0.7) makeError throwError d toNumber c p h dispatchSignedTransfers raven.js:58:31

owocki commented 4 years ago

@mds1 i think u are working on a similar issue at right

mds1 commented 4 years ago

My donation transaction succeeded but the confirmation wasn't successful.

@codyborn Don't worry, all of your zkSync transactions were also successful! There's a simple bug that causes this at the end that we need to fix, but no action is needed by you 🙂

niran commented 4 years ago

One of our donors is saying that a bug won't let them donate. "Invalid json rpc response." They tried on a few different browsers, but had the same problem. Does this sound familiar?

mds1 commented 4 years ago

Hey @niran!

One reason may be that the zkSync servers were down at that time. Have they tried again since? If it's still providing issues, can you/they provide more details about what was in their cart (mainly the list of tokens used), when exactly this happened, and any relevant tx hashes? If they're technically savvy, you can also dig into the "Network" tab in the browser console, find the specific request that failed, and pull out a detailed response from the request

Feel free to DM me the info on telegram if you don't want to post it publicly here!

niran commented 4 years ago

Still working on getting more information about the last issue, but here's a separate one: the cart screen silently fails to load if I haven't connected MetaMask yet.


mds1 commented 4 years ago

@niran Ah yes that one is a known issue! In the meantime just make sure MetaMask is unlocked/connected for now to work around that

owocki commented 4 years ago

suggestion to split community rounds by region

owocki commented 4 years ago

What about a social recommender à la 'enter your friends gitcoin handle' or 'look up your friends in this list of everyone who funded grants'?

owocki commented 4 years ago

Did a few gitcoin grant contributions: Some unsolicited feedback, if I may :) The link and the page that's generated and shared on twitter can be improved imho. I thought that the linked page (;5;283,821;5;283,238;5;283,40;5;283,:ksaitor) would show some sort of page with user's contributions, but instead it right away adds these contributions to cart. Which felt a bit "pushy" perhaps? Also it right away rewrote the url to - which also felt confusing for a bit. Aaaand the page doesn't seem to open when the user is not logged in. Why might not be good, if you are trying to convert people who haven't heard about gitcoin yet. My 2 cents. Something to pass to your growth team. Warm regards, Raman

owocki commented 4 years ago

video intros

owocki commented 4 years ago

santteegt commented 4 years ago

UI needs to improve the gas fees estimate when using zkSync. I used 63+66 gWei as gas cost (approval + Confirm) and I ended up spending > $4 in tx fees instead of ~ $1.615 estimated. Now I ended up in doubt of what would be better given the total amount of grants donations using a single token (DAI), doing an L2 vs L1.

Moreover, the total amount I donated was 7 DAI but the tx withdrew 8.724 DAI from my wallet? Why is that? 🤔


Txs on Etherscan:

Would be cool to have something better than the estimated % of gas savings. i.e. showing a more accurate gas estimate for both choices L2 vs L1 🙂

mds1 commented 4 years ago

Hey @santteegt, thanks for the feedback. Agreed it's a bit confusing. Getting a very accurate cost estimate can be tricky, so we're always working on better ways to estimate and display the fees.

To clarify how fees work, there's two sets of fees:

Given that it seems you had 6-7 items in your cart (from looking at zkScan transfers), zkSync was the cheaper option in your case 🙂

owocki commented 4 years ago

fernando mentioned that he wants the abilityt o upload a phooto; not make an avatar.

owocki commented 4 years ago

default token amount

owocki commented 4 years ago

suggestions from yalda + niran

Maybe add another box at checkout for people to opt into matching for their dev fund contribution? Like the box on our tax returns for the election campaign fund that doesn't cost you anything when you check it

I think adding this opt-in would make sense. Slight platform advantage, but at least the user takes the action to recognize it.
owocki commented 4 years ago

what can we do about scam grants?

owocki commented 4 years ago

showcase share images

owocki commented 4 years ago

also: Hey this would be cool to have, a template to thank funders and tweet them, any idea on how we can hack it?

owocki commented 4 years ago

if you update a grant activity; it should set the idle to 0

owocki commented 4 years ago

feedback thread on twitter

willsputra commented 4 years ago

The only thing I was confused by is that there were 3 buttons. I did the first one and the 2nd one then said I didn't have to do it (I think the 2nd step was approve ERC20s?). After I did that at the top it said "Please don't close this window, estimated wait is 2 - 4 minutes)", so I left it. I came back a half hour later and it was in the same state. That's when I realized there was the 3rd step I had ignored, pressed that button then everything went through and made sense -> make the relation between wait times and steps clearer (which step does this "2-4 minutes" correspond to?) -> provide option if people want to deposit funds to zksync wallet directly (not through gitcoin)

owocki commented 4 years ago

show total clr match on checkout (and in emails)

owocki commented 4 years ago

i got asked why the brightid verification hadn't run yet for a user

@Owocki how can I be sure I'm brightID verified?
i have the check next to my name, have gone to a verfication party, connected with a bunch of peopl
and connected it to gitcoin, but now it's prompting me to go to another verification party

the answer was

@Trent the brightid<>gitcoin verificaiton sync script runs once per day; and looks like it ahdnt run yet today.  im going to make a feedback note that it should run more often and/or user should be able to manually trigger it
i just re-ran it for you + your profile is def verified us

we should run it as soon as the user verifies i think, or at least 1x an hour. any reason not to do this @apbendi ?

owocki commented 4 years ago

add analytics to collections. view counts, add to cart counts, etc. displpay them publicly

owocki commented 4 years ago

Trends feedback

the "apply to all" button is a little too easy to engage
messed up all my totals a few times
the profile size is an improvement over the boxes of previous rounds, but i wish they were even smaller!
give me a spreadsheet
Watch for some grants that don't accept dai. I had a weird bug with Austin's grant.

spammy dupe grants

HTML spaghetti shows up on gitcoinlouis grant

"accidentally clicking a grant instead of opening a new tab and then having to scroll back down" is annoying

owocki commented 4 years ago

hey @apbendi @mds1 one potential showstopper; from a user

I commented "u up" on sam sun, not the defiant haha
and the daddy comment was for DeFi_Dad, not lighthouse :sweat_smile:

do you know why the comments input in the cart were given to the wrong grants? is there maybe some sort of 'off by one' error somewhere?

mds1 commented 4 years ago

Hey @tvanepps! Did you remove any grants from your cart? I'm guessing that may be the cause, and for some reason the comments didn't shift accordingly. It's possible this is fixed now after #7573, but I'll need to look into this to confirm

mds1 commented 4 years ago

Send emails later in the checkout process. They are sent immediately, which is confusing for zkSync checkout because the user thinks they can leave the page after they receive those emails, but in reality they must wait until everything is complete. See

owocki commented 4 years ago

automate the cart_reminder emails in the final few hours/days of the round


owocki commented 4 years ago

TODO: in the txn validator, do stuff related to long running pending txns - we should notify users of these + have them do something

cryptoouf-blog commented 4 years ago

Loved it. You are doing an amazing job.

I really liked the use zkSync for donation, it's easy and quick. But i didn't really understand how it works. You just have to sign 3 times. But can you also add a pop up window or something to show what are the fees for the transaction. Maybe it's only me, but at the end i was a bit lost regarding what i payed ...

owocki commented 4 years ago

emails should no longer say things like "1 time" as the product no longer supports multiple contributions / subscriptoins

owocki commented 4 years ago

on transactions page, add pagination and csv export

tjayrush commented 4 years ago

I'd like to see an alternative to the 'infinite scroll'. Infinite scroll makes it very difficult to consume the whole grants database in one shot. In fact, the only thing infinite about the scroll is how long it takes to see the data.

May I suggest a paginated table with configurable columns and robust sorting and filtering? It's pretty easy to add if you're a React app (are you? not sure?). This would allow anyone to find anything that they consider important. For example, I would exclude any grant that has 'dashboard' in it and most that have DeFi and all of the top 30 (as they've already gotten their share).

If you add 'checkboxes' and inline forms to adjust the payment amounts, that would make the process even that much more fluid.

Love your work. Keep up the excellent mission.

owocki commented 4 years ago

@frankchen07 suggests a 'similarity index' for helping catch collusion

octavioamu commented 4 years ago

"People who contributed to this grant also contributed to > " Basically a section on each grant with others grants people contributed also. Just a section with not more than 5 grants more contributed by the contributor.

owocki commented 4 years ago

ideas from ron ^^

cryptoouf-blog commented 4 years ago
  • Donate without creating account

There is this tool, that is amazing (they had a grant) , you can donate directly on twitter, and if i'm not wrong you don't need an account on github (maybe double check that)

edit: just asked. It works without an account, but you don't have the match

mds1 commented 4 years ago
owocki commented 4 years ago

we could perhaps add collabland integration

owocki commented 4 years ago

v: It's actually not clear to me that adding collections to cart is a behaviot worth encouraging

owocki commented 4 years ago

KYC feedback

owocki commented 4 years ago


owocki commented 4 years ago

people reach out to me at the start of the round to ask how they can maximize their grant, and we dont have a "how to promtoe your grant" guide to give them. as a result, people who have played the game the longest + have insider knowledge rise to the top.

owocki commented 4 years ago

partnership with yearn/one click portal thing

owocki commented 4 years ago

grant detail page needs cleanup

owocki commented 4 years ago distributed curation idea

owocki commented 4 years ago