The OpenWrt wiki is successfully using the data/datable plugin to format tabular data in its wiki (see, for example, for some goodness :-)
Is it possible to use the data from our dataentry pages to drop data into simple text? That is, I would like to enter something like:
The @@brand@@ @@model@@ is a @@devicetype@@ with @@numEthernet@@ Ethernet ports...
and have the plugin substitute the assorted data fields to produce this:
The OpenWrt wiki is successfully using the data/datable plugin to format tabular data in its wiki (see, for example, for some goodness :-)
Is it possible to use the data from our dataentry pages to drop data into simple text? That is, I would like to enter something like:
and have the plugin substitute the assorted data fields to produce this:
The XYZ 1234 is a router with 4 Ethernet ports...
Is there a facility to do this? Many thanks!