gitextensions / gitextensions.vsix

Visual Studio extensions for Git Extensions
MIT License
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InvalidCastException when dragging a file to Visual Studio #13

Open sharwell opened 5 years ago

sharwell commented 5 years ago

Current behavior

System.InvalidCastException: Specified cast is not valid. at System.Windows.Forms.IDataObject.GetDataPresent(Type format) at ICSharpCode.TextEditor.TextAreaDragDropHandler.OnDragEnter(Object sender, DragEventArgs e) at ICSharpCode.TextEditor.TextAreaDragDropHandler.\<>c__DisplayClass3_0.\<MakeDragEventHandler>b__0(Object sender, DragEventArgs e)

Expected behavior

No error.

Steps to reproduce

The preconditions for this state are unknown. Once entering the bad state, the behavior is triggered by attempting to drag a file from the Diff tab of FormBrowse to a Visual Studio window.



Did this work in previous version of GitExtensions

I've observed this occasionally for a long time (multiple versions).
