github-education-resources / classroom

GitHub Classroom automates repository creation and access control, making it easy for teachers to distribute starter code and collect assignments on GitHub.
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Revoking deleted repository #1815

Open reshamj opened 5 years ago

reshamj commented 5 years ago

1.My class was working on a group assignment for which I had done a Github Classroom setup here:

  1. I had created a Group assignment called 'Project'; within which my students created their teams and repository for the assignment.

  2. About 11 teams and their repositories were created in the past 2 weeks.

  3. This classroom page is linked to this organization page: All members are 'owner' in this organization.

  4. Today (25th April @ about 9.47 am) one of my students has accidentally deleted the assignment or modified it. First she has made the all secret between time slot 9.39 am to 9.42 am and then she has deleted them all @ 9.47 am

  5. The github classroom 'Project' no longer shows up; and all teams and their repo are not visible any more.

  6. The student who accidentally did it (github userid minavadamee20) on her logged in portal; she can see the repo have gone secret; to which she manually made public again; however the owners of those repo can no longer see any sourcode within.

  7. Here are the webhooks of the organization page.

  8. I dont know if they have been deleted or made secret; but it looks like all valuable assignment work is gone and its a mess with no way to revoke.

  9. Please provide the necessary assistance to resolve this issue as quickly as possible. I will attach the file having the json data from the webhooks; for you to figure out the situation

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stephaniegiang commented 5 years ago

Hi πŸ‘‹ I'm new to the Classroom team. I just wanted to clarify the steps you took so I can take a further look into the problem.

  1. You created a group assignment and your students created their teams and repositories
  2. A student working on the assignment deleted their assignment and were unable to view the assignment
  3. The student later logged into their GitHub account and was able to see the repository but the repository was private.
  4. The student then changed the repository from private to public. However the teacher and other students working on the assignment were unable to see it.

Let me know if there is anything I missed πŸ˜„

stale[bot] commented 5 years ago

This issue has been automatically marked as stale because it has not had recent activity. Thank you for your contributions.