github-education-resources / hackconviii

The conference for hacker community leaders: Here you can find everything related to the GitHub Scavenger Hunt.
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Scavenger Hunt Entry: Radhika Sethi #25

Closed radhikasethi2011 closed 4 years ago

radhikasethi2011 commented 4 years ago

Say hello πŸ‘‹

Make new friends πŸ‘―β€β™€οΈ Share a screenshot of you introducing yourself to someone new. image

Build your alter ego Octocat Please upload your Octocat here. image

Screenshot selfie Upload the selfie of you and a GitHub team member or Campus Expert here. image

Show us your "view" πŸ–Ό

Where in the world? 🌍

Attend at least one lightning talk or panel featuring a Campus Expert ⚑️ Which talk did you attend? Tell us a little bit about something you learned or were surprised by. "Why hackers should continue hacking after becoming an organizer" - Harsha Srikara What I learned - organizers have the following roles of Leadership, commitment, empowerment. But as an organizer, one shouldn't give up their original hobby of hacking, as well as create organizer meetups to boost the value of your community, for the other organizers that attend your hackathons.

πŸ₯š Share a screenshot of what you found with @elisemoe from Github on Discord 😁 be sure to include your computer's clock in the screenshot to verify you've found the surprise yourself πŸŽ‰

elisemoe commented 4 years ago

Congrats @radhikasethi2011 ✨ You've completed your missions and can advance to the final stage 🎟. The GitHub stage! Please stop by the GitHub Expo booth anytime we’re not in session (or when the video is running) and request to share audio and video. We’ll invite you onto the stage and would love to either,

  1. Hear your favorite programming joke, or
  2. See your favorite dance move

If you don't hear from us right away, be sure to ping us in the #github-at-hackcon channel. Completion of this task will enter you into the raffle for scavenger hunt prizes.

See you there πŸ’–

radhikasethi2011 commented 4 years ago

thank you!!!