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Are you using GitHub in a non-coding class? #6

Open afeld opened 10 years ago

afeld commented 10 years ago
dannguyen commented 10 years ago

I am going to be...I'm teaching a data journalism class, but the point is not to be submitting code/data (though students can, if necessary), but using Github-flavored Markdown to write assignments in a well-formatted, minimalistic way. Our lab computers don't have Github for Mac installed, so students can at least submit via the web interface.

Of course, one problem is that if they need to do something like, submit a non-text file as part of an assignment, they have to figure out a workaround (such as uploading to imgur/S3, then linking to it). Class hasn't started, so we'll see what comes up.

afeld commented 10 years ago

@dannguyen Check out – might solve your problem!

toddwseattle commented 10 years ago

We use it extensively (have for the last 3 years) in NUvention Web where our teams are a mix of students--grads and undergrads, CS and non-cs (everything from philosophy majors, MBA's and masters journalism). In the last two years, we have eschewed using status tools like basecamp in favor of github issues to track team performance. issues has some shortcomings; and in this way atlassian's bit bucket may win out this year as the tool of choice. Since the ultimate product of the course is a software product, we use pull requests on a stable branch of their product, submitted each week. The status is both technical and non-technical progress. The other tool we use extensively in that class is launchpad central; since our curriculim leans heavily on steve blank and jerry engel's leanlaunchpad class.

eduOS commented 9 years ago

How would I create a folder in browser?

afeld commented 9 years ago

@eduOS Git doesn't recognize empty folders, but you can make a new file in a new folder by typing forward slashes.

new folder