github-luffy / PFLD_68points_Pytorch

Implementation of PFLD For 68 Facial Landmarks By Pytorch
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loss or NME computing for convergence #26

Open epoc88 opened 3 years ago

epoc88 commented 3 years ago

I have tried both with "pretrained_model/mobileNetV2_0.25.pth" and without this pretrained model for retraining the model for common, challenge and fullset.

However, losses never goes down to below 30, neither from pretrained or retrained from initial-scratch. On the other hand, I tried to removed the training part of the code from see this

I did not add any pretrained model, but I still got some NME result..

Test epochs: 3 Loss 0.094 mean error and failure rate mean error : 0.061 failure rate: L1 0.161

So I am a bit confused...

The issue could be related to optimizer and gradient decent., or loss function WingLoss is good for fine tuning, but PFLF's MSE could be good in the beginning.

Here is a Chinese paper discussing the performance of PFLD on 300W, especially the loss function

One more thing, it is worth to mention that the default code for training is "common subset" for validation during training (i.e. without ibug images). There are common, challenge, fullset as validation subset.


然而,损失从不低于30 ,无论是从最初的训练或再训练。 另一方面,我试图从train_model.py中删除代码的训练部分 看看这个


测试阶段:3损耗0.094 平均误差和故障率 平均误差: 0.061 失效率:L1 0.161


这个问题可能与损耗函数 和 梯度下降法有关。**



论文结果 Speed on CPU (1.25ms) Model Size (2MB) NME (ION) Common (3.03) NME (ION) Challenge (5.15 ) NME (ION) Fullset (3.45) AUC (0.80)
我们代码的结果, 206 1.1 4.74 7.95 5.25 0.4889 (fullset)

主要差别,论文速度1.25ms, 我们的是200ms, MobileV2_0.25 的尺寸也不一样,论文是2.1MB, 我们pretrained_model 是1.1MB, 这个不是官方的pretrained model?


github-luffy commented 3 years ago

I have tried both with "pretrained_model/mobileNetV2_0.25.pth" and without this pretrained model for retraining the model for common, challenge and fullset.

However, losses never goes down to below 30, neither from pretrained or retrained from initial-scratch. On the other hand, I tried to removed the training part of the code from see this

I did not add any pretrained model, but I still got some NME result..

Test epochs: 3 Loss 0.094 mean error and failure rate mean error : 0.061 failure rate: L1 0.161

So I am a bit confused...

The issue could be related to optimizer and gradient decent., or loss function WingLoss is good for fine tuning, but PFLF's MSE could be good in the beginning.

Here is a Chinese paper discussing the performance of PFLD on 300W, especially the loss function

One more thing, it is worth to mention that the default code for training is "common subset" for validation during training (i.e. without ibug images). There are common, challenge, fullset as validation subset.


然而,损失从不低于30 ,无论是从最初的训练或再训练。 另一方面,我试图从train_model.py中删除代码的训练部分 看看这个


测试阶段:3损耗0.094 平均误差和故障率 平均误差: 0.061 失效率:L1 0.161





论文结果 Speed on CPU (1.25ms) Model Size (2MB) NME (ION) Common (3.03) NME (ION) Challenge (5.15 ) NME (ION) Fullset (3.45) AUC (0.80) 我们代码的结果, 206 1.1 4.74 7.95 5.25 0.4889 (fullset) 主要差别,论文速度1.25ms, 我们的是200ms, MobileV2_0.25 的尺寸也不一样,论文是2.1MB, 我们pretrained_model 是1.1MB, 这个不是官方的pretrained model?


感谢做了好多工作,简单回答以上几个问题: 1.损失从不低于30 ?可能是损失函数的设计,你可以修改或更换下损失跑跑看 2.没有添加任何预先训练的模型,得到了一些NME的结果?没设置模型,但是代码给了模型默认的路径,你确保这个有没有? 3.论文结果?可能跟论文结果有较多出入,MobileNetV2_0.25模型有些不同,你可以根据论文的参数设置网络,然后跑跑看

epoc88 commented 3 years ago

对不起,我的评论写的是英文, 中文部分基本是翻译的,可能说的不清楚。

用过pretrained_model, 但是loss 依然在30 以上。而且跳动比较大,不是单线下降的。 改过learning rate 也没有效果

github-luffy commented 3 years ago

提的几个问题都是很好的 1.损失从不低于30 ?损失函数是衡量模型预测的好坏程度,是一开始就是30还是损失下降到30然后基本不变(说明收敛),你可以改下损失函数试试,用MSE损失试试呢。 2.没有添加任何预先训练的模型,得到了一些NME的结果?待验证此问题。 3.论文结果?主要是参考了论文的算法思想,论文的实验结果没有重点去复现,有空去对比看看。

huangzhenjie commented 3 years ago

@github-luffy 我直接跑demo,loss也是下降不低于30,不知是不是正常情况,这是一个batch累计的loss?

huangzhenjie commented 3 years ago

@epoc88 效果怎样吗?