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Fix PowerShell instructions for GitHub Copilot CLI #32189

Open mpusch88 opened 3 months ago

mpusch88 commented 3 months ago

Code of Conduct

What article on is affected?

What part(s) of the article would you like to see updated?

Currently these instructions do not clarify which versions of PowerShell the premade Copilot aliases are compatible with - it looks like the output of the gh copilot alias command only works for PowerShell 7+, not Windows PowerShell.

It seems like it would make sense to do one of the following:

The expected outcome of this is that it would help people avoid confusion and annoyance.

Additional information

It's documentation - it is always reproducible, and everyone is effected.

mklement0 commented 3 months ago

The generated function code can easily be made Windows PowerShell-compatible, so I think the best solution is to accept gh copilot alias -- powershell simply as an alias of gh copilot alias -- pwsh and emit code that works in both PowerShell editions:

#  These functions work in both Windows PowerShell and PowerShell (Core) 7+
function ghcs {
    # Debug support provided by common PowerShell function parameters, which is natively aliased as -d or -db
        [ValidateSet('gh', 'git', 'shell')]
        [String]$Target = 'shell',

        [Parameter(Position = 0, ValueFromRemainingArguments)]
    # Create temporary file to store potential command user wants to execute when exiting
    $executeCommandFile = New-TemporaryFile

    # Store original value of GH_DEBUG environment variable
    $envGhDebug = $Env:GH_DEBUG

    if ($PSBoundParameters['Debug']) {
        $Env:GH_DEBUG = 'api'

    try {
        gh copilot suggest -t $Target -s "$executeCommandFile" $Prompt

        # Execute command contained within temporary file if it is not empty
        if ($executeCommandFile.Length -gt 0) {
            # Extract command to execute from temporary file
            $executeCommand = (Get-Content -Path $executeCommandFile -Raw).Trim()

            # Insert command into PowerShell up/down arrow key history

            # Insert command into PowerShell history
            $now = Get-Date
            $executeCommandHistoryItem = [PSCustomObject]@{
                CommandLine        = $executeCommand
                ExecutionStatus    = [Management.Automation.Runspaces.PipelineState]::NotStarted
                StartExecutionTime = $now
                EndExecutionTime   = $now.AddSeconds(1)
            Add-History -InputObject $executeCommandHistoryItem

            # Execute command
            Write-Host "`n"
            Invoke-Expression $executeCommand

    finally {
        # Clean up temporary file used to store potential command user wants to execute when exiting
        Remove-Item -Path $executeCommandFile
        # Restore GH_DEBUG environment variable to its original value
        $Env:GH_DEBUG = $envGhDebug

function ghce {
    # Debug support provided by common PowerShell function parameters, which is natively aliased as -d or -db
        [Parameter(Position = 0, ValueFromRemainingArguments)]
    # Store original value of GH_DEBUG environment variable
    $envGhDebug = $Env:GH_DEBUG
    if ($PSBoundParameters['Debug']) {
        $Env:GH_DEBUG = 'api'

    try {
        gh copilot explain $Prompt
    finally {
        # Restore GH_DEBUG environment variable to its original value
        $Env:GH_DEBUG = $envGhDebug

nguyenalex836 commented 3 months ago

@mpusch88 Thank you for opening this PR, and thank you @mklement0 for the added perspective! ✨ Our team will provide feedback regarding the best next steps for this issue - thanks for your patience! 💛