The GitHub Enterprise Importer (GEI) has been incrementally adding features to support the migration of Secret Scan Alert Resolutions, followed by Code Scan Alert Resolutions.
ANZx has more than 100 dependabot alerts that have been dismissed with a reason. When repositories are migrated across, dependabot will scan and raise alerts and those alerts that have previously been dismissed will come up again.
Please follow-up to see if GEI has migration of dependabot alert dismissal in the roadmap.
The GitHub Enterprise Importer (GEI) has been incrementally adding features to support the migration of Secret Scan Alert Resolutions, followed by Code Scan Alert Resolutions.
ANZx has more than 100 dependabot alerts that have been dismissed with a reason. When repositories are migrated across, dependabot will scan and raise alerts and those alerts that have previously been dismissed will come up again.
Please follow-up to see if GEI has migration of dependabot alert dismissal in the roadmap.