Open sky-9527-github opened 6 years ago
You may either use master
right now, and hopefully a new release is made available next week.
thanks shlomi-noach
It looks like v1.0.46 included this fix? I am still noticing this in our environment. I have been testing this on our replica with --test-on-replica
root@gh-ost01:~# gh-ost --version
gh-ost \
--user="ghost" \
--password="XXXXXXX" \
--host= \
--test-on-replica \
--database="MasterDB" \
--table="ServiceOutage" \
--verbose \
--alter="ADD COLUMN severity ENUM('warning', 'critical') DEFAULT 'critical';" \
--initially-drop-ghost-table \
--initially-drop-old-table \
--max-load=Threads_running=30 \
--switch-to-rbr \
--chunk-size=1500 \
--cut-over=default \
--exact-rowcount \
--concurrent-rowcount \
--serve-socket-file=/tmp/gh-ost.test.sock \
--panic-flag-file=/tmp/gh-ost.panic.flag \
--postpone-cut-over-flag-file=/tmp/ghost.postpone.flag \
--debug \
2018-06-14 15:43:37 DEBUG ApplyDMLEventQueries() applied 1 events in one transaction
2018-06-14 15:43:37 DEBUG Getting nothing in the write queue. Sleeping...
2018-06-14 15:43:37 INFO Waiting for events up to lock: got AllEventsUpToLockProcessed:1528991017145673087
2018-06-14 15:43:37 INFO Done waiting for events up to lock; duration=531.178611ms
# Migrating `MasterDB`.`ServiceOutage`; Ghost table is `MasterDB`.`_ServiceOutage_gho`
# Migrating mysql-replica:3306; inspecting mysql-replica:3306; executing on gh-ost01
# Migration started at Thu Jun 14 15:11:49 +0000 2018
# chunk-size: 1500; max-lag-millis: 1500ms; dml-batch-size: 10; max-load: Threads_running=30; critical-load: ; nice-r
atio: 0.000000
# throttle-additional-flag-file: /tmp/gh-ost.throttle
# throttle-control-replicas count: 1
# postpone-cut-over-flag-file: /tmp/ghost.postpone.flag
# panic-flag-file: /tmp/gh-ost.panic.flag
# Serving on unix socket: /tmp/gh-ost.test.sock
Copy: 10302979/10302979 100.0%; Applied: 7478; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 31m48s(total), 23m26s(copy); streamer: mysql-bi
n.056497:30432317; State: migrating; ETA: due
2018-06-14 15:43:37 INFO Setting RENAME timeout as 3 seconds
2018-06-14 15:43:37 INFO Session renaming tables is 4570
2018-06-14 15:43:37 INFO Issuing and expecting this to block: rename /* gh-ost */ table `MasterDB`.`ServiceOutage` to
`MasterDB`.`_ServiceOutage_del`, `MasterDB`.`_ServiceOutage_gho` to `MasterDB`.`ServiceOutage`
2018-06-14 15:43:37 INFO Found atomic RENAME to be blocking, as expected. Double checking the lock is still in place
(though I don't strictly have to)
2018-06-14 15:43:37 INFO Checking session lock: gh-ost.4532.lock
2018-06-14 15:43:37 INFO Connection holding lock on original table still exists
2018-06-14 15:43:37 INFO Will now proceed to drop magic table and unlock tables
2018-06-14 15:43:37 INFO Dropping magic cut-over table
2018-06-14 15:43:37 ERROR replication not running; Slave_IO_Running=No, Slave_SQL_Running=No
2018-06-14 15:43:37 INFO Releasing lock from `MasterDB`.`ServiceOutage`, `MasterDB`.`_ServiceOutage_del`
2018-06-14 15:43:37 INFO Tables unlocked
2018-06-14 15:43:37 INFO Tables renamed
2018-06-14 15:43:37 INFO Lock & rename duration: 637.858685ms. During this time, queries on `ServiceOutage` were bloc
2018-06-14 15:43:37 INFO Looking for magic cut-over table
2018-06-14 15:43:37 INFO Renaming back both tables
2018/06/14 15:43:37 binlogsyncer.go:107: [info] syncer is closing...
2018-06-14 15:43:37 DEBUG done streaming events
2018-06-14 15:43:37 DEBUG Done streaming
2018/06/14 15:43:37 binlogstreamer.go:47: [error] close sync with err: sync is been closing...
2018/06/14 15:43:37 binlogsyncer.go:122: [info] syncer is closed
2018-06-14 15:43:37 INFO Closed streamer connection. err=<nil>
2018-06-14 15:43:37 INFO Dropping table `MasterDB`.`_ServiceOutage_ghc`
2018-06-14 15:43:37 INFO Table dropped
2018-06-14 15:43:37 INFO Am not dropping old table because I want this operation to be as live as possible. If you in
sist I should do it, please add `--ok-to-drop-table` next time. But I prefer you do not. To drop the old table, issue
2018-06-14 15:43:37 INFO -- drop table `MasterDB`.`_ServiceOutage_del`
2018-06-14 15:43:37 INFO Done migrating `MasterDB`.`ServiceOutage`
2018-06-14 15:43:37 INFO Removing socket file: /tmp/gh-ost.test.sock
2018-06-14 15:43:37 INFO Tearing down inspector
2018-06-14 15:43:37 INFO Tearing down applier
2018-06-14 15:43:37 DEBUG Tearing down...
2018-06-14 15:43:37 INFO Tearing down streamer
2018-06-14 15:43:37 INFO Tearing down throttler
2018-06-14 15:43:37 DEBUG Tearing down...
# Done
I am noticing this in our environment ... [ashe@ccc~]$ gh-ost --version 1.0.46
Can also reproduce this:
2018-10-15 07:34:36 INFO StreamEvents encountered unexpected error: EOF
2018-10-15 07:34:41 INFO Reconnecting... Will resume at :0
2018/10/15 07:34:41 binlogsyncer.go:79: [info] create BinlogSyncer with config {99999 mysql x.x.x.x 3306 repl false false <nil>}
2018-10-15 07:34:41 INFO Connecting binlog streamer at mysql-bin.000843:4
2018/10/15 07:34:41 binlogsyncer.go:246: [info] begin to sync binlog from position (mysql-bin.000843, 4)
2018/10/15 07:34:41 binlogsyncer.go:139: [info] register slave for master server x.x.x.x:3306
2018/10/15 07:34:41 binlogsyncer.go:573: [info] rotate to (mysql-bin.000843, 4)
2018-10-15 07:34:41 INFO rotate to next log name: mysql-bin.000843
2018/10/15 07:34:41 binlogstreamer.go:47: [error] close sync with err: EOF
2018-10-15 07:34:41 INFO StreamEvents encountered unexpected error: EOF
2018-10-15 07:34:46 INFO Reconnecting... Will resume at :0
2018/10/15 07:34:46 binlogsyncer.go:79: [info] create BinlogSyncer with config {99999 mysql x.x.x.x 3306 repl false false <nil>}
2018-10-15 07:34:46 INFO Connecting binlog streamer at mysql-bin.000843:4
2018/10/15 07:34:46 binlogsyncer.go:246: [info] begin to sync binlog from position (mysql-bin.000843, 4)
2018/10/15 07:34:46 binlogsyncer.go:139: [info] register slave for master server x.x.x.x:3306
2018/10/15 07:34:46 binlogsyncer.go:573: [info] rotate to (mysql-bin.000843, 4)
2018/10/15 07:34:46 binlogstreamer.go:47: [error] close sync with err: EOF
2018-10-15 07:34:46 INFO rotate to next log name: mysql-bin.000843
2018-10-15 07:34:46 INFO StreamEvents encountered unexpected error: EOF
2018-10-15 07:34:51 INFO Reconnecting... Will resume at :0
2018/10/15 07:34:51 binlogsyncer.go:79: [info] create BinlogSyncer with config {99999 mysql x.x.x.x 3306 repl false false <nil>}
2018-10-15 07:34:51 INFO Connecting binlog streamer at mysql-bin.000843:4
2018/10/15 07:34:51 binlogsyncer.go:246: [info] begin to sync binlog from position (mysql-bin.000843, 4)
2018/10/15 07:34:51 binlogsyncer.go:139: [info] register slave for master server x.x.x.x:3306
2018/10/15 07:34:51 binlogsyncer.go:573: [info] rotate to (mysql-bin.000843, 4)
2018/10/15 07:34:51 binlogstreamer.go:47: [error] close sync with err: EOF
2018-10-15 07:34:51 INFO rotate to next log name: mysql-bin.000843
2018-10-15 07:34:51 INFO StreamEvents encountered unexpected error: EOF
2018-10-15 07:34:56 INFO Reconnecting... Will resume at :0
2018/10/15 07:34:56 binlogsyncer.go:79: [info] create BinlogSyncer with config {99999 mysql x.x.x.x 3306 repl false false <nil>}
2018-10-15 07:34:56 INFO Connecting binlog streamer at mysql-bin.000843:4
2018/10/15 07:34:56 binlogsyncer.go:246: [info] begin to sync binlog from position (mysql-bin.000843, 4)
2018/10/15 07:34:56 binlogsyncer.go:139: [info] register slave for master server x.x.x.x:3306
2018/10/15 07:34:56 binlogsyncer.go:573: [info] rotate to (mysql-bin.000843, 4)
2018/10/15 07:34:56 binlogstreamer.go:47: [error] close sync with err: EOF
2018-10-15 07:34:56 INFO rotate to next log name: mysql-bin.000843
2018-10-15 07:34:56 INFO StreamEvents encountered unexpected error: EOF
This message is being printed by a 3rd party library gh-ost
uses, and I have no control over the printing of the message. However, if gh-ost
itself does not indicate an error (and in the logs provided by @CoryPulm and @peppy gh-ost
does not indicate an error) then you may safely ignore it.
I see, thanks for the follow-up. I will try letting it run and see how it goes.
It seems to have eventually errored after leaving it to run:
2018/10/15 08:07:12 binlogstreamer.go:47: [error] close sync with err: EOF
2018-10-15 08:07:12 INFO rotate to next log name: mysql-bin.000844
2018-10-15 08:07:12 INFO StreamEvents encountered unexpected error: EOF
2018-10-15 08:07:17 FATAL 121 successive failures in streamer reconnect at coordinates mysql-bin.000844:4
@peppy which version are you running? and which MySQL version?
> gh-ost --version
| 8.0.12 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
I'm seeing the exact same issue with gh-ost version 1.0.47 and mysql 8.0.11.
I have tested in both RDS and dbdeployer. Here's my command line and a log snippet for dbdeployer:
$ gh-ost --chunk-size=1000 --user=ghost --password=SECRET --database=foo --table=foo --host=localhost --allow-on-master --switch-to-rbr --execute --port=20112 --alter="add index idx1 (b) invisible" --verbose
2018-10-26 15:27:19 INFO starting gh-ost 1.0.47
2018-10-26 15:27:19 INFO Migrating foo
2018-10-26 15:27:19 INFO connection validated on localhost:20112
2018-10-26 15:27:19 INFO User has SUPER, REPLICATION SLAVE privileges, and has ALL privileges on foo
2018-10-26 15:27:19 INFO binary logs validated on localhost:20112
2018-10-26 15:27:19 INFO Restarting replication on localhost:20112 to make sure binlog settings apply to replication thread
2018-10-26 15:27:19 INFO Inspector initiated on drogart-us-la:20112, version 8.0.11
2018-10-26 15:27:19 INFO Table found. Engine=InnoDB
2018-10-26 15:27:19 INFO Estimated number of rows via EXPLAIN: 2
2018-10-26 15:27:19 INFO Recursively searching for replication master
2018-10-26 15:27:19 INFO Master found to be drogart-us-la:20112
2018-10-26 15:27:19 INFO log_slave_updates validated on localhost:20112
2018-10-26 15:27:19 INFO connection validated on localhost:20112
2018/10/26 15:27:19 binlogsyncer.go:79: [info] create BinlogSyncer with config {99999 mysql localhost 20112 ghost false false foo
2018-10-26 15:27:19 INFO Table dropped
2018-10-26 15:27:19 INFO Creating changelog table foo
2018-10-26 15:27:19 INFO Changelog table created
2018-10-26 15:27:19 INFO Creating ghost table foo
2018-10-26 15:27:19 INFO Ghost table created
2018-10-26 15:27:19 INFO Altering ghost table foo
2018-10-26 15:27:19 INFO Ghost table altered
2018/10/26 15:27:19 binlogstreamer.go:47: [error] close sync with err: EOF
2018-10-26 15:27:19 INFO StreamEvents encountered unexpected error: EOF
2018-10-26 15:27:19 INFO Waiting for ghost table to be migrated. Current lag is 0s
2018-10-26 15:27:24 INFO Reconnecting... Will resume at :0
2018/10/26 15:27:24 binlogsyncer.go:79: [info] create BinlogSyncer with config {99999 mysql localhost 20112 ghost false false
The same gh-ost version and parameters work fine for mysql 5.7.x in both RDS and dbdeployer, so I think it must be something peculiar to mysql 8. I thought perhaps it might be the log_bin_use_v1_row_events setting, but I've tested with that either way with the same error(s).
Any other info I can provide to help troubleshoot this?
Thanks, Dan
I'm merely guessing that 8.0.*
is where this is being seen (I'm not running 8.0
myself, nor is gh-ost
tested on 8.0
in CI at this time). I'll need to look more deeply into this.
Same error on 1.0.47:
[root@node1 vagrant]# gh-ost --version 1.0.47
gh-ost --user=root --database employees --table departments_copy --alter="engine=innodb" --allow-on-master --execute
2018/11/15 00:18:40 binlogsyncer.go:107: [info] syncer is closing... 2018/11/15 00:18:41 binlogstreamer.go:47: [error] close sync with err: sync is been closing...
Same error on 1.0.47 mysql:5.7.21-21-log Percona Server (GPL), Release 21, Revision 2a37e4e command: gh-ost \ --max-load=Threads_running=32 \ --critical-load=Threads_running=32 \ --chunk-size=1000 \ --throttle-control-replicas="$throttle_control_replicas" \ --max-lag-millis=1000 \ --initially-drop-old-table \ --initially-drop-ghost-table \ --conf="xxx" \ --host="$binlog_slave" \ --port="$port" \ --database="$database" \ --table="$table" \ --debug \ --alter="$sql" \ --switch-to-rbr \ --allow-master-master \ --cut-over=default \ --default-retries=3 \ --critical-load-interval-millis=3000 \ --panic-flag-file=/tmp/ghost.panic.flag \ --execute the log: 2018/11/22 21:21:58 binlogsyncer.go:107: ESC[0;37m[info] syncer is closing... ESC[0m 2018/11/22 21:21:58 binlogstreamer.go:47: ESC[0;31m[error] close sync with err: sync is been closing...ESC[0m 2018/11/22 21:21:58 binlogsyncer.go:122: ESC[0;37m[info] syncer is closed ESC[0m
Any updates on this issue?
No updates; unfortunately I do not have the spare cycles to investigate this right now.
Understandable, thanks for the update.
I've ran into the same issues mentioned above and reproduced in an AWS environment (gist here): basically it does have something to do with MySQL 8 because MySQL 5.7 works.
Digging deeper, it seems that in the 1.0.47 version of gh-ost released in October 2018, the MySQL toolset ( used under the hood had some issues with MySQL 8 - handling the new default authentication for one, and possibly others.
However, there's been updates that were merged in December, and I presume that got pulled into this project at the beginning of the year (I'm new to Golang, but is there a way to see what specific version is vendored into this project? How are dependencies managed in this project/in general?). Building gh-ost from master and running a migration on MySQL 8 RDS seems to be working where the 1.0.47 release is failing with the EOF error.
Building gh-ost from master and running a migration on MySQL 8 RDS seems to be working where the 1.0.47 release is failing with the EOF error.
Thank you so much for testing this!
I'm new to Golang, but is there a way to see what specific version is vendored into this project? How are dependencies managed in this project/in general?
Ahem. I gave up on multiple vendoring/versioning approaches and right now vendoring is unversioned. To be clear, this is not the right way to go. Also, I'm yet to gain trust in a golang dependency manager.
I'll make a release shortly, I hope.
Hoping to give this a test-run today. Thanks for the investigation @alextsui05!
Confirming building from master works as expected (mysqld Ver 8.0.12 for Linux on x86_64 (MySQL Community Server - GPL
Hitting a snag on obtaining a lock at the final stages of switching, but that is not relevant to this issue.
The release is a bit more of a hassle to generate, seeing that there is now CGO involved in the underlying go-mysql
binary. I hope to deliver later today.
For what it's worth, I'm hitting a (likely) mysql 8 related issue here. Something weird going on with column statistics locks.
I try gh-ost 1.0.47 on mysql version 5.6.23 for the first time. the log is:
2019-02-15 10:32:13 INFO rotate to next log from mysql-bin.000239:0 to mysql-bin.000239
2019-02-15 10:32:13 INFO StreamEvents encountered unexpected error: EOF
2019-02-15 10:32:18 INFO Reconnecting... Will resume at :0
2019/02/15 10:32:18 binlogsyncer.go:79: [info] create BinlogSyncer with config {99999 mysql 3613 root false false
the error is about what? need some configure of mysql be changed ?@shlomi-noach
@bingo711x please try
I can confirm the 1.0.48 release resolves the binlogstreamer.go error with mysql 8.0.11 during my testing with dbdeployer.
I am however now hitting the cutover issue described here. I'll comment further on that thread...
Thanks much!
Same error on 1.0.48
gh-ost: 1.0.48 MySQL: 5.7.25(AWS RDS)
ubuntu@host:/data$ gh-ost --host=$HOST --user=root --password=$MYSQL_PASSWORD --database=$DATABASE --table=$TABLE --alter="
add column $COL1 bigint NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, add column $COL2 bigint NOT NULL DEFAULT 0" --allow-on-master --execute --initially-drop-old-table
[2019/07/31 07:52:28] [info] binlogsyncer.go:133 create BinlogSyncer with config {99999 mysql $HOST 3306 root false false <nil> false UTC true 0 0s 0s 0 false}
[2019/07/31 07:52:28] [info] binlogsyncer.go:354 begin to sync binlog from position (mysql-bin-changelog.028397, 6788161)
[2019/07/31 07:52:28] [info] binlogsyncer.go:203 register slave for master server $HOST:3306
[2019/07/31 07:52:28] [info] binlogsyncer.go:723 rotate to (mysql-bin-changelog.028397, 6788161)
# Migrating `$DATABASE`.`$TABLE`; Ghost table is `$DATABASE`.`_$TABLE_gho`
# Migrating ip-172-21-2-151:3306; inspecting ip-172-21-2-151:3306; executing on ip-10-0-1-190
# Migration started at Wed Jul 31 07:52:28 +0000 2019
# chunk-size: 1000; max-lag-millis: 1500ms; dml-batch-size: 10; max-load: ; critical-load: ; nice-ratio: 0.000000
# throttle-additional-flag-file: /tmp/gh-ost.throttle
# Serving on unix socket: /tmp/gh-ost.$DATABASE.$TABLE.sock
Copy: 0/1481583 0.0%; Applied: 0; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 0s(total), 0s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin-changelog.028397:6791220; State: migrating; ETA: N/A
Copy: 0/1481583 0.0%; Applied: 0; Backlog: 377/1000; Time: 1s(total), 1s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin-changelog.028397:7002834; State: migrating; ETA: N/A
Copy: 33000/1481583 2.2%; Applied: 387; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 2s(total), 2s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin-changelog.028397:11525040; State: migrating; ETA: 1m28s
Copy: 85000/1481583 5.7%; Applied: 387; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 3s(total), 3s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin-changelog.028397:18648888; State: migrating; ETA: 49s
Copy: 124000/1481583 8.4%; Applied: 387; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 4s(total), 4s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin-changelog.028397:23993390; State: migrating; ETA: 43s
Copy: 171000/1481583 11.5%; Applied: 387; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 5s(total), 5s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin-changelog.028397:30432288; State: migrating; ETA: 38s
Copy: 214000/1481583 14.4%; Applied: 457; Backlog: 415/1000; Time: 6s(total), 6s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin-changelog.028397:36589787; State: migrating; ETA: 35s
Copy: 253000/1481583 17.1%; Applied: 882; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 7s(total), 7s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin-changelog.028397:41936161; State: migrating; ETA: 34s
Copy: 296000/1481583 20.0%; Applied: 882; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 8s(total), 8s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin-changelog.028397:47827867; State: migrating; ETA: 32s
Copy: 336000/1481583 22.7%; Applied: 882; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 9s(total), 9s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin-changelog.028397:53308860; State: migrating; ETA: 30s
Copy: 386000/1481583 26.1%; Applied: 882; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 10s(total), 10s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin-changelog.028397:60095589; State: migrating; ETA: 28s
Copy: 433000/1481583 29.2%; Applied: 882; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 11s(total), 11s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin-changelog.028397:66598233; State: migrating; ETA: 26s
Copy: 475000/1481583 32.1%; Applied: 1293; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 12s(total), 12s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin-changelog.028397:72572019; State: migrating; ETA: 25s
Copy: 525000/1481583 35.4%; Applied: 1293; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 13s(total), 13s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin-changelog.028397:79422061; State: migrating; ETA: 23s
Copy: 572000/1481583 38.6%; Applied: 1293; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 14s(total), 14s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin-changelog.028397:85861392; State: migrating; ETA: 22s
Copy: 626000/1481583 42.3%; Applied: 1293; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 15s(total), 15s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin-changelog.028397:93258629; State: migrating; ETA: 20s
Copy: 678000/1481583 45.8%; Applied: 1293; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 16s(total), 16s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin-changelog.028397:100382912; State: migrating; ETA: 18s
Copy: 719000/1481583 48.5%; Applied: 1736; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 17s(total), 17s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin-changelog.028397:106239677; State: migrating; ETA: 18s
Copy: 768000/1481583 51.8%; Applied: 1736; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 18s(total), 18s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin-changelog.028397:112952815; State: migrating; ETA: 16s
Copy: 818000/1481583 55.2%; Applied: 1736; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 19s(total), 19s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin-changelog.028397:119802862; State: migrating; ETA: 15s
Copy: 872000/1481583 58.9%; Applied: 1736; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 20s(total), 20s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin-changelog.028397:127200100; State: migrating; ETA: 13s
[2019/07/31 07:52:50] [info] binlogsyncer.go:723 rotate to (mysql-bin-changelog.028398, 4)
[2019/07/31 07:52:50] [info] binlogsyncer.go:723 rotate to (mysql-bin-changelog.028398, 4)
Copy: 923000/1481583 62.3%; Applied: 1736; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 21s(total), 21s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin-changelog.028397:134324380; State: migrating; ETA: 12s
Copy: 965000/1481583 65.1%; Applied: 2054; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 22s(total), 22s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin-changelog.028398:5788236; State: migrating; ETA: 11s
Copy: 1019000/1481583 68.8%; Applied: 2054; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 23s(total), 23s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin-changelog.028398:13185900; State: migrating; ETA: 10s
Copy: 1070000/1481583 72.2%; Applied: 2054; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 24s(total), 24s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin-changelog.028398:20172851; State: migrating; ETA: 9s
Copy: 1120000/1481583 75.6%; Applied: 2054; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 25s(total), 25s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin-changelog.028398:27022889; State: migrating; ETA: 8s
Copy: 1173000/1481583 79.2%; Applied: 2054; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 26s(total), 26s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin-changelog.028398:34283648; State: migrating; ETA: 6s
Copy: 1219000/1481583 82.3%; Applied: 2416; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 27s(total), 27s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin-changelog.028398:40780772; State: migrating; ETA: 5s
Copy: 1272000/1481583 85.9%; Applied: 2416; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 28s(total), 28s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin-changelog.028398:48041103; State: migrating; ETA: 4s
Copy: 1324000/1481583 89.4%; Applied: 2416; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 29s(total), 29s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin-changelog.028398:55028055; State: migrating; ETA: 3s
Copy: 1375000/1481583 92.8%; Applied: 2416; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 30s(total), 30s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin-changelog.028398:62151910; State: migrating; ETA: 2s
Copy: 1414000/1481583 95.4%; Applied: 2416; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 31s(total), 31s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin-changelog.028398:67433113; State: migrating; ETA: 1s
Copy: 1459000/1481583 98.5%; Applied: 2792; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 32s(total), 32s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin-changelog.028398:73864657; State: migrating; ETA: 0s
Copy: 1505000/1481583 101.6%; Applied: 2792; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 33s(total), 33s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin-changelog.028398:80167082; State: migrating; ETA: due
Copy: 1505000/1481583 101.6%; Applied: 2792; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 34s(total), 34s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin-changelog.028398:80171879; State: migrating; ETA: due
Copy: 1509998/1481583 101.9%; Applied: 2792; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 35s(total), 35s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin-changelog.028398:80860931; State: migrating; ETA: due
Copy: 1509998/1481583 101.9%; Applied: 2792; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 36s(total), 36s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin-changelog.028398:80865726; State: migrating; ETA: due
Copy: 1510998/1481583 102.0%; Applied: 3224; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 37s(total), 37s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin-changelog.028398:81242591; State: migrating; ETA: due
Copy: 1510998/1481583 102.0%; Applied: 3224; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 38s(total), 38s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin-changelog.028398:81247349; State: migrating; ETA: due
Copy: 1510998/1481583 102.0%; Applied: 3224; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 39s(total), 39s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin-changelog.028398:81252099; State: migrating; ETA: due
Copy: 1510998/1481583 102.0%; Applied: 3224; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 40s(total), 40s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin-changelog.028398:81256852; State: migrating; ETA: due
Copy: 1510998/1481583 102.0%; Applied: 3224; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 41s(total), 41s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin-changelog.028398:81261593; State: migrating; ETA: due
Copy: 1537995/1481583 103.8%; Applied: 3565; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 42s(total), 42s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin-changelog.028398:85151375; State: migrating; ETA: due
Copy: 1537995/1481583 103.8%; Applied: 3565; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 43s(total), 43s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin-changelog.028398:85156172; State: migrating; ETA: due
Copy: 1537995/1481583 103.8%; Applied: 3565; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 44s(total), 44s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin-changelog.028398:85160969; State: migrating; ETA: due
Copy: 1537995/1481583 103.8%; Applied: 3565; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 45s(total), 45s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin-changelog.028398:85165766; State: migrating; ETA: due
Copy: 1537995/1481583 103.8%; Applied: 3565; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 46s(total), 46s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin-changelog.028398:85170561; State: migrating; ETA: due
Copy: 1540995/1481583 104.0%; Applied: 3965; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 47s(total), 47s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin-changelog.028398:85824681; State: migrating; ETA: due
Copy: 1540995/1481583 104.0%; Applied: 3965; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 48s(total), 48s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin-changelog.028398:85829438; State: migrating; ETA: due
Copy: 1540995/1481583 104.0%; Applied: 3965; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 49s(total), 49s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin-changelog.028398:85834187; State: migrating; ETA: due
Copy: 1540995/1481583 104.0%; Applied: 3965; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 50s(total), 50s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin-changelog.028398:85838970; State: migrating; ETA: due
Copy: 1540995/1481583 104.0%; Applied: 3965; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 51s(total), 51s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin-changelog.028398:85843342; State: migrating; ETA: due
Copy: 1543995/1481583 104.2%; Applied: 4404; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 52s(total), 52s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin-changelog.028398:86544052; State: migrating; ETA: due
Copy: 1543995/1481583 104.2%; Applied: 4404; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 53s(total), 53s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin-changelog.028398:86548811; State: migrating; ETA: due
Copy: 1543995/1481583 104.2%; Applied: 4404; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 54s(total), 54s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin-changelog.028398:86553561; State: migrating; ETA: due
Copy: 1543995/1481583 104.2%; Applied: 4404; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 55s(total), 55s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin-changelog.028398:86558317; State: migrating; ETA: due
Copy: 1543995/1481583 104.2%; Applied: 4404; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 56s(total), 56s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin-changelog.028398:86563106; State: migrating; ETA: due
Copy: 1544995/1481583 104.3%; Applied: 4813; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 57s(total), 57s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin-changelog.028398:87014180; State: migrating; ETA: due
Copy: 1544995/1481583 104.3%; Applied: 4813; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 58s(total), 58s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin-changelog.028398:87018929; State: migrating; ETA: due
Copy: 1544995/1481583 104.3%; Applied: 4813; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 59s(total), 59s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin-changelog.028398:87023685; State: migrating; ETA: due
Copy: 1544995/1481583 104.3%; Applied: 4813; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 1m0s(total), 1m0s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin-changelog.028398:87028433; State: migrating; ETA: due
Copy: 1550423/1550423 100.0%; Applied: 5199; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 1m2s(total), 1m2s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin-changelog.028398:88080344; State: migrating; ETA: due
Copy: 1550423/1550423 100.0%; Applied: 5199; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 1m5s(total), 1m2s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin-changelog.028398:88093997; State: migrating; ETA: due
# Migrating `$DATABASE`.`$TABLE`; Ghost table is `$DATABASE`.`_$TABLE_gho`
# Migrating ip-172-21-2-151:3306; inspecting ip-172-21-2-151:3306; executing on ip-10-0-1-190
# Migration started at Wed Jul 31 07:52:28 +0000 2019
# chunk-size: 1000; max-lag-millis: 1500ms; dml-batch-size: 10; max-load: ; critical-load: ; nice-ratio: 0.000000
# throttle-additional-flag-file: /tmp/gh-ost.throttle
# Serving on unix socket: /tmp/gh-ost.$DATABASE.$TABLE.sock
Copy: 1550423/1550423 100.0%; Applied: 5695; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 1m7s(total), 1m2s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin-changelog.028398:88577801; State: migrating; ETA: due
[2019/07/31 07:53:36] [info] binlogsyncer.go:164 syncer is closing...
[2019/07/31 07:53:36] [error] binlogstreamer.go:77 close sync with err: sync is been closing...
[2019/07/31 07:53:36] [info] binlogsyncer.go:179 syncer is closed
# Done
Same error on 1.0.48 gh-ost: 1.0.48 MySQL:5.7.27
gh-ost --host=$HOST --user=root --password=$MYSQL_PASSWORD --database=$DATABASE --table=$TABLE --alter=" add column integral int(11) NOT NULL default 0 comment 'xx' after column1;" --allow-on-master --assume-rbr --initially-drop-ghost-table --initially-drop-old-table -exact-rowcount --approve-renamed-columns --concurrent-rowcount=false --hooks-path=/tmp/hook
[2019/08/29 02:02:57] [info] binlogsyncer.go:133 create BinlogSyncer with config {99999 mysql 3311 incep_user false false false UTC true 0 0s 0s 0 false}
[2019/08/29 02:02:57] [info] binlogsyncer.go:354 begin to sync binlog from position (mysql-bin.082465, 74695149)
[2019/08/29 02:02:57] [info] binlogsyncer.go:203 register slave for master server
[2019/08/29 02:02:57] [info] binlogsyncer.go:723 rotate to (mysql-bin.082465, 74695149)
# Migrating `um`.`um_user_info_base`; Ghost table is `um`.`_um_user_info_base_gho`
# Migrating vcs1:3311; inspecting vcs1:3311; executing on sz080073
# Migration started at Thu Aug 29 02:02:56 +0800 2019
# chunk-size: 1000; max-lag-millis: 1500ms; dml-batch-size: 10; max-load: ; critical-load: ; nice-ratio: 0.000000
# throttle-additional-flag-file: /tmp/gh-ost.throttle
# Serving on unix socket: /tmp/
Copy: 0/4810499 0.0%; Applied: 0; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 1s(total), 0s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin.082465:75134694; State: migrating; ETA: N/A
Copy: 0/4810499 0.0%; Applied: 0; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 2s(total), 1s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin.082465:75524398; State: migrating; ETA: N/A
Copy: 11000/4810499 0.2%; Applied: 0; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 3s(total), 2s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin.082465:76926452; State: migrating; ETA: N/A
Copy: 24000/4810499 0.5%; Applied: 0; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 4s(total), 3s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin.082465:78486588; State: migrating; ETA: N/A
Copy: 37000/4810499 0.8%; Applied: 0; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 5s(total), 4s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin.082465:79997881; State: migrating; ETA: N/A
Copy: 47000/4810500 1.0%; Applied: 2; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 6s(total), 5s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin.082465:81430422; State: migrating; ETA: N/A
Copy: 59000/4810501 1.2%; Applied: 4; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 7s(total), 6s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin.082465:82977427; State: migrating; ETA: 8m3s
Copy: 70000/4810501 1.5%; Applied: 4; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 8s(total), 7s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin.082465:84310689; State: migrating; ETA: 7m54s
Copy: 81000/4810501 1.7%; Applied: 4; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 9s(total), 8s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin.082465:85949642; State: migrating; ETA: 7m47s
Copy: 91000/4810501 1.9%; Applied: 4; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 10s(total), 9s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin.082465:87255071; State: migrating; ETA: 7m46s
Copy: 102000/4810501 2.1%; Applied: 4; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 11s(total), 10s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin.082465:88717004; State: migrating; ETA: 7m41s
Copy: 112000/4810501 2.3%; Applied: 4; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 12s(total), 11s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin.082465:90137669; State: migrating; ETA: 7m41s
Copy: 124000/4810501 2.6%; Applied: 4; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 13s(total), 12s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin.082465:91585554; State: migrating; ETA: 7m33s
Copy: 134000/4810501 2.8%; Applied: 4; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 14s(total), 13s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin.082465:92910159; State: migrating; ETA: 7m33s
Copy: 144000/4810501 3.0%; Applied: 5; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 15s(total), 14s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin.082465:94204307; State: migrating; ETA: 7m33s
Copy: 155000/4810501 3.2%; Applied: 5; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 16s(total), 15s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin.082465:95647022; State: migrating; ETA: 7m30s
Copy: 165000/4810501 3.4%; Applied: 5; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 17s(total), 16s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin.082465:97038992; State: migrating; ETA: 7m30s
Copy: 176000/4810501 3.7%; Applied: 5; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 18s(total), 17s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin.082465:98508414; State: migrating; ETA: 7m27s
Copy: 186000/4810501 3.9%; Applied: 5; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 19s(total), 18s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin.082465:99788526; State: migrating; ETA: 7m27s
Copy: 196000/4810501 4.1%; Applied: 5; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 20s(total), 19s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin.082465:101243558; State: migrating; ETA: 7m27s
Copy: 206000/4810501 4.3%; Applied: 5; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 21s(total), 20s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin.082465:102766541; State: migrating; ETA: 7m27s
Copy: 216000/4810501 4.5%; Applied: 5; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 22s(total), 21s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin.082465:104162319; State: migrating; ETA: 7m26s
Copy: 227000/4810501 4.7%; Applied: 5; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 23s(total), 22s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin.082465:105808010; State: migrating; ETA: 7m24s
Copy: 237000/4810501 4.9%; Applied: 7; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 24s(total), 23s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin.082465:107433607; State: migrating; ETA: 7m23s
Copy: 247000/4810501 5.1%; Applied: 7; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 25s(total), 24s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin.082465:108960307; State: migrating; ETA: 7m23s
Copy: 257000/4810501 5.3%; Applied: 7; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 26s(total), 25s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin.082465:110533000; State: migrating; ETA: 7m23s
Copy: 267000/4810501 5.6%; Applied: 7; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 27s(total), 26s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin.082465:112062789; State: migrating; ETA: 7m22s
Copy: 277000/4810501 5.8%; Applied: 7; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 28s(total), 27s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin.082465:113639832; State: migrating; ETA: 7m21s
Copy: 285000/4810501 5.9%; Applied: 7; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 29s(total), 28s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin.082465:114965872; State: migrating; ETA: 7m24s
Copy: 295000/4810501 6.1%; Applied: 7; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 30s(total), 29s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin.082465:116526263; State: migrating; ETA: 7m23s
Copy: 304000/4810501 6.3%; Applied: 7; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 31s(total), 30s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin.082465:118086150; State: migrating; ETA: 7m24s
Copy: 313000/4810501 6.5%; Applied: 7; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 32s(total), 31s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin.082465:119532085; State: migrating; ETA: 7m25s
Copy: 322000/4810501 6.7%; Applied: 7; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 33s(total), 32s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin.082465:121042067; State: migrating; ETA: 7m26s
Copy: 332000/4810501 6.9%; Applied: 7; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 34s(total), 33s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin.082465:122535683; State: migrating; ETA: 7m25s
Copy: 342000/4810501 7.1%; Applied: 7; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 35s(total), 34s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin.082465:124023456; State: migrating; ETA: 7m24s
Copy: 352000/4810501 7.3%; Applied: 7; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 36s(total), 35s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin.082465:125581526; State: migrating; ETA: 7m23s
Copy: 362000/4810502 7.5%; Applied: 9; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 37s(total), 36s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin.082465:127156522; State: migrating; ETA: 7m22s
Copy: 372000/4810502 7.7%; Applied: 9; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 38s(total), 37s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin.082465:128767271; State: migrating; ETA: 7m21s
Copy: 382000/4810502 7.9%; Applied: 9; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 39s(total), 38s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin.082465:130288750; State: migrating; ETA: 7m20s
Copy: 391000/4810502 8.1%; Applied: 9; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 40s(total), 39s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin.082465:131792546; State: migrating; ETA: 7m20s
Copy: 401000/4810502 8.3%; Applied: 9; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 41s(total), 40s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin.082465:133337900; State: migrating; ETA: 7m19s
Copy: 411000/4810502 8.5%; Applied: 9; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 42s(total), 41s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin.082465:135076896; State: migrating; ETA: 7m18s
Copy: 420000/4810502 8.7%; Applied: 9; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 43s(total), 42s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin.082465:136722576; State: migrating; ETA: 7m19s
Copy: 429000/4810502 8.9%; Applied: 9; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 44s(total), 43s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin.082465:138255851; State: migrating; ETA: 7m19s
Copy: 439000/4810502 9.1%; Applied: 9; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 45s(total), 44s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin.082465:139835619; State: migrating; ETA: 7m18s
Copy: 448000/4810502 9.3%; Applied: 9; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 46s(total), 45s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin.082465:141463596; State: migrating; ETA: 7m18s
Copy: 458000/4810502 9.5%; Applied: 9; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 47s(total), 46s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin.082465:143201272; State: migrating; ETA: 7m17s
Copy: 467000/4810502 9.7%; Applied: 9; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 48s(total), 47s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin.082465:144766596; State: migrating; ETA: 7m17s
Copy: 477000/4810502 9.9%; Applied: 9; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 49s(total), 48s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin.082465:146431747; State: migrating; ETA: 7m16s
Copy: 485000/4810502 10.1%; Applied: 10; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 50s(total), 49s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin.082465:147855537; State: migrating; ETA: 7m17s
Copy: 494000/4810502 10.3%; Applied: 10; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 51s(total), 50s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin.082465:149446917; State: migrating; ETA: 7m16s
Copy: 504000/4810502 10.5%; Applied: 10; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 52s(total), 51s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin.082465:151126286; State: migrating; ETA: 7m15s
Copy: 513000/4810502 10.7%; Applied: 10; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 53s(total), 52s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin.082465:152734743; State: migrating; ETA: 7m15s
Copy: 522000/4810502 10.9%; Applied: 10; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 54s(total), 53s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin.082465:154247112; State: migrating; ETA: 7m15s
Copy: 531000/4810502 11.0%; Applied: 10; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 55s(total), 54s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin.082465:155773167; State: migrating; ETA: 7m15s
Copy: 539000/4810502 11.2%; Applied: 10; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 56s(total), 55s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin.082465:157282145; State: migrating; ETA: 7m15s
Copy: 548000/4810502 11.4%; Applied: 10; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 57s(total), 56s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin.082465:158801094; State: migrating; ETA: 7m15s
Copy: 556000/4810502 11.6%; Applied: 10; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 58s(total), 57s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin.082465:160368617; State: migrating; ETA: 7m16s
Copy: 565000/4810502 11.7%; Applied: 10; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 59s(total), 58s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin.082465:161927333; State: migrating; ETA: 7m15s
Copy: 574000/4810502 11.9%; Applied: 11; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 1m0s(total), 59s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin.082465:163489871; State: migrating; ETA: 7m15s
Copy: 618000/4810502 12.8%; Applied: 11; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 1m5s(total), 1m4s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin.082465:171281422; State: migrating; ETA: 7m14s
Copy: 661000/4810502 13.7%; Applied: 11; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 1m10s(total), 1m9s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin.082465:179059211; State: migrating; ETA: 7m13s
Copy: 706000/4810502 14.7%; Applied: 12; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 1m15s(total), 1m14s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin.082465:186859080; State: migrating; ETA: 7m10s
Copy: 751000/4810502 15.6%; Applied: 12; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 1m20s(total), 1m19s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin.082465:194501598; State: migrating; ETA: 7m7s
Copy: 795000/4810502 16.5%; Applied: 12; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 1m25s(total), 1m24s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin.082465:201916164; State: migrating; ETA: 7m4s
Copy: 838000/4810502 17.4%; Applied: 14; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 1m30s(total), 1m29s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin.082465:209475268; State: migrating; ETA: 7m1s
Copy: 881000/4810502 18.3%; Applied: 14; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 1m35s(total), 1m34s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin.082465:216860080; State: migrating; ETA: 6m59s
Copy: 923000/4810503 19.2%; Applied: 16; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 1m40s(total), 1m39s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin.082465:223872870; State: migrating; ETA: 6m56s
Copy: 967000/4810503 20.1%; Applied: 16; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 1m45s(total), 1m44s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin.082465:231087183; State: migrating; ETA: 6m53s
Copy: 1010000/4810504 21.0%; Applied: 18; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 1m50s(total), 1m49s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin.082465:238003407; State: migrating; ETA: 6m50s
Copy: 1051000/4810504 21.8%; Applied: 19; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 1m55s(total), 1m54s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin.082465:244482012; State: migrating; ETA: 6m47s
Copy: 1094000/4810504 22.7%; Applied: 19; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 2m0s(total), 1m59s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin.082465:251430834; State: migrating; ETA: 6m44s
Copy: 1133000/4810506 23.6%; Applied: 23; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 2m5s(total), 2m4s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin.082465:257819912; State: migrating; ETA: 6m42s
Copy: 1172000/4810506 24.4%; Applied: 23; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 2m10s(total), 2m9s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin.082465:264484024; State: migrating; ETA: 6m40s
[2019/08/29 02:05:10] [info] binlogsyncer.go:723 rotate to (mysql-bin.082466, 4)
[2019/08/29 02:05:10] [info] binlogsyncer.go:723 rotate to (mysql-bin.082466, 4)
Copy: 1213000/4810506 25.2%; Applied: 24; Backlog: 1/1000; Time: 2m15s(total), 2m14s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin.082466:2780470; State: migrating; ETA: 6m37s
Copy: 1255000/4810506 26.1%; Applied: 27; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 2m20s(total), 2m19s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin.082466:9369272; State: migrating; ETA: 6m33s
Copy: 1296000/4810507 26.9%; Applied: 28; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 2m25s(total), 2m24s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin.082466:16221238; State: migrating; ETA: 6m30s
Copy: 1335000/4810507 27.8%; Applied: 29; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 2m30s(total), 2m29s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin.082466:22595393; State: migrating; ETA: 6m27s
Copy: 1376000/4810507 28.6%; Applied: 30; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 2m35s(total), 2m34s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin.082466:28890289; State: migrating; ETA: 6m24s
Copy: 1417000/4810507 29.5%; Applied: 30; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 2m40s(total), 2m39s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin.082466:35376440; State: migrating; ETA: 6m20s
Copy: 1458000/4810507 30.3%; Applied: 33; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 2m45s(total), 2m44s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin.082466:41926569; State: migrating; ETA: 6m17s
Copy: 1500000/4810507 31.2%; Applied: 33; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 2m50s(total), 2m49s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin.082466:50154650; State: migrating; ETA: 6m12s
Copy: 1542000/4810508 32.1%; Applied: 35; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 2m55s(total), 2m54s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin.082466:56790396; State: migrating; ETA: 6m8s
Copy: 1583000/4810510 32.9%; Applied: 41; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 3m0s(total), 2m59s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin.082466:63364377; State: migrating; ETA: 6m4s
Copy: 1832000/4810511 38.1%; Applied: 48; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 3m30s(total), 3m29s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin.082466:103704104; State: migrating; ETA: 5m39s
Copy: 2079000/4810511 43.2%; Applied: 51; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 4m0s(total), 3m59s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin.082466:144435410; State: migrating; ETA: 5m14s
Copy: 2324000/4810512 48.3%; Applied: 54; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 4m30s(total), 4m29s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin.082466:186515484; State: migrating; ETA: 4m47s
Copy: 2565000/4810515 53.3%; Applied: 60; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 5m0s(total), 4m59s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin.082466:229627469; State: migrating; ETA: 4m21s
[2019/08/29 02:08:25] [info] binlogsyncer.go:723 rotate to (mysql-bin.082467, 4)
[2019/08/29 02:08:25] [info] binlogsyncer.go:723 rotate to (mysql-bin.082467, 4)
Copy: 2807000/4810516 58.4%; Applied: 67; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 5m30s(total), 5m29s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin.082467:2306266; State: migrating; ETA: 3m54s
Copy: 3046000/4810518 63.3%; Applied: 74; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 6m0s(total), 5m59s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin.082467:43672090; State: migrating; ETA: 3m27s
Copy: 3278000/4810518 68.1%; Applied: 76; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 6m30s(total), 6m29s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin.082467:84213750; State: migrating; ETA: 3m1s
Copy: 3316000/4810518 68.9%; Applied: 76; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 6m35s(total), 6m34s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin.082467:91934226; State: migrating; ETA: 2m57s
Copy: 3355000/4810518 69.7%; Applied: 76; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 6m40s(total), 6m39s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin.082467:97826595; State: migrating; ETA: 2m53s
Copy: 3394000/4810518 70.6%; Applied: 76; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 6m45s(total), 6m44s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin.082467:104023808; State: migrating; ETA: 2m48s
Copy: 3435000/4810518 71.4%; Applied: 76; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 6m50s(total), 6m49s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin.082467:110412146; State: migrating; ETA: 2m43s
Copy: 3475000/4810519 72.2%; Applied: 78; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 6m55s(total), 6m54s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin.082467:116683637; State: migrating; ETA: 2m39s
Copy: 3514000/4810520 73.0%; Applied: 79; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 7m0s(total), 6m59s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin.082467:122775939; State: migrating; ETA: 2m34s
Copy: 3553000/4810520 73.9%; Applied: 80; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 7m5s(total), 7m4s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin.082467:129317682; State: migrating; ETA: 2m30s
Copy: 3591000/4810520 74.6%; Applied: 80; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 7m10s(total), 7m9s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin.082467:136477550; State: migrating; ETA: 2m25s
Copy: 3629000/4810520 75.4%; Applied: 81; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 7m15s(total), 7m14s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin.082467:142712636; State: migrating; ETA: 2m21s
Copy: 3669000/4810520 76.3%; Applied: 82; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 7m20s(total), 7m19s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin.082467:148920521; State: migrating; ETA: 2m16s
Copy: 3708000/4810520 77.1%; Applied: 82; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 7m25s(total), 7m24s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin.082467:155143294; State: migrating; ETA: 2m12s
Copy: 3748000/4810520 77.9%; Applied: 82; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 7m30s(total), 7m29s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin.082467:161509564; State: migrating; ETA: 2m7s
Copy: 3788000/4810520 78.7%; Applied: 82; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 7m35s(total), 7m34s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin.082467:167837442; State: migrating; ETA: 2m2s
Copy: 3828000/4810520 79.6%; Applied: 82; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 7m40s(total), 7m39s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin.082467:174178242; State: migrating; ETA: 1m57s
Copy: 3867000/4810520 80.4%; Applied: 83; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 7m45s(total), 7m44s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin.082467:180393185; State: migrating; ETA: 1m53s
Copy: 3905000/4810520 81.2%; Applied: 83; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 7m50s(total), 7m49s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin.082467:186350747; State: migrating; ETA: 1m48s
Copy: 3944000/4810520 82.0%; Applied: 83; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 7m55s(total), 7m54s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin.082467:192805463; State: migrating; ETA: 1m44s
Copy: 3984000/4810520 82.8%; Applied: 83; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 8m0s(total), 7m59s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin.082467:199183173; State: migrating; ETA: 1m39s
Copy: 4024000/4810520 83.7%; Applied: 84; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 8m5s(total), 8m4s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin.082467:205718077; State: migrating; ETA: 1m34s
Copy: 4064000/4810520 84.5%; Applied: 84; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 8m10s(total), 8m9s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin.082467:214877467; State: migrating; ETA: 1m29s
Copy: 4101000/4810522 85.3%; Applied: 88; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 8m15s(total), 8m14s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin.082467:221256293; State: migrating; ETA: 1m25s
Copy: 4142000/4810522 86.1%; Applied: 88; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 8m20s(total), 8m19s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin.082467:227654974; State: migrating; ETA: 1m20s
Copy: 4181000/4810522 86.9%; Applied: 88; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 8m25s(total), 8m24s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin.082467:235471594; State: migrating; ETA: 1m15s
Copy: 4221000/4810522 87.7%; Applied: 88; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 8m30s(total), 8m29s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin.082467:242279998; State: migrating; ETA: 1m11s
Copy: 4260000/4810522 88.6%; Applied: 88; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 8m35s(total), 8m34s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin.082467:248291538; State: migrating; ETA: 1m6s
Copy: 4298000/4810522 89.3%; Applied: 89; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 8m40s(total), 8m39s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin.082467:254324508; State: migrating; ETA: 1m1s
Copy: 4314000/4810522 89.7%; Applied: 89; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 8m42s(total), 8m41s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin.082467:256945531; State: migrating; ETA: 59s
Copy: 4321000/4810522 89.8%; Applied: 89; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 8m43s(total), 8m42s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin.082467:258134975; State: migrating; ETA: 59s
Copy: 4327000/4810522 89.9%; Applied: 89; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 8m44s(total), 8m43s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin.082467:259208035; State: migrating; ETA: 58s
Copy: 4335000/4810522 90.1%; Applied: 89; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 8m45s(total), 8m44s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin.082467:260454564; State: migrating; ETA: 57s
Copy: 4343000/4810522 90.3%; Applied: 89; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 8m46s(total), 8m45s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin.082467:261708621; State: migrating; ETA: 56s
Copy: 4351000/4810522 90.4%; Applied: 89; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 8m47s(total), 8m46s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin.082467:262831932; State: migrating; ETA: 55s
Copy: 4359000/4810522 90.6%; Applied: 89; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 8m48s(total), 8m47s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin.082467:264257297; State: migrating; ETA: 54s
Copy: 4367000/4810522 90.8%; Applied: 89; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 8m49s(total), 8m48s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin.082467:265560781; State: migrating; ETA: 53s
Copy: 4374000/4810522 90.9%; Applied: 89; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 8m50s(total), 8m49s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin.082467:266772963; State: migrating; ETA: 52s
Copy: 4382000/4810522 91.1%; Applied: 89; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 8m51s(total), 8m50s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin.082467:268080503; State: migrating; ETA: 51s
[2019/08/29 02:11:48] [info] binlogsyncer.go:723 rotate to (mysql-bin.082468, 4)
[2019/08/29 02:11:48] [info] binlogsyncer.go:723 rotate to (mysql-bin.082468, 4)
Copy: 4390000/4810522 91.3%; Applied: 89; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 8m52s(total), 8m51s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin.082468:943748; State: migrating; ETA: 50s
Copy: 4397000/4810522 91.4%; Applied: 89; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 8m53s(total), 8m52s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin.082468:2113347; State: migrating; ETA: 50s
Copy: 4405000/4810522 91.6%; Applied: 89; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 8m54s(total), 8m53s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin.082468:3426030; State: migrating; ETA: 49s
Copy: 4413000/4810522 91.7%; Applied: 89; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 8m55s(total), 8m54s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin.082468:4716385; State: migrating; ETA: 48s
Copy: 4421000/4810522 91.9%; Applied: 89; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 8m56s(total), 8m55s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin.082468:5897364; State: migrating; ETA: 47s
Copy: 4428000/4810522 92.0%; Applied: 89; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 8m57s(total), 8m56s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin.082468:7072374; State: migrating; ETA: 46s
Copy: 4437000/4810522 92.2%; Applied: 89; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 8m58s(total), 8m57s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin.082468:8418145; State: migrating; ETA: 45s
Copy: 4444000/4810522 92.4%; Applied: 89; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 8m59s(total), 8m58s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin.082468:9576586; State: migrating; ETA: 44s
Copy: 4452000/4810523 92.5%; Applied: 91; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 9m0s(total), 8m59s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin.082468:10887655; State: migrating; ETA: 43s
Copy: 4460000/4810523 92.7%; Applied: 91; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 9m1s(total), 9m0s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin.082468:12105503; State: migrating; ETA: 42s
Copy: 4468000/4810523 92.9%; Applied: 91; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 9m2s(total), 9m1s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin.082468:13370732; State: migrating; ETA: 41s
Copy: 4475000/4810523 93.0%; Applied: 91; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 9m3s(total), 9m2s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin.082468:14609408; State: migrating; ETA: 40s
Copy: 4482000/4810523 93.2%; Applied: 91; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 9m4s(total), 9m3s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin.082468:15863332; State: migrating; ETA: 39s
Copy: 4490000/4810523 93.3%; Applied: 92; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 9m5s(total), 9m4s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin.082468:17133853; State: migrating; ETA: 38s
Copy: 4497000/4810523 93.5%; Applied: 92; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 9m6s(total), 9m5s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin.082468:18267521; State: migrating; ETA: 37s
Copy: 4505000/4810523 93.6%; Applied: 92; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 9m7s(total), 9m6s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin.082468:19493082; State: migrating; ETA: 37s
Copy: 4512000/4810523 93.8%; Applied: 92; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 9m8s(total), 9m7s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin.082468:20808753; State: migrating; ETA: 36s
Copy: 4520000/4810523 94.0%; Applied: 92; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 9m9s(total), 9m8s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin.082468:21987810; State: migrating; ETA: 35s
Copy: 4528000/4810523 94.1%; Applied: 92; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 9m10s(total), 9m9s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin.082468:23314769; State: migrating; ETA: 34s
Copy: 4536000/4810523 94.3%; Applied: 92; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 9m11s(total), 9m10s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin.082468:24559028; State: migrating; ETA: 33s
Copy: 4544000/4810523 94.5%; Applied: 92; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 9m12s(total), 9m11s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin.082468:25752062; State: migrating; ETA: 32s
Copy: 4551000/4810524 94.6%; Applied: 94; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 9m13s(total), 9m12s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin.082468:26894510; State: migrating; ETA: 31s
Copy: 4558000/4810524 94.8%; Applied: 94; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 9m14s(total), 9m13s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin.082468:28169982; State: migrating; ETA: 30s
Copy: 4566000/4810525 94.9%; Applied: 96; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 9m15s(total), 9m14s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin.082468:29514179; State: migrating; ETA: 29s
Copy: 4574000/4810525 95.1%; Applied: 96; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 9m16s(total), 9m15s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin.082468:33622649; State: migrating; ETA: 28s
Copy: 4581000/4810525 95.2%; Applied: 96; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 9m17s(total), 9m16s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin.082468:34704122; State: migrating; ETA: 27s
Copy: 4588000/4810525 95.4%; Applied: 96; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 9m18s(total), 9m17s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin.082468:35858804; State: migrating; ETA: 27s
Copy: 4596000/4810525 95.5%; Applied: 96; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 9m19s(total), 9m18s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin.082468:37072923; State: migrating; ETA: 26s
Copy: 4604000/4810525 95.7%; Applied: 96; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 9m20s(total), 9m19s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin.082468:38288491; State: migrating; ETA: 25s
Copy: 4613000/4810525 95.9%; Applied: 96; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 9m21s(total), 9m20s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin.082468:39665373; State: migrating; ETA: 23s
Copy: 4620000/4810525 96.0%; Applied: 96; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 9m22s(total), 9m21s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin.082468:40709916; State: migrating; ETA: 23s
Copy: 4628000/4810526 96.2%; Applied: 97; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 9m23s(total), 9m22s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin.082468:42037742; State: migrating; ETA: 22s
Copy: 4637000/4810526 96.4%; Applied: 97; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 9m24s(total), 9m23s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin.082468:43365137; State: migrating; ETA: 21s
Copy: 4644000/4810526 96.5%; Applied: 97; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 9m25s(total), 9m24s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin.082468:44498820; State: migrating; ETA: 20s
Copy: 4651000/4810526 96.7%; Applied: 98; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 9m26s(total), 9m25s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin.082468:45737354; State: migrating; ETA: 19s
Copy: 4658000/4810526 96.8%; Applied: 98; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 9m27s(total), 9m26s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin.082468:46889186; State: migrating; ETA: 18s
Copy: 4666000/4810526 97.0%; Applied: 98; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 9m28s(total), 9m27s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin.082468:48238463; State: migrating; ETA: 17s
Copy: 4674000/4810526 97.2%; Applied: 98; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 9m29s(total), 9m28s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin.082468:49527948; State: migrating; ETA: 16s
Copy: 4682000/4810526 97.3%; Applied: 98; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 9m30s(total), 9m29s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin.082468:50718677; State: migrating; ETA: 15s
Copy: 4690000/4810526 97.5%; Applied: 98; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 9m31s(total), 9m30s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin.082468:52059475; State: migrating; ETA: 14s
Copy: 4698000/4810526 97.7%; Applied: 98; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 9m32s(total), 9m31s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin.082468:53115678; State: migrating; ETA: 13s
Copy: 4705000/4810526 97.8%; Applied: 98; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 9m33s(total), 9m32s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin.082468:54374590; State: migrating; ETA: 12s
Copy: 4714000/4810526 98.0%; Applied: 99; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 9m34s(total), 9m33s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin.082468:55700634; State: migrating; ETA: 11s
Copy: 4722000/4810526 98.2%; Applied: 99; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 9m35s(total), 9m34s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin.082468:56879179; State: migrating; ETA: 10s
Copy: 4730000/4810526 98.3%; Applied: 99; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 9m36s(total), 9m35s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin.082468:58125764; State: migrating; ETA: 9s
Copy: 4738000/4810526 98.5%; Applied: 99; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 9m37s(total), 9m36s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin.082468:59339605; State: migrating; ETA: 8s
Copy: 4745000/4810526 98.6%; Applied: 99; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 9m38s(total), 9m37s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin.082468:60474255; State: migrating; ETA: 7s
Copy: 4753000/4810526 98.8%; Applied: 99; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 9m39s(total), 9m38s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin.082468:61642527; State: migrating; ETA: 6s
Copy: 4761000/4810526 99.0%; Applied: 99; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 9m40s(total), 9m39s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin.082468:62857250; State: migrating; ETA: 6s
Copy: 4768000/4810526 99.1%; Applied: 99; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 9m41s(total), 9m40s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin.082468:64101454; State: migrating; ETA: 5s
Copy: 4776000/4810526 99.3%; Applied: 100; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 9m42s(total), 9m41s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin.082468:65321366; State: migrating; ETA: 4s
Copy: 4784000/4810526 99.4%; Applied: 100; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 9m43s(total), 9m42s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin.082468:66476078; State: migrating; ETA: 3s
Copy: 4791000/4810526 99.6%; Applied: 100; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 9m44s(total), 9m43s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin.082468:67488864; State: migrating; ETA: 2s
Copy: 4797000/4810527 99.7%; Applied: 102; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 9m45s(total), 9m44s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin.082468:68688693; State: migrating; ETA: 1s
Copy: 4805000/4810527 99.9%; Applied: 102; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 9m46s(total), 9m45s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin.082468:69905675; State: migrating; ETA: 0s
Copy: 4810499/4810499 100.0%; Applied: 102; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 9m47s(total), 9m45s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin.082468:70779044; State: migrating; ETA: due
# Migrating `um`.`um_user_info_base`; Ghost table is `um`.`_um_user_info_base_gho`
# Migrating vcs1:3311; inspecting vcs1:3311; executing on sz080073
# Migration started at Thu Aug 29 02:02:56 +0800 2019
# chunk-size: 1000; max-lag-millis: 1500ms; dml-batch-size: 10; max-load: ; critical-load: ; nice-ratio: 0.000000
# throttle-additional-flag-file: /tmp/gh-ost.throttle
# Serving on unix socket: /tmp/
Copy: 4810499/4810499 100.0%; Applied: 102; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 9m48s(total), 9m45s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin.082468:71176154; State: migrating; ETA: due
[2019/08/29 02:12:45] [info] binlogsyncer.go:164 syncer is closing...
[2019/08/29 02:12:45] [error] binlogstreamer.go:77 close sync with err: sync is been closing...
[2019/08/29 02:12:45] [info] binlogsyncer.go:179 syncer is closed
# Done
This is happening in 1.1.4 which uses old version of mysql library. binlogsyncer.go:164
is at
I'm not sure the upgrade would fix it.. but can we get a new release with that change?
MySQL [test]> select version(); +------------+ | version() | +------------+ | 5.7.35-log | +------------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec)
MySQL [test]> show create table rds_table_01 \G
1. row
Table: rds_table_01
Create Table: CREATE TABLE rds_table_01
varchar(200) CHARACTER SET utf16 COLLATE utf16_bin NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT 'fdsfff',
varchar(100) DEFAULT ' ' COMMENT '地址1',
decimal(16,4) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1000.0100' COMMENT 'a10',
KEY name
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
execute shell : gh-ost --user='xxx' --password='xxxxx' --host=172.xx.x.x --port=30xx --database='test' --table='rds_table_01' --alter="ADD COLUMN age INT(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '18' COMMENT 'age'" \ --max-load=Threads_connected=150 --critical-load=Threads_connected=200 --chunk-size=1000 \ --initially-drop-ghost-table --initially-drop-old-table --initially-drop-socket-file \ --allow-on-master --ok-to-drop-table --execute --assume-rbr
[2022/05/19 19:55:11] [info] binlogsyncer.go:133 create BinlogSyncer with config {99999 mysql 172.xx.x.x 30xx dba false false
; Ghost table is test
Copy: 0/1 0.0%; Applied: 0; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 11s(total), 0s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin.000036:9315; Lag: 0.03s, State: migrating; ETA: N/A Copy: 0/1 0.0%; Applied: 0; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 12s(total), 1s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin.000036:13777; Lag: 0.03s, State: migrating; ETA: N/A Copy: 1/1 100.0%; Applied: 0; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 12s(total), 1s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin.000036:14564; Lag: 0.03s, State: migrating; ETA: due Copy: 1/1 100.0%; Applied: 0; Backlog: 1/1000; Time: 13s(total), 1s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin.000036:20066; Lag: 0.03s, State: migrating; ETA: due
; Ghost table is test
Copy: 1/1 100.0%; Applied: 0; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 13s(total), 1s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin.000036:20538; Lag: 0.03s, State: migrating; ETA: due Copy: 1/1 100.0%; Applied: 0; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 14s(total), 1s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin.000036:25202; Lag: 0.03s, State: migrating; ETA: due [2022/05/19 19:55:14] [info] binlogsyncer.go:164 syncer is closing... [2022/05/19 19:55:14] [error] binlogstreamer.go:77 close sync with err: sync is been closing... [2022/05/19 19:55:14] [info] binlogsyncer.go:179 syncer is closed
table : MySQL [test]> desc rds_table_01; +--------------+---------------+------+-----+----------------------+----------------+ | Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra | +--------------+---------------+------+-----+----------------------+----------------+ | id | bigint(20) | NO | PRI | NULL | auto_increment | | name | varchar(200) | NO | MUL | | | | created_time | datetime(3) | YES | | CURRENT_TIMESTAMP(3) | | | address1 | varchar(100) | YES | | | | | a10 | decimal(16,4) | NO | | 1000.0100 | | | age | int(11) | NO | | 18 | | +--------------+---------------+------+-----+----------------------+----------------+ 6 rows in set (0.00 sec)
the table rds_table_01 succeed to add column, but An error was reported in the gh-osc log。
hello,shlomi-noach I am testing gh-ost latest GA version 1.0.45, still see: binlogstreamer.go:47: [error] close sync with err: sync is been closing... Check the issue list and notice that this issue is mentioned in #383, #388 and is fixed by #389 (no release yet) When will it be released? thank you very much