github / markup

Determines which markup library to use to render a content file (e.g. README) on GitHub
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preserve ` `, `­` #1748

Open nschloe opened 8 months ago

nschloe commented 8 months ago

Right now, all ampersand-HTML characters are supported except

I'd like to see those supported as well.

Here's an incomplete list:

Entity Character Description
& & Ampersand
&lt; < Less than
&gt; > Greater than
&quot; " Double quote
&apos; ' Single quote (apostrophe)
&nbsp;   Non-breaking space
&iexcl; ¡ Inverted exclamation mark
&cent; ¢ Cent sign
&pound; £ Pound sign
&curren; ¤ Currency sign
&yen; ¥ Yen sign
&euro; Euro sign
&brvbar; ¦ Broken vertical bar (pipe)
&sect; § Section sign
&uml; ¨ Diaeresis (umlaut)
&copy; © Copyright sign
&reg; ® Registered trademark sign
&trade; Trademark sign
&iquest; ¿ Inverted question mark
&shy; ­ Soft hyphen
&Agrave; À Capital A with grave accent
&Aacute; Á Capital A with acute accent
&Acirc; Â Capital A with circumflex accent
&Atilde; Ã Capital A with tilde
&Auml; Ä Capital A with diaeresis (umlaut)
&Aring; Å Capital A with ring above
&AElig; Æ Capital AE diphthong (ligature)
&Ccedil; Ç Capital C with cedilla
&Egrave; È Capital E with grave accent
&Eacute; É Capital E with acute accent
&Ecirc; Ê Capital E with circumflex accent
&Euml; Ë Capital E with diaeresis (umlaut)
&Igrave; Ì Capital I with grave accent
&Iacute; Í Capital I with acute accent
&Icirc; Î Capital I with circumflex accent
&Iuml; Ï Capital I with diaeresis (umlaut)
&ETH; Ð Capital Eth (Icelandic)
&Ntilde; Ñ Capital N with tilde
&Ograve; Ò Capital O with grave accent
&Oacute; Ó Capital O with acute accent
&Ocirc; Ô Capital O with circumflex accent
&Otilde; Õ Capital O with tilde
&Ouml; Ö Capital O with diaeresis (umlaut)
&times; × Multiplication sign
&Oslash; Ø Capital O with stroke (slash)
&Ugrave; Ù Capital U with grave accent
&Uacute; Ú Capital U with acute accent
&Ucirc; Û Capital U with circumflex accent
&Uuml; Ü Capital U with diaeresis (umlaut)
&Yacute; Ý Capital Y with acute accent
&THORN; Þ Capital Thorn (Icelandic)
&szlig; ß Small sharp s (German)
&agrave; à Small a with grave accent
&aacute; á Small a with acute accent
&acirc; â Small a with circumflex accent
&atilde; ã Small a with tilde
&auml; ä Small a with diaeresis (umlaut)
&aring; å Small a with ring above
&aelig; æ Small ae diphthong (ligature)
&ccedil; ç Small c with cedilla
&egrave; è Small e with grave accent
&eacute; é Small e with acute accent
&ecirc; ê Small e with circumflex accent
&euml; ë Small e with diaeresis (umlaut)
&igrave; ì Small i with grave accent
&iacute; í Small i with acute accent
&icirc; î Small i with circumflex accent
&iuml; ï Small i with diaeresis (umlaut)
&eth; ð Small eth (Icelandic)
&ntilde; ñ Small n with tilde
&ograve; ò Small o with grave accent
&oacute; ó Small o with acute accent
&ocirc; ô Small o with circumflex accent
&otilde; õ Small o with tilde
&ouml; ö Small o with diaeresis (umlaut)
&divide; ÷ Division sign
&oslash; ø Small o with stroke (slash)
&ugrave; ù Small u with grave accent
&uacute; ú Small u with acute accent
&ucirc; û Small u with circumflex accent
&uuml; ü Small u with diaeresis (umlaut)
&yacute; ý Small y with acute accent
&thorn; þ Small thorn (Icelandic)
&yuml; ÿ Small y with diaeresis (umlaut)
&Alpha; Α Greek capital letter Alpha
&Beta; Β Greek capital letter Beta
&Gamma; Γ Greek capital letter Gamma
&Delta; Δ Greek capital letter Delta
&Epsilon; Ε Greek capital letter Epsilon
&Zeta; Ζ Greek capital letter Zeta
&Eta; Η Greek capital letter Eta
&Theta; Θ Greek capital letter Theta
&Iota; Ι Greek capital letter Iota
&Kappa; Κ Greek capital letter Kappa
&Lambda; Λ Greek capital letter Lambda
&Mu; Μ Greek capital letter Mu
&Nu; Ν Greek capital letter Nu
&Xi; Ξ Greek capital letter Xi
&Omicron; Ο Greek capital letter Omicron
&Pi; Π Greek capital letter Pi
&Rho; Ρ Greek capital letter Rho
&Sigma; Σ Greek capital letter Sigma
&Tau; Τ Greek capital letter Tau
&Upsilon; Υ Greek capital letter Upsilon
&Phi; Φ Greek capital letter Phi
&Chi; Χ Greek capital letter Chi
&Psi; Ψ Greek capital letter Psi
&Omega; Ω Greek capital letter Omega
&alpha; α Greek small letter alpha
&beta; β Greek small letter beta
&gamma; γ Greek small letter gamma
&delta; δ Greek small letter delta
&epsilon; ε Greek small letter epsilon
&zeta; ζ Greek small letter zeta
&eta; η Greek small letter eta
&theta; θ Greek small letter theta
&iota; ι Greek small letter iota
&kappa; κ Greek small letter kappa
&lambda; λ Greek small letter lambda
&mu; μ Greek small letter mu
&nu; ν Greek small letter nu
&xi; ξ Greek small letter xi
&omicron; ο Greek small letter omicron
&pi; π Greek small letter pi
&rho; ρ Greek small letter rho
&sigma; σ Greek small letter sigma
&tau; τ Greek small letter tau
&upsilon; υ Greek small letter upsilon
&phi; φ Greek small letter phi
&chi; χ Greek small letter chi
&psi; ψ Greek small letter psi
&omega; ω Greek small letter omega
&there4; Therefore (therefore symbol)
&sum; Summation (capital sigma)
&prod; Product (capital pi)
&radic; Square root
&infin; Infinity
&int; Integral
&rarr; Right arrow
&larr; Left arrow
&uarr; Up arrow
&darr; Down arrow
&harr; Left-right arrow
github-actions[bot] commented 1 month ago

Stale issue message

nschloe commented 1 month ago

Still an issue.