Open wolfy1339 opened 2 years ago
@wolfy1339 đđ» Thanks for reporting this. Do you have an example of a PushEvent
with undocumented payload
properties? That will help me to give the right team at GitHub the context they need to investigate this.
Here are some examples of events, namely PushEvent
, CreateEvent
, PullRequestReviewEvent
, that aren't defined in the current schema
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"body": "Part of #3342 \r\n\r\n**Now ready for review.** Thanks @wintersteiger for fixing the memory leaks!\r\n\r\nThis PR adds experimental support for client requests over HTTP/2, which will eventually allow developers to build gRPC applications. The support is very much experimental for now but we have parity with most tests run in the `e2e_logging` end-to-end test (except a few tests that test request forwarding, excluded via the `no_http2()` decorator). \r\n\r\nThe `nghttp2` library now always gets included in the enclave application and a single RPC interface always creates HTTP/2 endpoints if the `app_protocol` configuration entry is set to `HTTP2` (default is `HTTP1`). \r\n\r\nOf course, there's still plenty to do to support HTTP/2 as a first-class protocol (see #3342 for follow-up work) but this PR should have just enough that we can merge this into `main`.\r\n\r\n\r\n",
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Ideally there should be a separate schema definition for each event, and the event
schema is a oneOf
of all of those
Thanks for the example! I've reported this to the relevant team at GitHub.
Is there any update to this?
There is also that this is blocking
Also interested in this, I havenât been able to find any models of the schema for the events returned from the activity API, only âfixturesâ (test cases), so it seems like noone is able to assert the proper structure of the responses from this API, and software therefore has to make only weak guarantees of what it can parse :/ What a shame
Closest available I have found are these Google-maintained GitHub Go structs:
(This was a lucky guess from GitHub searching the most unique event name I could see, PullRequestEvent
It's absolutely insane to me that Github hasn't taken any steps to fix this at all. Billions of dollars in funding and yet they couldn't find time to fix their openapi spec.
Schema Inaccuracy
schema forGET /users/{username}/events/public
is incomplete. It is missing thePushEvent
, and possibly othersExpected
For the schema to include definitions for all possible events from the Event API.
Ideally there should be a separate schema definition for each event, and the
schema is aoneOf
of all of thoseReproduction Steps