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eForm labels does not show up #1789

Open githubbob42 opened 10 years ago

githubbob42 commented 10 years ago

Mingle Card: 2010 Dev Notes:

There's a set of abnormalaties related to this issue. 

This issue is only occurring at one customer site.  When a sync is iniated for the specific customer, the eforms step fails with this error:

{ [Error: read ECONNRESET] code: 'ECONNRESET', errno: 'ECONNRESET', syscall: 'read' }

{ [Error: read ECONNRESET] code: 'ECONNRESET', errno: 'ECONNRESET', syscall: 'read' }

Facts found:

No eform templates are sent down to the client because of the error above. 

The error is thrown because of the high number of jobs used in a filter when pulling down eforms.

Problematic Query: 

SELECT Id, IsDeleted, Name, RecordTypeId, CreatedDate, CreatedById, LastModifiedDate, LastModifiedById, SystemModstamp, LastActivityDate, SyncId__c, Job__c, Cust_Auth_Direction_Name__c, Cust_Auth_Direction_Title__c, Job_Number__c, Geo_location__Latitude__s, Geo_location__Longitude__s, Job__r.FX5__Tracking_Number__c FROM Egress_Form__c WHERE Job__c in (...)  AND SyncId__c != null

In place of ... there are close to over a 1000 job ids.

Salesforce rejects the query without even executing it after i attempted to use the same query in the salesforce develoepr console. once i slowly reduced to number of JobIds to 501, the query appeared to work fine, leading me to think that we're hitting a governer limit to how many entries we can sub query for. 

The after effect of not sending down eform templates causes the issue below because the eform metadata and layout was properly sent down.

Steps to reproduce

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  1. Click Forms Tab on Ticket Page

Expected result

Different eForms Labels should be displayed as Tabs on the left side vertical bar

Actual Result

The Labels are not there but forms shows up if you click on the general area of the eForm label



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githubbob42 commented 10 years ago

Related Story: #918 eForm Support (Mingle)