Mingle Card: 394
When a ticket item is created in Force.com we need to copy some price list item properties to the ticket item.
If the ticket is created through the API or Mobile then we need to honor any settings that might already be there.
This means check to see if there is a sync ID on the row
If Mobile added some of the information but not all of the information then we need to correct the missing parts
To complete this card it is mandatory to write good unit test(s)
Change the name of the unit test to have the formate Object + Action
The code below should be close to a good working trigger
trigger SetupTicketItemFromPriceBookItem on Ticket_Item__c (before insert) {
// This trigger needs to eventually be enhanced to see if this item is being added via quote item or price book item
// Right now it assumes the item is always being added via price book item.
for (Ticket_Item__c ti: System.Trigger.new) {
if(ti.Price__c == null)
if(ti.SyncID__c == null)
Price_Book_Item__c pli = [SELECT Default_Quantity__c, Included_Quantity__c, Locked_Discount__c, Locked_Price_Markup__c,
Maximum_Quantity__c, Minimum_Charge__c, Minimum_Quantity__c, Pricing_Method__c,
Surcharge_Env__c, Surcharge_Fuel__c, Price__c, Catalog_Item__c, DiscountPercent__c,
Sequence_Number__c, Cost_Plus_Markup_Amount__c, Cost_Plus_Markup_Percent__c, Price_Book__c,
Standby_Price__c, Description_Override__c, Catalog_Description__c
FROM Price_Book_Item__c
WHERE Id = :ti.Price_Book_Item__c limit 1];
Price_Book__c pb = [SELECT Surcharge_Rate_Env__c, Surcharge_Rate_Fuel__c FROM Price_Book__c WHERE Id = :pli.Price_Book__c LIMIT 1];
Catalog_Item__c cat = [SELECT Classification__c, Equipment_Selector__c, Contact_Selector__c, Timespan_Selector__c, Track_Inventory__c,
UOM__c, Cost__c
FROM Catalog_Item__c
WHERE Id = :pli.Catalog_Item__c LIMIT 1];
Ticket__c t = [SELECT Warehouse__c FROM Ticket__c WHERE Id = :ti.Ticket__c LIMIT 1];
//User can never change these values that come from the Catalog on item create
ti.Catalog_Classification__c = cat.Classification__c;
ti.Catalog_Equipment_Selector__c = cat.Equipment_Selector__c;
ti.Catalog_Person_Selector__c = cat.Contact_Selector__c;
ti.Catalog_Timespan_Selector__c = cat.Timespan_Selector__c;
ti.Catalog_Track_Inventory__c = cat.Track_Inventory__c;
ti.Catalog_UOM__c = cat.UOM__c;
//User can never change these values that come from the Price Book/Item on item create
ti.PBI_Default_Quantity__c = pli.Default_Quantity__c;
ti.PBI_Included_Quantity__c = pli.Included_Quantity__c;
ti.PBI_Locked_Discount__c = pli.Locked_Discount__c;
ti.PBI_Locked_Price_Markup__c = pli.Locked_Price_Markup__c;
ti.PBI_Maximum_Quantity__c = pli.Maximum_Quantity__c;
ti.PBI_Minimum_Charge__c = pli.Minimum_Charge__c;
ti.PBI_Minimum_Quantity__c = pli.Minimum_Quantity__c;
ti.PBI_Pricing_Method__c = pli.Pricing_Method__c;
ti.PBI_Surcharge_Env__c = pli.Surcharge_Env__c;
ti.PBI_Surcharge_Fuel__c = pli.Surcharge_Fuel__c;
ti.Surcharge_Rate_Env__c = pb.Surcharge_Rate_Env__c; // maybe one day we will let them change surcharge rates
ti.Surcharge_Rate_Fuel__c = pb.Surcharge_Rate_Fuel__c; // maybe one day we will let them change surcharge rates
//All of these items below could be overwritten by the end user in the UI
//given the right user permissions and config of this item so we check if it has been overriden first
if(ti.Cost_Plus_Markup_Amount__c == NULL) {
ti.Cost_Plus_Markup_Amount__c = pli.Cost_Plus_Markup_Amount__c; }
Mingle Card: 394 When a ticket item is created in Force.com we need to copy some price list item properties to the ticket item.
The code below should be close to a good working trigger
trigger SetupTicketItemFromPriceBookItem on Ticket_Item__c (before insert) {
// This trigger needs to eventually be enhanced to see if this item is being added via quote item or price book item
// Right now it assumes the item is always being added via price book item.
for (Ticket_Item__c ti: System.Trigger.new) {
if(ti.Price__c == null)
if(ti.SyncID__c == null)
Price_Book_Item__c pli = [SELECT Default_Quantity__c, Included_Quantity__c, Locked_Discount__c, Locked_Price_Markup__c,
Maximum_Quantity__c, Minimum_Charge__c, Minimum_Quantity__c, Pricing_Method__c,
Surcharge_Env__c, Surcharge_Fuel__c, Price__c, Catalog_Item__c, DiscountPercent__c,
Sequence_Number__c, Cost_Plus_Markup_Amount__c, Cost_Plus_Markup_Percent__c, Price_Book__c,
Standby_Price__c, Description_Override__c, Catalog_Description__c
FROM Price_Book_Item__c
WHERE Id = :ti.Price_Book_Item__c limit 1];
Price_Book__c pb = [SELECT Surcharge_Rate_Env__c, Surcharge_Rate_Fuel__c FROM Price_Book__c WHERE Id = :pli.Price_Book__c LIMIT 1];
Catalog_Item__c cat = [SELECT Classification__c, Equipment_Selector__c, Contact_Selector__c, Timespan_Selector__c, Track_Inventory__c,
UOM__c, Cost__c
FROM Catalog_Item__c
WHERE Id = :pli.Catalog_Item__c LIMIT 1];
Ticket__c t = [SELECT Warehouse__c FROM Ticket__c WHERE Id = :ti.Ticket__c LIMIT 1];
//User can never change these values that come from the Catalog on item create
ti.Catalog_Classification__c = cat.Classification__c;
ti.Catalog_Equipment_Selector__c = cat.Equipment_Selector__c;
ti.Catalog_Person_Selector__c = cat.Contact_Selector__c;
ti.Catalog_Timespan_Selector__c = cat.Timespan_Selector__c;
ti.Catalog_Track_Inventory__c = cat.Track_Inventory__c;
ti.Catalog_UOM__c = cat.UOM__c;
//User can never change these values that come from the Price Book/Item on item create
ti.PBI_Default_Quantity__c = pli.Default_Quantity__c;
ti.PBI_Included_Quantity__c = pli.Included_Quantity__c;
ti.PBI_Locked_Discount__c = pli.Locked_Discount__c;
ti.PBI_Locked_Price_Markup__c = pli.Locked_Price_Markup__c;
ti.PBI_Maximum_Quantity__c = pli.Maximum_Quantity__c;
ti.PBI_Minimum_Charge__c = pli.Minimum_Charge__c;
ti.PBI_Minimum_Quantity__c = pli.Minimum_Quantity__c;
ti.PBI_Pricing_Method__c = pli.Pricing_Method__c;
ti.PBI_Surcharge_Env__c = pli.Surcharge_Env__c;
ti.PBI_Surcharge_Fuel__c = pli.Surcharge_Fuel__c;
ti.Surcharge_Rate_Env__c = pb.Surcharge_Rate_Env__c; // maybe one day we will let them change surcharge rates
ti.Surcharge_Rate_Fuel__c = pb.Surcharge_Rate_Fuel__c; // maybe one day we will let them change surcharge rates
//All of these items below could be overwritten by the end user in the UI
//given the right user permissions and config of this item so we check if it has been overriden first
if(ti.Cost_Plus_Markup_Amount__c == NULL) {
ti.Cost_Plus_Markup_Amount__c = pli.Cost_Plus_Markup_Amount__c; }
if(ti.Cost_Plus_Markup_Percent__c == NULL) {
ti.Cost_Plus_Markup_Percent__c = pli.Cost_Plus_Markup_Percent__c; }
if(ti.Sequence_Number__c == NULL) {
ti.Sequence_Number__c = pli.Sequence_Number__c; }
if(ti.Cost__c == NULL) {
ti.Cost__c = cat.Cost__c;}
if(ti.Discount_Percent__c == NULL) {
ti.Discount_Percent__c = pli.DiscountPercent__c; }
if(ti.Price__c == NULL) {
ti.Price__c = pli.Price__c; }
if(ti.Standby_Price__c == NULL) {
ti.Standby_Price__c = pli.Standby_Price__c; }
if(ti.Warehouse__c == NULL) {
ti.Warehouse__c = t.Warehouse__c; }
if(ti.Description__c == NULL) {
if(pli.Description_Override__c == NULL) {
ti.Description__c = pli.Catalog_Description__c; }
else {
ti.Description__c = pli.Description_Override__c; }