Log into mobile and navigate to the OTS and eForms ticket T-662
Then navigate to the logs and create a new log
Delete the log after it is created and sync
Expected Result
The Keane mobile users do not have Delete permission to Ticket Logs, so mobile should not provide them with the button to delete logs.
Actual Result
The user can select a log or logs and the delete button is available to the user. If they delete logs and then sync, we get sync errors since they don’t have that permission. I have confirmed via tools.fieldfx.com that mobile users do not have this permission.
When reviewing the problem, I will have to rework the code to allow for the delete button to show only if you have authorization to delete a ticket.
After further review, I will have to do the same for the edit and create functionality as well to work with permissions.
To fix this, I need to wrap the buttons with ko auth bindings to fix the issue.
Related Cards
Steps for Creating a Defect Card
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Ensure the defect title and description is clear and understandable.
Ensure the following are listed on the card:
* Mobile or back office version.
* Operating system
* Devices
* Browsers
* Username/Password.
Ensure there are steps to reproduce and are easy to follow.
Add screenshots as necessary for clarity
Ensure the Expected and Actual results are listed.
Check whether the bug exists in production (Sync V4) and/or Sync V4 Beta
* If the bug exists in current production then select the “**Sync V4 Channel”**
* If the bug exists in the Beta Channel but is not in production yet, then select “**Beta Channel”**
* If the bug was created during current iteration then select "**Regression**”
After applying the PR2774, the delete button is no longer displayed when a ticket log is selected after removing the “delete” permission in back office.
Tested to verify that user no longer have the access to create a ticket log when the “Create” permission has been taken off.
!clip-cde5-b570.png!{height: 476px; width: 1000px;}
Test Plan
selenium > permissions/noObjEdit.js > Test 4. Verfiy that user w/o delete permission to ticket logs cannot delete logs (5712)
Remove delete permissions in back-office for ticket logs
Sync mobile
Then navigate to the logs and create a new log
Delete the log after it is created and sync
In back-office
Remove create permissions in back-office for ticket logs
Sync mobile
Then navigate to the logs and ensure the create button is not there
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Ensure the card has enough information from the programmer before you start the verification
If not request more information
Ensure you’re able to reproduce the defect prior to verifying it
Ensure to verify if the PR is still valid by going to Github.
Create a test plan and write/update test case for the card is there is no test case in Tarantula.
Test the card on all required devices and versions. If it’s a mobile card, always test the offline functionality around that defect. Attach screenshots to the card as necessary displaying the fix
Add the following test result documentations:
* Test Status:
* PR Build:
* Username/Password
* Test case name:
* Environment and devices tested on:
* Test Note.
Push the card to “Testing Complete”
Mingle Card: 5712 Steps to Reproduce
Expected Result
The Keane mobile users do not have Delete permission to Ticket Logs, so mobile should not provide them with the button to delete logs.
Actual Result
The user can select a log or logs and the delete button is available to the user. If they delete logs and then sync, we get sync errors since they don’t have that permission. I have confirmed via tools.fieldfx.com that mobile users do not have this permission.
When reviewing the problem, I will have to rework the code to allow for the delete button to show only if you have authorization to delete a ticket.
After further review, I will have to do the same for the edit and create functionality as well to work with permissions.
To fix this, I need to wrap the buttons with ko auth bindings to fix the issue.
Related Cards
Steps for Creating a Defect Card
QA Test Report
Test Note: A was able to reproduce the defect by following the steps above as seen on the image below:
!clip-1050-38ef.png!{height: 479px; width: 1000px;}
After applying the PR2774, the delete button is no longer displayed when a ticket log is selected after removing the “delete” permission in back office.
!clip-887f-71ca.png!{height: 478px; width: 1000px;}
Tested to verify that user no longer have the access to create a ticket log when the “Create” permission has been taken off.
!clip-cde5-b570.png!{height: 476px; width: 1000px;}
Test Plan
selenium > permissions/noObjEdit.js > Test 4. Verfiy that user w/o delete permission to ticket logs cannot delete logs (5712)