As a standard for minified JavaScript files, the suffix for these type of files should end in “.min.js” so that we know the file is already minified without having to open it and it follows our convention.
Acceptance Criteria
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{{ table query: SELECT Number, Name, Owner, 'Task Status' WHERE Type = Task and Story = THIS CARD ORDER BY Status }}
{{ table query: SELECT Number, Name, Owner, 'Status' WHERE Type = Defect and 'Related Story' = THIS CARD }}
Test Areas
Developers: During code review, delete the test areas that do not apply to this card, leave the test areas that should be covered by QA.
Mingle Card: 5945 Narrative
As a standard for minified JavaScript files, the suffix for these type of files should end in “.min.js” so that we know the file is already minified without having to open it and it follows our convention.
Acceptance Criteria
Enter the Acceptance Criteria here.
Related Stories
{{ table query: SELECT Number, Name, Owner, 'Task Status' WHERE Type = Task and Story = THIS CARD ORDER BY Status }}
{{ table query: SELECT Number, Name, Owner, 'Status' WHERE Type = Defect and 'Related Story' = THIS CARD }}
Test Areas
Developers: During code review, delete the test areas that do not apply to this card, leave the test areas that should be covered by QA.
Test Plan