Common approach to standarize cropped word images is to resize them to some predefined ratio (height&width). That's fine if the words (=images) are more or less equal length (=have equal ratio). But if length varies we are squeezing and stretching. Probably that's why @githubharald added this kind of augmentation. But I wonder would it be better to rather pad the image with "empty" backgroud to keep the original letter ratio? What do you think folks?
Hi, Common approach to standarize cropped word images is to resize them to some predefined ratio (height&width). That's fine if the words (=images) are more or less equal length (=have equal ratio). But if length varies we are squeezing and stretching. Probably that's why @githubharald added this kind of augmentation. But I wonder would it be better to rather pad the image with "empty" backgroud to keep the original letter ratio? What do you think folks?