I use Docsify.js.org to display Markdown files, and when including a class the image does not display as expected (but was working in a standard GitHub repo, and as included below):
![UX - User Experience](https://github.com/paulhibbitts/cmpt-363-222-pages-blocks/raw/main/images/12650723674_d5c85af332_k.jpg ':class=banner-image')
I use Docsify.js.org to display Markdown files, and when including a class the image does not display as expected (but was working in a standard GitHub repo, and as included below):
![UX - User Experience](https://github.com/paulhibbitts/cmpt-363-222-pages-blocks/raw/main/images/12650723674_d5c85af332_k.jpg ':class=banner-image')
Thanks very much, Paul