githubschool / Nov-6

Let's learn about Git and GitHub
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Questions? #3

Closed brianamarie closed 6 years ago

brianamarie commented 6 years ago

Please post questions (that we don't answer in class) in this thread, so I will be sure to circle back and answer them.

githubteacher commented 6 years ago

Differences between GitLab and GitHub?

githubteacher commented 6 years ago

Briana Notes

deepakarchinnova commented 6 years ago

Pushback scenario


  1. Certain customers follow ITIL practices where it becomes difficult to push Github flow though it makes sense but they might have internal processes to be followed. Perhaps there is JIRA issues also as they think they want to go agile. How do we promote Pull Request here. Surely there would be a conversation with some examples, but when it comes to adoption for the organization they have to break down the process in which they were working for the past 10-15 years.
  2. Issue fragmentation: Have noticed that sometimes issues created for one purpose can be discussed in a wider context within another issue. This sometimes becomes hard for searching. Is there a best practice to this? I do know we can create a meta link through "#" and mentioning the issue key

Other Queries

  1. What is the scratch editor used for ? Any links to them would be great to start researching.
  2. Are there key points to using Atom?
  3. How and where is this configured by default? screen shot 2017-11-06 at 10 57 11 pm
  4. What are the key questions we should ask the team to carve out the best flow for the team itself.
  5. How can we make Github recognize language patterns? Is this automatic or we have to configure anything ourself.
  6. Can we link code/lines of code to issues?
brianamarie commented 6 years ago

Certain customers follow ITIL practices where it becomes difficult to push Github flow though it makes sense but they might have internal processes to be followed. Perhaps there is JIRA issues also as they think they want to go agile. How do we promote Pull Request here. Surely there would be a conversation with some examples, but when it comes to adoption for the organization they have to break down the process in which they were working for the past 10-15 years.

@deepakarchinnova I'm not very familiar with ITIL practices. Could you help me understand these more? I want to address this question, but I want to make sure I understand fully first.

Issue fragmentation: Have noticed that sometimes issues created for one purpose can be discussed in a wider context within another issue. This sometimes becomes hard for searching. Is there a best practice to this? I do know we can create a meta link through "#" and mentioning the issue key

Yes - exactly. This can be difficult, especially when working among different teams. On my team, we've found a "tracking issue" can be very helpful for large projects, then smaller issues would be used for different pieces. All pieces would be connected with cross links. Additionally, we use project boards in conjunction with tracking issues to keep a pulse on the moving pieces.

We've seen customers find success in this approach, along with using labels and consistently reviewing open issues to make sure things aren't stale or duplicated.

What is the scratch editor used for ? Any links to them would be great to start researching.

I'm not sure I understand - do you mean

Are there key points to using Atom?

Atom is my choice of text editor, because of the huge library of developer made plugins. Atom is "hackable" and very customizable. However, whatever text editor or IDE fits a developer's workflow works fine with Git and GitHub. Visual Studio Code is gaining a lot of popularity, and has a great GitHub plugin. Both Atom and Visual Studio Code are built with Electron.

How and where is this configured by default?

Great question - this is configured in "settings" of the repository. I'll show this today. It can also be controlled on the instance level for companies using GHE.

What are the key questions we should ask the team to carve out the best flow for the team itself.

This is a great question - we will cover some of them later this week, but I'm reaching out to our Services Engineering team for some more recommendations here that they use in the Workflow Consultation offering.

How can we make Github recognize language patterns? Is this automatic or we have to configure anything ourself.

Do you mean spoken languages, or programming languages? What type of recognition are you looking for?

Can we link code/lines of code to issues?

Yes. There are ways to do it with direct links, but the new linking feature that shows the entire code snippet launched in GitHub Enterprise 2.11. 🎉

githubteacher commented 6 years ago

Re: Multiple accounts locally

Turns out the answer is more simple than I had thought - you simply need to set up multiple SSH authentication keys.

Some of the best docs I found:

@deepakarchinnova Let me know if this is the type of answer you were looking for. 😄

deepakarchinnova commented 6 years ago

Thanks for the answers @brianamarie . Given below are the followup questions/statements:

@deepakarchinnova I'm not very familiar with ITIL practices. Could you help me understand these more? I want to address this question, but I want to make sure I understand fully first.

Adoption of Git and Github is definitely a cultural shift for a team who follows practices like Requirement Gathering, documenting BRD (Business Requirement Document), HLD(High Level Design), LLD (Low Level Design), Project Planning. To refine the question, how can we define the line between project management tool/practices and Github. For e.g. Developers should stop using mails and use issues. I think unless we state the practice that is required for a hypothetical organization there would only be preaching to use vs actually using it. I know there is easy answer

I'm not sure I understand - do you mean

If I recollect you had used scratch from the prompt. Just wondering if that was something github specific feature or not.

Do you mean spoken languages, or programming languages? What type of recognition are you looking for?

Like Java , php, Python

brianamarie commented 6 years ago

Adoption of Git and Github is definitely a cultural shift for a team who follows practices like Requirement Gathering, documenting BRD (Business Requirement Document), HLD(High Level Design), LLD (Low Level Design), Project Planning. To refine the question, how can we define the line between project management tool/practices and Github. For e.g. Developers should stop using mails and use issues. I think unless we state the practice that is required for a hypothetical organization there would only be preaching to use vs actually using it. I know there is easy answer

Thank you for clarifying here. Figuring out project management tooling is definitely one of the biggest hurdles to adoption that we see. We recommend using Issues, Projects, and Milestones to track progress and manage projects. Some teams find those tools aren't as fully featured as they'd like, so they find luck with some of the integrations. Here are some of the most popular integrations:

If I recollect you had used scratch from the prompt. Just wondering if that was something github specific feature or not.

Ah - I see. Nothing special here, 'scratch' is just the name of a directory that I use when working locally for all of my class repositories. 😄

Like Java , php, Python

GitHub uses the line endings to format the files as legibly as possible based on their language. Is this what you mean?

githubteacher commented 6 years ago

How long does "recently pushed branch" pull request button stay around?

githubteacher commented 6 years ago

Feature requests:

Briana follow up with chatops info and submodule info, don't forget to do tags tomorrow

lonix commented 6 years ago

`Feature requests:

Org wide issues Let users see issues but not code User wide webhooks Briana follow up with chatops info and submodule info, don't forget to do tags tomorrow`

@githubteacher and Releases !

githubteacher commented 6 years ago

Chatbot info: Submodule outline:

deepakarchinnova commented 6 years ago

Differences between GitLab and GitHub?

A basic comparo compiled with a lot of help from Github.

Github vs Others-A Basic Comparo.docx

deepakarchinnova commented 6 years ago

👋 @brianamarie

Is there a way to fork or have a repo similar to the githubschool/conflict-practice- to reuse for teach back and further also. If not, any tips on recreating the 3rd scenario; conflict resolution on local.

brianamarie commented 6 years ago

Is there a way to fork or have a repo similar to the githubschool/conflict-practice- to reuse for teach back and further also. If not, any tips on recreating the 3rd scenario; conflict resolution on local.

@deepakarchinnova Yes - When I send the copies of the "training manual" for internal use, I'll include copies of the 'github games' and 'conflict-practice' repositories.

githubteacher commented 6 years ago

githubteacher commented 6 years ago

BFG Repo Cleaner: