githubschool / popcorn-color

Let's learn about Git and GitHub
MIT License
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Comment here to be added as a collaborator #1

Open githubteacher opened 4 years ago

githubteacher commented 4 years ago

Comment below - you can say anything

We will all be using this repository today. Even though it's public right now, you will not be able to make changes until you're given the correct permissions. We've automated this process via the GitHub API and some fancy chatops. Once you comment, we will add you as a collaborator.

You'll also start to receive a lot of emails. (:exclamation:) You can slow these down immediately by clicking the 'Unwatch' button and selecting either the 'Not watching' or 'Ignoring' option.

whatupfoo commented 4 years ago

Header 1 / yelling at your coworker

Header 2



jzhangab commented 4 years ago

Have not had popcorn in at least 4 months


harshtandon23 commented 4 years ago

Hi! I am Harsh 💯

artemponomarevjetski commented 4 years ago


remusosan-g commented 4 years ago

all popocorn is healthy 🥇

bterrific2008 commented 4 years ago

Popcorn sounds delicious!

artemponomarevjetski commented 4 years ago


artemponomarevjetski commented 4 years ago


artemponomarevjetski commented 4 years ago


artemponomarevjetski commented 4 years ago


artemponomarevjetski commented 4 years ago


artemponomarevjetski commented 4 years ago


mandeep1729 commented 4 years ago

Mandeep Chauhan here with my personal github id

YiLi17 commented 4 years ago


artemponomarevjetski commented 4 years ago


srinichimata commented 4 years ago

Hi there.. this is Srini on June 23rd!

yzheng4 commented 4 years ago

great training

artemponomarevjetski commented 4 years ago


artemponomarevjetski commented 4 years ago


artemponomarevjetski commented 4 years ago
artemponomarevjetski commented 4 years ago

<h1>test </h1>

artemponomarevjetski commented 4 years ago

`<!DOCTYPE html>


artemponomarevjetski commented 4 years ago

<!DOCTYPE html>

onudagala commented 4 years ago

This is excellent warming up session

artemponomarevjetski commented 4 years ago

<!DOCTYPE html>

artemponomarevjetski commented 4 years ago

`<!DOCTYPE html>


artemponomarevjetski commented 4 years ago

this is a quote

artemponomarevjetski commented 4 years ago


akshayjgild commented 4 years ago

The link is working