githubteacher / developers-jan

Repository for GitHub for Developers - January 9 - 10, 2017
1 stars 3 forks source link

Please comment here to be added as a collaborator! #2

Open githubteacher opened 7 years ago

githubteacher commented 7 years ago

Say Anything - or tell us where you are from :wink:

ciaran036 commented 7 years ago

First - Northern Ireland

David-Harvey commented 7 years ago

From N.Ireland

df-2017 commented 7 years ago

Northern Ireland

githubteacher commented 7 years ago

:tada: @ciaran036, @David-Harvey, and @df-2017 are now repository collaborators. :balloon:

VasileiosOik commented 7 years ago

Hello from Greece!

karlekar commented 7 years ago

Pune, India

patrickmcglone commented 7 years ago

Patrick - NI

paulbreen commented 7 years ago


paulfrankallan commented 7 years ago

Yeeo! NI

mzzmjd commented 7 years ago

Peter. Sheffield UK

ghost commented 7 years ago

Larne, Northern Ireland!!

swap77 commented 7 years ago


jajain commented 7 years ago


DGPrakash commented 7 years ago


0mpurdy commented 7 years ago


Also NI

cmicelimms commented 7 years ago


shamboghosh commented 7 years ago

Pune , India

githubteacher commented 7 years ago

:tada: @VasileiosOik, @karlekar, @patrickmcglone, @paulbreen, @paulfrankallan, @mzzmjd, @nmcallister01, @swap77, @jajain, @DGPrakash, @0mpurdy, and @cmicelimms are now repository collaborators. :balloon:

Andreiaotto commented 7 years ago

Andreia from Portugal

pthip commented 7 years ago

puneeta India

githubteacher commented 7 years ago

:tada: @shamboghosh, @Andreiaotto, and @pthip are now repository collaborators. :balloon:

jkimnejm commented 7 years ago

hi from Boston

vilasonkar commented 7 years ago


beardofedu commented 7 years ago

@githubteacher ;)

ghost commented 7 years ago

@githubteacher ;)

jignesh04 commented 7 years ago

Hi, Jignesh here

githubteacher commented 7 years ago

:tada: @vilasonkar, @li-xinyang, and @jignesh04 are now repository collaborators. :balloon:

MimmoNI commented 7 years ago

Eventually in

githubteacher commented 7 years ago

:tada: @MimmoNI is now a repository collaborator. :balloon:

svatasoiumms commented 7 years ago

commenting now

githubteacher commented 7 years ago

:tada: @svatasoiumms is now a repository collaborator. :balloon:

ghost commented 7 years ago

add me

githubteacher commented 7 years ago

:tada: @abhishekvats007 is now a repository collaborator. :balloon:

maheshhe commented 7 years ago

Add me

githubteacher commented 7 years ago

:tada: @maheshhe is now a repository collaborator. :balloon: