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I can't view the md files from other collaborators in my local git repo #129

Closed xdc7 closed 7 years ago

xdc7 commented 7 years ago


I've done a git pull and checked out the master branch, but when I do an ls -l I just see one file, the and not the .md files from the other collaborators.

What am I doing wrong? Please help..

brianamarie commented 7 years ago

@xdc7 Just to check - you did a git pull, and then git checkout? You didn't do anything wrong - you will need to type git pull again before you'll see the updates.

git pull is a combination command of git fetch and git merge. That means it fetches all of the remote tracking branches, but only updates the branch you're currently on. If you did this before you checked out to master, that means you only updated the branch you were on, NOT master. Does this make sense?

brianamarie commented 7 years ago

I'm going to close now, but please feel free to reopen or open a new issue if you have more questions. 😄