githubteacher / githubfordevelopers-april

GitHub for Developers Training
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Are we still asking questions here? #138

Closed limeri closed 7 years ago

brianamarie commented 7 years ago

@limeri Yep! Do you have a question?

limeri commented 7 years ago

Why do you push the local branch to remote repo instead of merging locally and pushing that update up?

brianamarie commented 7 years ago

@limeri Great question! Technically, there's no difference with how the commits would appear on master. But, we're practicing method that we'd apply in a team setting. If we merge before pushing, we miss out on the pull request step.

The pull request step is really where the magic happens - test can be run automatically, code review happens, and there's a solid context around changes in the future.

Does this answer your question?

limeri commented 7 years ago

So we do it this way so we can do a review? If we're not at the review step, then it doesn't matter?

limeri commented 7 years ago

But then you'd need to communicate to team members that they need to pull.

brianamarie commented 7 years ago

@limeri You're right. For today it doesn't "matter", but we're practicing the steps in the recommended best practice for collaborative workflows. We'll practice merging locally later.

limeri commented 7 years ago

k, thanks. Will we also practice reviews later?

brianamarie commented 7 years ago

@limeri Unfortunately we won't have time to practice reviews again. ☹️ This video is a good review of our class activity and code reviews.

brianamarie commented 7 years ago

I'm going to close for now, but please feel free to reopen or to open a new issue if you have more questions.