githubtraining / training-manual

Home of the words in the GitHub Training Manual and teaching scripts.
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Add submodule and other advanced information #78

Open githubteacher opened 6 years ago

githubteacher commented 6 years ago

Does it make sense to put some advanced content outlines in the manual or in this repository?

cc @githubtraining/trainers

GitHub for Developers - Day 2 for Advanced Audiences

This outline is a more advanced version of GitHub for Developers day 2 and should only be used if you have finished all of the day 1 material, both merge conflicts in the github-games activity (including using a second remote to pull in the merge conflict on the second activity), git bisect and git revert on the first day of training.

Morning Warm-Up

Step 1

Step 2

After your partner has completed step 1:

Creating Atomic commits

How Commits are Made

Creating a Repository Locally

Git reflog


Rebase with conflicts

Resets with Merge commits

Amending Commits

More fun with branches

Filter branch

Tags and Releases


Add the submodule to the repository

Show the submodule on GitHub

Working with repo with Submodules

Workflows for making changes in Submodules

Submodule Scripts

Scripts to rule them all

beardofedu commented 6 years ago

@brianamarie I think if we are going to try to have all of our training content in the manual format (which I believe we do) , we should include the advanced content in a book format.

brianamarie commented 6 years ago

I know this has been sitting here for a while - I would like to add these sections in the future, but am currently unsure of when I'll have the bandwidth to do this. I'll leave this issue open. If anyone else would like to start this off, please feel free. šŸ˜„

brianamarie commented 5 years ago

Adding on to this issue - it would be āœØ if we could have an additional script to run, which would open up several issues with more "advanced" topics. We could run this script in the case that we finish class early, or there are specific questions on these topics. The issues would have the instructions and some brief explanations for each concept.

An advantage of having these as issues rather than parts of the training manual is that it would easily allow us to sort during class based on interest. (ex: have people assign themselves to issues they're interested in.)

carolynshin commented 5 years ago

@brianamarie should this be in the programs backlog or should we hand this over to the implementation engineering team?

brianamarie commented 5 years ago

I think this makes sense to hand over to the implementation engineering team. šŸ‘ cc @beardofedu @rwnfoo @allthedoll @aharshbe @ppremk @DGpeach - these are potential improvements to the training manual that I started when I was actively training. Let me know if you have any questions! Feel free to let this hang out here until a customer requests it, or incorporate it as preparation for an upcoming engagement. It would be really handy to have in the appendix for more advanced customers.

brianamarie commented 5 years ago

Dropping in some notes here about other potential additional content:

brianamarie commented 4 years ago

This should also include subtree information, at the very least, comparing and contrasting the why and usability for subtrees and submodules.