gitim / react-native-sortable-list

React Native Sortable List component
MIT License
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Performance #33

Open i8wu opened 7 years ago

i8wu commented 7 years ago

I'm trying to use this module with a simple text listview, but the performance is still not very good. On Android and iOS the movement is choppy. (Even with jsdev turned off for android) Any tips on improving performance?

gitim commented 7 years ago

For performance improving you should add shoudlComponentUpdate into your component, that is rendered in renderRow function.

gitim commented 7 years ago

Also there is another way to improve performance, we can switch back to LayoutAnimation while animating rows swapping, I switch from it to js-animation, because it was buggy on android.

i8wu commented 7 years ago

Wouldn't modifying shouldComponentUpdate for the row cause it not to actually move around onscreen? (Haven't actually tried it yet so don't quote me)

gitim commented 7 years ago

Seems, you didn't understand me.

You should implement shouldComponentUpdate inside MyRow component:

  renderRow={({data, active, disabled}) => <MyRow data={data} active={active} disabled={disabled} /> } />
i8wu commented 7 years ago

Oh, well in that case my row component shouldn't be re-rendering at all. It's a very dumb component:

const SavedItem = ({ data, active }) => (
srameshr commented 7 years ago

@gitim Ive got the same problems too. My renderRow returns a class with just a Text. Could you be more elaborate about how do I fix perf issues?

gitim commented 7 years ago

@gitim Ive got the same problems too. My renderRow returns a class with just a Text. Could you be more elaborate about how do I fix perf issues?

Strange, how many entries in your list component?

srameshr commented 7 years ago


This is my state: = {
  a: {
    index: 'a'
  b: {
    index: 'b'

Now when I want to update my object, I do this:

  data: {
   [key]: {
      index: key

This causes the whole list to re-render. All the rows flash. Looks bad. I even tried shallow update it did not work. Can you tell me how do I fix this? How to add new items without re rendering.

gitim commented 7 years ago

Well, we talk about different things, I talked about performance of the component.

As regards to your question

How to add new items without re rendering.

I answered to this question here, looks possible to implement this heuristic, but I have not implemented it yet. Will try to take a look on it this week.

srameshr commented 7 years ago

@gitim Looking forward to it. I tried it with this.forceRender() by setting my state like this:

this.state[key] = {
  index: key

But it did not work.

nixvalentine commented 7 years ago

Any progression on this so far? This "flashing-the-whole-list" is killing me all day. My newbie skill could not help me at all digging around to try to fix it. I am using this for my to-do app, change a bit of Sortable List to accept child button and check box. Worked nicely until I saw the Flashing nightmare. T~T

srameshr commented 7 years ago

@nixvalentine No! It still flashes. The whole state object gets updated because we are reassigning it.

nixvalentine commented 7 years ago

@srameshr I am currently trying this one It seems it does not have the flashing problem but I've still yet finished implementing.

srameshr commented 7 years ago

@nixvalentine I need horizontal scrolling list. Does it support that?

srameshr commented 7 years ago

@nixvalentine Also let me know how it fares.

Shark900 commented 6 years ago

@srameshr I had a similar problem.

My structure looks like the following: = [
    index: 'a'
    index: 'b'

Now i also tryed to update my code:

var data = []; 
var pos = data.findIndex((item) => item.index === 'a');

if (pos !== -1) {
    data[pos] = {[pos],
        changedSomething: true

    this.setState({ data });

By changing this line var data = []; to this var data =; fixed the problem for me.