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For Jira, on the Start Work view I'm only seeing issues that I created/authored. It should show, and prioritize, issues I am assignee on, like this one for example. Instead I am seeing issues I reported even if they have no assignee.
The explanation
The mentioned issue probably is in the search result, because the current search query is:
(creator = currentUser() OR assignee = currentUser() OR comment ~ currentUser() OR summary ~ currentUser() OR description ~ currentUser())
but in the current order it doesn't appear on the first page, that's why the user doesn't see it.
Require issues to be ordered by update date. So the user will the recently updated items first and most likely see the issues they are interested in. Stale items will be at the bottom of the list or cut out by the query limit.
This solution is questionable, it has its advantages and disadvantages.
it's easy to do
"The most recently updated issues where the user has been involved" is not the same as "the issues the user is most involved in". Probably a better solution would be somehow to order by a date of the most recent change related to the user. But there isn't a way to achieve it in JQL.
The library's PR has been merged.
As soon as they publish it in NPM with a version, the updating of the dependency in our code will be the solution of the current ticket.
This issue is a follow-up of #3621
The problem
For Jira, on the Start Work view I'm only seeing issues that I created/authored. It should show, and prioritize, issues I am assignee on, like this one for example. Instead I am seeing issues I reported even if they have no assignee.
The explanation
The mentioned issue probably is in the search result, because the current search query is:
but in the current order it doesn't appear on the first page, that's why the user doesn't see it.
solutionproposal of the solution
Require issues to be ordered by update date. So the user will the recently updated items first and most likely see the issues they are interested in. Stale items will be at the bottom of the list or cut out by the query limit.
Add the following suffix to the query:
This solution is questionable, it has its advantages and disadvantages.