gitmylo / audio-webui

A webui for different audio related Neural Networks
MIT License
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SOS: Python Packages vs. GPU Performance insights? #210

Open BritanofBritan opened 5 months ago

BritanofBritan commented 5 months ago

Hello, Anyone know a working combination of python packages and versions that will effectively run Audio WebUI?

Here's my harrowing story:

When I installed AudioWebUI, I noticed that while "technically" everything seemed to work, functionally, every feature just produced a spinning icon. This included using the UI to download extensions. My Task Manager also showed 5-8% GPU use (RTX 4070 TI with 12gb) when trying to generate 5 second file, i.e. why wouldn't it be using more?

I then saw version incompatibility messages between the python packages.

Then, I went into Package Install Hell -- where I was tortured by the Version Gremlins.

After hours (years?) I had gone in full install loops and was lost in a labyrinth of unending pain -- no matter what was installed, there was always another conflict.

Here's what I have installed:

      - annotated-types    0.6.0
      - certifi            2024.2.2
      - charset-normalizer 3.3.2
      - filelock           3.13.1
      - fsspec             2023.12.2
      - idna               3.6
      - Jinja2             3.1.3
      - MarkupSafe         2.1.4
      - mpmath             1.3.0
      - mypy-extensions    1.0.0
      - networkx           3.2.1
      - numpy              1.26.3
      - packaging          23.2
      - pillow             10.2.0
      - pip                23.0.1
      - protobuf           4.25.2
      - pydantic           2.6.0
      - pydantic_core      2.16.1
      - pyre-extensions    0.0.29
      - requests           2.31.0
      - setuptools         65.5.0
      - sympy              1.12
      - tensorboardX
      - torch              2.2.0
      - torchvision        0.15.1+cu117
      - typing_extensions  4.9.0
      - typing-inspect     0.9.0
      - urllib3            2.2.0
      - xformers           0.0.24
      - Python 3.10.11

The main culprits are python version vs. torch vs. torchvision vs. xformers.

I suspect that xformers not working is why nothing happening in the UI.

I'd love it if I can get some insights on this. Maybe someone can send me a 'pip list' of a working set packages on their system and their python version?