gitoqlok / helpdesk

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Github - App Thumbnail image updated to app doesn't get saved. #6

Closed camara-raf closed 3 years ago

camara-raf commented 3 years ago

An app thumbnail that is uploaded to the doesn't go to the repository; Image is in the 'app content'. When deploying the app in another environment (DEV to UAT), thumbnail is broken.

Dev: image

Main Branch Repository : objects/properties.josn image

UAT image


Testing Branch Repository: objects/properties.json [App id in the qURL didn't change even after deploying in a new environment, that creates a new id] image

Environment: Qlik Sense Enterprise on Windows

Is the App content out not being imported by design?

camara-raf commented 3 years ago

Log file from deployment can be found: Log files can be found here:!AtltkX-ckkINg-kvWHrzN9DloVTwTg?e=Jb159b (gitoqlik_log_18-9-2020_3-30-37_gitHub_DeployThumbnailIssue.txt)

shatzibitten commented 3 years ago

@camara-raf thanks! it is known issue, static content doesn't imported by design. But we are going to store thumbnails in the repository because of their small size. I will update that issue

shatzibitten commented 3 years ago

@camara-raf done in 1.5.4 version. Please check it