Closed jgallucci32 closed 3 years ago
I can confirm I have the same issue with my docker-compose self-hosted Gitpod. After fixing issue #1906 this is the current error that pops up.
Self-hosted installation (0.40) integrated with GitLab (on-premise)
I also had this error with 0.4.0 occasionally. Usually, a re-deploy fixed the problem.
Since 0.5.0 this has never happened to me again. Have you tried to upgrade to version 0.5.0?
See also:
So I'm using the current latest
tag from
This uses
I ran some wireshark captures on the pods and what I find strange is the server pod is making a tcp/8080 connection to the image builder and getting connection resets. This is surprising because the image-builder is not listening on tcp/8080 so why would the server pod be making this connection attempt in the first place?
@corneliusludmann I see only 0.5.0 available for gitpod chart and not gitpod-selfhosted which is only available up to 0.4.0. Will the regular gitpod chart work the same on-premise?
Well the server is definitely configured to communicate to image-builder over tcp/8080. Here is the list of environment variables from within the server pod:
unode@server-85d4499574-p8cf5:/app/node_modules/@typefox/server$ env | grep IMAGE_BUILDER
However, I can verify that image-builder
is in fact NOT listening on tcp/8080 so perhaps this has not been deployed correctly (even though it is marked as active)
Thanks for your analysis, @jgallucci32.
I see only 0.5.0 available for gitpod chart and not gitpod-selfhosted which is only available up to 0.4.0. Will the regular gitpod chart work the same on-premise?
The gitpod-selfhosted repo is deprecated. I just added a note. The Gitpod 0.5.0 helm charts work more or less the same. You'll find sample values.yaml
files at and
It would be great if you could check if you experience the same with Gitpod 0.5.0. Probably @csweichel could have a look at your findings.
@corneliusludmann I'm not sure if it's helpful, but I'm experiencing the same issue when using the provided docker-compose.yaml. I'm happy to provide some logs if you tell me what you need.
Thanks, philjak
@corneliusludmann @philjak I was able to get past this issue with a workaround. It came down to the MTU setting of the Docker-in-Docker image being set to 1500 when Kubernetes (which uses Calico networking) has an overlay with MTU 1450 on the base container/pod.
In order to fix this I had to add the flag --mtu=1450
to the entrypoint for the image-builder pod. Here is a snippet of the manifest for it:
- args:
- dockerd
- --userns-remap=default
- -H tcp://
- --mtu=1450
Apparently this is a known issue with K8s + DinD + Alpine running an apk fetch
as noted in this Github issue
Awesome @jgallucci32 ! I can confirm. Edited the image-builder deployment and it's working!
@philjak could you tell, what is exactly needed to change in the docker-compose.yaml ?
okay, my current fix is to create a new volume which maps /chart/templates to a local folder and insert a modified image-builder-deployment.yaml
but this problem should be fixed in the dockerimage, I think the mtu could statically be changed without great impact also to non DinD environments
Thanks @BenjaminBeichler for sharing. I really just edited the running deployment - so this was no persistent change. But until the issue has been fixed, I guess I'll also try to using a temporarily volume.
@jgallucci32 Thank you very much for investigating this issue. :+1:
To make sure that this fixes the issue I ran some tests with the docker-compose.yaml
setting: Without your fix, in 4 of 10 cases, I get the “failed to connect to all addresses” error after deployment. With your fix, I successfully deployed Gitpod 10 times in a row without this error. It's still a rather small sample, but I am convinced that this fixes the bug. :smile:
As already described, a temporary fix would be to mount a patched image-builder-deployment.yaml
into the chart folder. Add this to your docker-compose.yaml
volumes section:
- ./image-builder-deployment.yaml:/chart/templates/image-builder-deployment.yaml
You can get this patched file e.g. by running:
$ docker-compose exec gitpod sed 's/"dockerd"/"dockerd", "--mtu=1450"/' /chart/templates/image-builder-deployment.yaml > ../image-builder-deployment.yaml
I'll gonna create a PR to fix this soon.
This issue has been automatically marked as stale because it has not had recent activity. It will be closed if no further activity occurs. Thank you for your contributions.
I'm getting the same error on a self-hosted gitpod setup in a kubernetes environment. I get a 101 http return code from the API wss:// Where can I find the root cause?
This is the log of the call:
{"upstreamAddr":"","requestScheme":"https","requestHost":"","requestTime":"40.006","remotePort":"6033","serverName":"","httpRequest":{"requestSize":"776","responseSize":"408","userAgent":"Mozilla\/5.0 (Linux; Android 6.0; Nexus 5 Build\/MRA58N) AppleWebKit\/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome\/90.0.4430.93 Mobile Safari\/537.36","remoteIp":"","serverIp":"","latency":"40.006","protocol":"HTTP\/1.1","requestMethod":"GET","status":"101","requestUrl":"\/api\/gitpod"},"connection":"2235","httpConnection":"Upgrade","cookies":{"_kerberus_gitpod_ddnsnet":"s%3Adf177a24-48ac-41d1-a0b6-ab9a7c222ac8.UGFFnw2CnLs6Niarm%2BsqVoU%2F2h4Y%2BHeTRRJVYMOPXq0","gitpod-user":"loggedIn","user-platform":"6c7f835a-6560-44e1-99d4-973ed6fbdb06"},"httpUpgrade":"websocket","proxyHost":"ws-apiserver","serverPort":"443","proxyPort":"80","severity":200,"requestHeaders":{"pragma":"no-cache","origin":"https:\/\/","sec-websocket-version":"13","host":"","cache-control":"no-cache","accept-language":"it-IT,it;q=0.9,en-US;q=0.8,en;q=0.7,es;q=0.6","user-agent":"Mozilla\/5.0 (Linux; Android 6.0; Nexus 5 Build\/MRA58N) AppleWebKit\/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome\/90.0.4430.93 Mobile Safari\/537.36","sec-websocket-extensions":"permessage-deflate; client_max_window_bits","sec-websocket-key":"Cw8b4OhPqB43Iy3RdKmkBw==","accept-encoding":"gzip, deflate, br","connection":"Upgrade","upgrade":"websocket"},"responseHeaders":{"upgrade":"websocket","access-control-allow-origin":"https:\/\/","sec-websocket-extensions":"permessage-deflate","access-control-expose-headers":"Authorization","sec-websocket-accept":"Ssra3rclUOaDK0KWtPzOfzOazRk=","access-control-allow-credentials":"true","connection":"upgrade","x-gitpod-region":"production.gitpod.local.00"},"context":{"sessionId":"df177a24-48ac-41d1-a0b6-ab9a7c222ac8"}}
@braghettos: Would you mind open a thread in our community forum (feel free to link this issue in your post)? Please add additional information:
look like?Hi @corneliusludmann , I created a new thread:
Describe the bug
When creating a new workspace the following error is returned from the Web UI
Steps to reproduce
Expected behavior
Workspace launches
Additional information
Red Hat 7.8 (Docker CE 19.03.13) Self-hosted installation (0.40) integrated with GitLab (on-premise)
Error from server
Example repository