Open petergerdes opened 2 weeks ago
When everything is passed through port 5000 (to use with reverse-proxy (I use Traefik)), the NEXT_PUBLIC_BACKEND_URL is incorrect. It needs to have /api added to it in order to work.
Here is my working example (in Coolify):
postiz: image: '' container_name: postiz restart: always environment: MAIN_URL: 'https://<your exposed url>/' FRONTEND_URL: 'https://<your exposed url>/' NEXT_PUBLIC_BACKEND_URL: 'https://<your exposed url>/api' JWT_SECRET: <make a secret here> DATABASE_URL: 'postgresql://postiz-user:postiz-password@postiz-postgres:5432/postiz-db-local' REDIS_URL: 'redis://postiz-redis:6379' BACKEND_INTERNAL_URL: 'http://localhost:3000/' IS_GENERAL: 'true' STORAGE_PROVIDER: local UPLOAD_DIRECTORY: /uploads NEXT_PUBLIC_UPLOAD_DIRECTORY: /uploads volumes: - 'postiz-config:/config/' - 'postiz-uploads:/uploads/' ports: - '5000:5000' networks: - postiz-network labels: - traefik.enable=true - 'traefik.http.routers.postiz.rule=Host(`<your exposed url>`) && PathPrefix(`/`)' - traefik.http.routers.postiz.entryPoints=http - traefik.http.routers.postiz.tls=true - traefik.http.routers.postiz.tls.certresolver=letsencrypt - depends_on: postiz-postgres: condition: service_healthy postiz-redis: condition: service_healthy postiz-postgres: image: 'postgres:14.5' container_name: postiz-postgres restart: always environment: POSTGRES_PASSWORD: postiz-password POSTGRES_USER: postiz-user POSTGRES_DB: postiz-db-local volumes: - 'postgres-volume:/var/lib/postgresql/data' ports: - '5432:5432' networks: - postiz-network healthcheck: test: 'pg_isready -U postiz-user -d postiz-db-local' interval: 10s timeout: 3s retries: 3 postiz-redis: image: 'redis:7.2' container_name: postiz-redis restart: always ports: - '6379:6379' healthcheck: test: 'redis-cli ping' interval: 10s timeout: 3s retries: 3 volumes: - 'postiz-redis-data:/data' networks: - postiz-network volumes: postgres-volume: external: false postiz-redis-data: external: false postiz-config: external: false networks: postiz-network: external: false
I have also added Traefik labels in order to get Letsencrypt working.
Hey @petergerdes , yep, this is probably OK. Would you like to raise a Pull Request?
When everything is passed through port 5000 (to use with reverse-proxy (I use Traefik)), the NEXT_PUBLIC_BACKEND_URL is incorrect. It needs to have /api added to it in order to work.
Here is my working example (in Coolify):
I have also added Traefik labels in order to get Letsencrypt working.