Open Hollywood opened 7 years ago
are there any plans to do this?
Friendly bump. Again, would love to use this, but there's no way I'm going to be able to grant this access to our Org without the use of Personal Access Tokens. My AppSec team will laugh at me and then proceedd to throw me off the golden state bridge if I ask. A PAT should only need User and Repo permissions in order to pull this data. See what GitHawk for iOS is doing as an example.
/cc @beyera @iSimar (keeping you guys in the loop in case you shut off notifications)
Along with GH's OAuth authentication, this application would be wonderful if users could login using personal access tokens. This application looks wonderful and I'd love to use this internally here at GitHub, but there's no way that I can grant access to our organization for this tool. The use of PAT's would help me bypass that OAuth requirement and see my assigned/mentioned/followed/etc issues.