gitskarios / Gitskarios

GitHub Android application
MIT License
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RIP: Old Interface #623

Open k0shk0sh opened 7 years ago

k0shk0sh commented 7 years ago

Hello There, i'm definitely with updating the app from time to time, however when the update does really impact your users behaviour in the app then this should be a problem.
i'm not hating on the new UI, I'm just saying that its not really applicable for such app.

Instead of one click to read the read me now we have to do two clicks & wait longer.
1- click on repo.
2- click on readme since the new UI makes it hard to read( with large margin), specially you'll have to scroll horizontally most of the time for some repos readme & forgot to mention the horizontal scrolling is hard to scroll and laggy.
3- wait for awhile because the read me is loading without even an indication of loading.
4-(extra) now to back to the repos list. click back twice.

alorma commented 7 years ago

4- i'm working on caching repositories, so wait will not be need anymore

And, now you have an option on setting to load full readme instead of short version.

When readme is loading theres a wheel indicator, does it not show on your device?

I tested with many repos, and full readme looks pretty on all of theme please send me repo link if you found any that is too large, or causes lag

There's space to improve this screen, but it's more clear right now, in line with web version, but i will take a look.

PD: there are app sections that needs a UI refactor: repos list, issues / pull requests, gists...

k0shk0sh commented 7 years ago

here is one i just was at

enable full readme and see it yourself, try and scroll horizontally and see how it does lag. for the tabs screen there is an indication of loading but not on the full readme. is there anywhere i can find the latest version which has the old interface?

alorma commented 7 years ago

Ok, full readme screen needs indicator :b

With old interface, scrolling horizontal and vertical caused lag, also.

I will check if there's any way to improve the html content

alorma commented 7 years ago

i can send you the latest version with old interface, but you will get updates anyway

k0shk0sh commented 7 years ago

maybe because it was taking the whole screen the scrolling wasn't there? actually for the webview scrolling horizontally i had the same exact issue awhile ago and i solved by appending a custom css to the webview, let me find it and comment back. i wont update the app just pass it to me :D

alorma commented 7 years ago

if you have a custom css that solves it, you will be ok with this version? Or need it full width?

k0shk0sh commented 7 years ago

Basically i have this handy method which wraps the text to next line when there is no much space, you could give it a try tho.:

public static void wrapWebView(final @NonNull WebView web, final @NonNull String content) { Runnable() {
            @Override public void run() {
                String html = "<style> pre {\n" +
                        "white-space: pre-wrap;       \n" +
                        "white-space: -moz-pre-wrap;  \n" +
                        "white-space: -pre-wrap;      \n" +
                        "white-space: -o-pre-wrap;    \n" +
                        "word-wrap: break-word;\n" +
                        "padding:0px;\n" +
                        "margin:0px\n" +
                        "}\n" +
                        "</style>" + content;
                WebSettings settings = web.getSettings();
                if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.KITKAT) {
                } else {
                web.loadData(html, "text/html; charset=utf-8", "UTF-8");
                if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < Build.VERSION_CODES.JELLY_BEAN) {
                    web.setBackgroundColor(Color.argb(1, 0, 0, 0));
k0shk0sh commented 7 years ago

@alorma i will definitely need the old version, i just love how it was, i use it consistently so yeah, please bass me the old one :)

alorma commented 7 years ago

Looks great, i will try later