gitter-lab / SINGE

Gene regulatory network reconstruction from pseudotemporal single-cell gene expression data
MIT License
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Exit if hyperparameters file does not exist #62

Open agitter opened 3 years ago

agitter commented 3 years ago

I was testing SINGE in the Docker image and provided a hyperparameters files that did not exist. However, SINGE continued running with default hyperparameters. and SINGE.m should exit with an error in this case.

Here is the start of the output:

SINGE operating in standalone mode
standalone mode running GLG tests
grep: input/default_hyperparameters.txt: No such file or directory
hypenum: 1
sed: can't read input/default_hyperparameters.txt: No such file or directory
Setting up environment variables
LD_LIBRARY_PATH is .:/usr/local/MATLAB/MATLAB_Runtime/v94/runtime/glnxa64:/usr/l
Creating MATLAB Runtime Cache at location: /tmp/.mcrCache9.4
.max_size not found.  Using default size of 33554432 bytes.
MATLAB Runtime cache extracting component: SINGE_GLG_Te_DE1F291F7B6F70644FA3E2EA
Acquiring MATLAB Runtime cache root-level directory lock... acquire succeeded.
Reading cache index file...
File open failed for /tmp/.mcrCache9.4/.mcr_cache_index
MATLAB Runtime cache: extractDir is /tmp/.mcrCache9.4/SINGE_0

Adding component SINGE_GLG_Te_DE1F291F7B6F70644FA3E2EA0D86137D to the cache.
MATLAB Runtime Cache: performing maintenance...
Processing cached components...
Done with cache maintenance.
Creating component directory: /tmp/.mcrCache9.4/SINGE_0
Acquiring component directory WRITE lock... acquire succeeded.
Extracting component... Component extracted to cache.  Writing creation timestam
Timestamp successfully created.
Downgrading WRITE lock to READ lock... downgrade successful.
Component SINGE_GLG_Te_DE1F291F7B6F70644FA3E2EA0D86137D has successfully been ac
cessed from the cache.
MATLAB Runtime Cache: performing maintenance...
Processing cached components...
Done with cache maintenance.
Checking whether index file /tmp/.mcrCache9.4/.mcr_cache_index needs to be writt
Write is needed.
Writing cache index file: /tmp/.mcrCache9.4/.mcr_cache_index
Writing cache index entry:
2021-Jan-23 21:43:46.477392

params =

  struct with fields:

                   Data: 'input/X_SCODE_data.mat'
                   date: '23-Jan-2021'
                     dT: 1
                 family: 'gaussian'
                     ID: 0
           kernel_width: 2
                 lambda: 0.0100
               num_lags: 15
                 outdir: 'output'
    prob_remove_samples: 0.2000
      prob_zero_removal: 0
              replicate: 0
                     p1: 15
             DateNumber: 738179