gittuf / gittuf

A security layer for Git repositories
Apache License 2.0
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Policy rule management UI #424

Open patzielinski opened 3 weeks ago

patzielinski commented 3 weeks ago

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Currently, gittuf rules are specified through the CLI (i.e. gittuf policy add-rule, gittuf policy apply). This works, but can become unwieldy rather quickly, especially when needing to edit rules. gittuf policy list-rules helps with this, but a UI/TUI would serve to further improve this part of the workflow for users. This is nebulous at the moment and will need some thinking through + design work to do properly.

This is an offshoot of the bigger UX issue (#4).

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adityasaky commented 3 weeks ago

I want to highlight that there's currently no way to reorder rules in a rule file, a really big gap given the order of rules is very important in gittuf. This would go quite a way to introducing UI that'd make it easier to reorder rules and so on.

adityasaky commented 3 weeks ago

@wlynch thoughts on a TUI library we could leverage? perhaps?