giuliodondi / kOS-Shuttle_OPS1

kOS ascent guidance script for the Space Shuttle in KSP Realism Overhaul
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Ascent script issue 2 seconds into roll #3

Closed ChrisGNSF closed 8 months ago

ChrisGNSF commented 8 months ago

Discovered a bug in the launch script. About 2 seconds into the roll program, the script seems to be breaking. Attaching screenshot of the error messages in kOS.

Screenshot (1)

giuliodondi commented 8 months ago

The error stack trace is truncated by the terminal, I don't have full visibility of what / where the issue is exactly. In any case, I just tried the master branch code and saw no such issue, maybe try to pull the latest

ChrisGNSF commented 8 months ago

Ah. I expanded the window. This is with a fresh install of the ascent script.

Screenshot (2)

giuliodondi commented 8 months ago

This is not a bug with the script: the script attempts to log telemetry to a csv file, but kOS seems to be configured with limited cpu storage and it fails when the log file gets too big (hence why it happens around 8 seconds, which seems an oddly random time when no major transition takes place). I never got this error because I didn't configure kOS to behave "realistically" in this way, it could be because I exclusively play sandbox.

A straightforward workaround is to go to the launcher script 'shuttle.ks' and set log_telemetry to 'FALSE', but if the kOS CPU is limited in some other fashion (e.g. RAM or instructions per second) I can't guarantee that no other problems will arise

ChrisGNSF commented 8 months ago

That worked! Thank you.