giuliov / hugo-vsts-extension

Generate a site using Hugo, a Fast and Flexible Website Generator, running in Visual Studio Team Services or Team Foundation Server.
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[Error] Step task reference is invalid #22

Open PiotrWachulec opened 2 years ago

PiotrWachulec commented 2 years ago


I'm trying to use the latest version of the task, but I'm getting the below error:

Step task reference is invalid. The task name HugoTask is ambiguous. Specify one of the following identifiers to resolve the ambiguity: giuliovdev.hugo-extension.hugo-build-task.HugoTask, giuliovdev.hugo-extension.hugo-build-task-v2.HugoTask

Zrzut ekranu 2022-01-16 o 23 18 49
- task: HugoTask@2
          source: './'
          destination: '$(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)'
          extendedVersion: true
          baseURL: ...

Could you help me with that? I tried to run that task on Ubuntu-latest and VS2017-Win2016 machines. Many thanks in advance!

MatthiasKammerlohr commented 2 years ago

same here :(

MatthiasKammerlohr commented 2 years ago

After some research in azure devops forums i found out you can reference the task by ID:

- task: "5F838DA4-D713-497A-BD7A-4987F25E3C2F@1"
- task: "528c73d9-c552-4e2d-a26f-fb5c91c32554@2"

Hope this helps!

PiotrWachulec commented 2 years ago

Nice to hear, that tasks can be referenced by ID, a temporary workaround for sure... But I believe that a permanent solution will be better :) Anyway, thanks @MatthiasKammerlohr!

giuliov commented 2 years ago

Sorry, I clearly missed some test case. I have another update in queue and hopefully can release it soon.