giuseppefutia / semi

A SEmantic Modeling machIne to build Knowledge Graphs with Graph Neural Networks
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Error when running refinement.js script #19

Open YanW23 opened 2 years ago

YanW23 commented 2 years ago

Hello, there is the following problem when I tried to run the refinement.js script for building a refined semantic model of s01-cb in task_01:

After executing the refinement.js script, I waited for 10 hours with no result, also the content in traversed_nodes.txt keeps increasing. I'm confused whether there is a possibility of an infinite loop, or the multi-edge weighted graph(MEWG) in task_01 is so complicated that it does take a lot of time to output the result.

Could you give me some guidance?

giuseppefutia commented 2 years ago

Thank you for your message!

Are you using your own data? If it is the case, could you give a sample?

YanW23 commented 2 years ago

Thank you for your reply. In fact, I am using the data privided by you. Specifically, I proceed with the refinement process with the following command for building the refined semantic model of s01-cb in task_01: node run/refinement.js data/taheriyan2016/task_01/semantic_types/updated/s01-cb_st.json data/pc/model_datasets/scores/pc/6000/score.json data/taheriyan2016/task_01/semantic_models/steiner/graph/s01-cb_steiner.json data/taheriyan2016/task_01/semantic_models/plausibles/graph/s01-cb_graph.json data/pc/semantic_models/s01-cb

However, after more than 10 hours, there is still no expected output and the program keeps running:

At the same time, the content of the traversed_nodes.txt file is still increasing, and the size is about 250GB. I simply visualized s01-cb_graph.json, the beautified version of weighted graph file including all plausible semantic models for s01-cb in task_01 and found that the graph contains a large number of edges. s01-cb_graph . Therefore, I'm guessing if it's because the multi-edge weighted graph is too complicated. Maybe it's because of other reasons that the correct result is not generated, so I hope you can give me some guidance.