giuspen / cherrytree

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Tabbed Projects #2046

Open ttffm opened 2 years ago

ttffm commented 2 years ago

I would like to see tabs for viewing more than one Cherrytree project per instance, much like you can on a browser. With that feature you could browse all of your projects. It would also be nice if it could remember which projects you had open when you close the program so they will be there the next time you launch.

TriggerDingus commented 2 years ago

I would like to see tabs for viewing more than one Cherrytree project per instance, much like you can on a browser. With that feature you could browse all of your projects. It would also be nice if it could remember which projects you had open when you close the program so they will be there the next time you launch.

I know there's no voting here, but I second this feature suggestion. Browsing multiple files within a single window would be very handy, as well as having a handy list of Favorite files would be spectacular. At the moment, I have a several very active files but to access them I need to open a New Instance and then do Open Recent - while this is certainly not an issue, it would be a 'nice to have' to be able to navigate Favorite files more easily within the same Instance.

dimio commented 1 year ago

I second this feature suggestion also.

stetcher commented 1 year ago

I second this feature suggestion.