giuspen / cherrytree

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Remove the Ukrainian flag icon #2220

Open collector-ynh opened 1 year ago

collector-ynh commented 1 year ago

Version, Operative system Linux-Mint 2.1

Describe the bug

I have a problem with cherrytree, a Ukrainian heart icon appeared with the latest version of cherrytree!

Cherrytree is a tool, and in no way it should be politicized. I don't want to see the ukrainian heart icon, that's not why I use cherrytree.

How can I remove this icon?


Nouvelles propriétés du nœud fil_002

Choisir l'Icône du Nœud_001

Rayme commented 1 year ago

I don't like that either. Make it not the first one is ok for me but this is the FIRST icon that appears. That is really annoying.

xdenyer commented 1 year ago

The usual options for users are:

Learn how to do stuff, and either fork the project or compile it with that asset removed or replaced. It doesn't look as if even that's required, the icons are in a specific folder after installation on Linux (0.99.48) and the same is probably true on other platforms and current versions.

Or use different note management software. Open source projects are entirely up to the developers and most people who contribute (and particularly those not paid by companies to contribute) lean towards politics that are for public good, against war, etc.

Rayme commented 1 year ago

Ok, this is understandable. CherryTree is really a good piece of software so I wish developers all the best.

I am against war too if there is any misunderstanding.

collector-ynh commented 1 year ago

I am currently migrating to Trilium note which I find very good. I am also against the war that the US has started and I hope that this war will end soon with the victory of Russia!

It's a pity that CherryTree has not only been a note tool, but has turned into a political tool.

Rayme commented 1 year ago

I am currently migrating to Trilium note which I find very good. I am also against the war that the US has started and I hope that this war will end soon with the victory of Russia!

It's a pity that CherryTree has not only been a note tool, but has turned into a political tool.

Trilium Notes is a great piece of note-taking software too and it also supports Ukraine. There are two images on the GitHub page showing this information. But there is nothing weird (like CherryTree does) in the software itself. I respect that because it shows its respect to their users (rather than simply putting a ukrainian heart icon in the software)

collector-ynh commented 1 year ago

There is no reference to Ukraine in the Trilium notes tool, it's much more respectful for the users. Then they can post their claims outside the tool, I don't mind. I also support Russia but I don't integrate my ideology in the tools I develop!

grompes commented 1 year ago

Позвольте я и вставлю слово, хотя врядли кто-то услышит. Считаю что СПО (Open source projects) это не личная страница в фейсбуке, и тут не должна быть замешена политика. Это как музыка - композитор творит, и мы не задумываемся вегетарианец он в жизни или любитель бургеров.

СПО же типа "открыто для всех", почему тогда в Linux патч не заносят поправки от Байкала, а на гитхабе блочат профили российских компаний и пользователей? Санкции? То есть не такое уж и "свободное".

К слову, в низу списка нет флага России, а Украины есть о_О Дискриминация? Почему автор ущемляет обычных граждан России?

Translation via Yandex Let me insert a word, although hardly anyone will hear. I think that Open source projects is not a personal Facebook page, and politics should not be involved here. It's like music - the composer creates, and we don't think about whether he is a vegetarian in life or a burger lover. Freesoftware of the same type is "open to everyone", why then do not amendments from Baikal are made to the Linux patch, and profiles of Russian companies and users are blocked on the github? Sanctions? That is, not so "free". By the way, there is no flag of Russia at the bottom of the list, and Ukraine has o_O Discrimination? Why does the author infringe on ordinary citizens of Russia?
FFDA commented 1 year ago

I completely disagree with every one of you that has issues with the Ukrainian flag as an icon and I think this issue should be closed.

For the reason why he put it there? I can make a good guess why based on this post from his site:

Dear friends, I have not been able to contribute much to the project recently because my family is suffering from Putin’s invasion and destruction of Ukraine. I will restart when possible. My wife is Ukrainian, her parents and relatives are, as I write, trying to stay alive underground as Putin’s bombs destroys everything. Please stop this man’s personal war. I do not believe that the will of the Russian people is to exterminate the Ukrainian people.

Site is down at the moment so I can only provide an archive link

Finally, I just want to say that I found it really funny that, at least for one of you, Ukrainian flag is a deal breaker, however paying to write a message on the thing that might actually kill russians - aren't.


giuspen commented 1 year ago

There's no point in closing this issue when the trolls will open 2 more. I develop and make CherryTree available to everyone for the pleasure of making many people happy, for the pleasure of receiving feedbacks of appreciation and donations. But how can I work thinking that people invading and destroying my country benefit from it. (Yes you can say whatever you want to justify the strategic land grab and put your conscience at ease here, I'm glad you guys agree with your master so you don't have to end up in prison or poisoned) So I thought a visible heart with the colours of my country would be like garlic for the vampires and in fact it works according to the user that is migrating away. But, as a user pointed out, this is the free world in which I believe in, it is easy to replace the icon with for example a bare chested picture of your master on a horse.

Nalla22 commented 1 year ago

There's no point in closing this issue when the trolls will open 2 more. I develop and make CherryTree available to everyone for the pleasure of making many people happy, for the pleasure of receiving feedbacks of appreciation and donations. But how can I work thinking that people invading and destroying my country benefit from it. (Yes you can say whatever you want to justify the strategic land grab and put your conscience at ease here, I'm glad you guys agree with your master so you don't have to end up in prison or poisoned) So I thought a visible heart with the colours of my country would be like garlic for the vampires and in fact it works according to the user that is migrating away. But, as a user pointed out, this is the free world in which I believe in, it is easy to replace the icon with for example a bare chested picture of your master on a horse.

Whatever your personal life is, it's your business. We don't need to see a Ukrainian heart on a note-taking tool. CherryTree is not a political tool!

Rayme commented 1 year ago

this is the free world in which I believe in, it is easy to replace the icon with for example a bare chested picture of your master on a horse.

This insults a lot of people including me but that's ok. I have sympathy for people who suffered from this war and I want this war end quick too. I wish you and your family/people all the best from the bottom of my heart.


grompes commented 1 year ago

После февраля 2022 многие youtube-каналы и блогеры начали высказывать своё мнение о происходящем (хотя кто их спрашивал). И многие потеряли своих подписчиков, которых набирали очень продолжительное время. Потому что люди после рабочего дня хотят расслабиться, включить youtube, посмотреть обзоры на телефон или прохождение игры, а не слушать политику которая текет из каждого крана

Пользователи Приложения точно так же хотят "пользоваться приложением", а не видеть какую-то политику автора. Люди Хотят помогать автору в развитии приложения. Ктото рассказывает друзьям на сколько оно удобно, устанавливают своим друзьям и мамам, добавляют в свои походные сборки, следят за развитием проекта Поменять иконку можно, можно её и удалить. Можно приложение удалить и не пользоваться. Но зачем её ставить первой? Добавили бы тогда возможность делать "избранные" или "часто используемые" иконки на первое место. Может я на первом месте хочу иконку "семьи" поставить или "портфель". Незнаю как в других странах, но уже на столько этот "символизм" приелся в каждом рекламном банере. Я уже как Джофри (Joffrey Baratheon) начинаю задыхаться когда его вижу со словами "о боже, ещё и сюда засунули"

Никому не нужная политика --But, as a user pointed out, this is the free world in which I believe in, it is easy to replace the icon with for example a bare chested picture of your master on a horse. Он мне не хозяин. Я НИ РАЗУ не голосовал за Путина или за его воровскую шайку "партия Единая Россия". Так что прошу не придумывать что-то обо мне. И если автор пишет про "подвалы", то пусть заодно расскажет про речь Президента Порошенко, которая звучала (примерно) как "ваши дети пойдут в школы и детские сады, а их дети (дети жителей Донбасс) будут ссаться в подвалах". Вот это хозяин Украины который заварил эту кашу ещё 8 лет назад. Автор говорит про "путинские ракеты", а что по поводу ракет которые посылались на Донбасс на мирных граждан до этого? --or poisoned Кстати. По поводу отравления Скрипалей (видимо к этому отсылает автор). Чем там дело закончилось? Потому что на запрос Российского МИД доказательств за 5 лет так и не было предоставлено. Шумиха была, да. А доказательств (задокументированных и переданных России) - нет. А "вампиры", это страны и фирмы которые тут же активировались под гнётом угроз Некой страны, и поотрубали все связи с обычными гражданами России. Ушли производели ручек, кошачьего корма и газировки, Netflix... Как эти компании связаны с "военными"? И землю никто не захватывает, нам бы со своей огромной территорией справиться
tdlf32 commented 1 year ago

@giuspen I don't dare to write it, but it's true that your son looks a lot like the western agent Petro Poroshenko!

We don't need the Ukrainian icon, if you don't remove it in the next update, then we'll make a Cherrytree Fork with a Russian heart icon to make it balanced.

It's a shame it's come to this, because you don't know how to balance politics and work!

FFDA commented 1 year ago

You people are deranged, hypocritical and is some twisted kind of way - funny. I'll try to make some concise points.

  1. It's his program. I looked though commits. And apart from one other person, that was active in 2020, he is main contributor and owner with 17,254,283 lines of code. He can do with this program whatever he want's. He could delete the repo and develop CherryTree just for himself. He does not owe you anything.
  2. I would wager that developing this program is a hobby, not work.
  3. You talk about freedom but you want to force a person to do something against his will.
  4. Talking about respect - one person can't even bother to type in English, so I guess it's the level of respect the rest of use getting from him.
  5. I looked though contributions on GitHub of some people commenting on this issue. If it's all you can do I would like to see you try to compile the CherryTree. It's a shame that there are guides on main page.
  6. Bringing his family is just low, but not surprising at this point.
  7. I think I need to open an issue that one cherry in the icon of CherryTree should be made blue and another one yellow.


Rayme commented 1 year ago

You people are deranged, hypocritical and is some twisted kind of way - funny. I'll try to make some concise points.

  1. It's his program. I looked though commits. And apart from one other person, that was active in 2020, he is main contributor and owner with 17,254,283 lines of code. He can do with this program whatever he want's. He could delete the repo and develop CherryTree just for himself. He does not owe you anything.
  2. I would wager that developing this program is a hobby, not work.
  3. You talk about freedom but you want to force a person to do something against his will.
  4. Talking about respect - one person can't even bother to type in English, so I guess it's the level of respect the rest of use getting from him.
  5. I looked though contributions on GitHub of some people commenting on this issue. If it's all you can do I would like to see you try to compile the CherryTree. It's a shame that there are guides on main page.
  6. Bringing his family is just low, but not surprising at this point.
  7. I think I need to open an issue that one cherry in the icon of CherryTree should be made blue and another one yellow.


  1. Of course the developer could do anything he wants and does not owe anyone anything. This is not even a question.
  2. Agreed.
  3. We (at least the use who opened this issue) do not force anyone to do anything. @collector-ynh asks about how to remove that icon. It doesn't even matter if the developer does not reply at all.
  4. Respect is mutual.
  5. I don't think everyone knows how to code in any language. By that, I believe people have there freedom to ask any question even if it's easy/stupid/whatever.
  6. Agreed.
  7. That color sounds cute.

Nothing personal, I just thought @collector-ynh is misunderstood by others and some other pissed off the developer.


raklus commented 5 months ago

По сабжу, кому мозолит глаза как мне: Берем например HxD и меняем все 64 вхождения в исходном cherrytree.exe (1.0.4) с ct_heart_ukraine на варианты: ct_anchor_insert, ct_circle-yellow, ct_flip-vertical, ct_fmt-txt-clear, ct_fmt-txt-clone, ct_replace_again, ct_to_cherrytree. Я заменил на ct_flip-vertical и вуаля =) ct_replace

josepcrespo commented 4 months ago

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!!! PUT A UKRAINE FLAG ON MY ASS. All you fanboys who support nonsense and defend other countries' flags, how old are you? I guess less than 3... please let me know when they hit puberty, right now you're pitiful

miltuss commented 4 months ago

Personally I migrated my knowledge base from a TIB to trilium. I completely gave up on cherrytree with its Ukrainian and LGBT flag. This is what happens when you mix politics with IT. Let cherrytree die and use trilium.

xdenyer commented 4 months ago

That'll be Trilium which is raising money for the Ukrainian army? -

Open source projects skew to ethical positions and being inherently political. e.g. Notepad++

It's like expecting Indiana Jones to switch sides.

miltuss commented 4 months ago

That'll be Trilium which is raising money for the Ukrainian army? -

Open source projects skew to ethical positions and being inherently political. e.g. Notepad++

It's like expecting Indiana Jones to switch sides.

The tool itself (trilium) does not contain any sign of support or attachment to Ukraine. Developers can do whatever they want as long as they don't contaminate the tool with their ideologies