giuspen / cherrytree

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1.0.3 Shift Key (selection) No Longer Works #2397

Closed NouGithub closed 6 months ago

NouGithub commented 6 months ago

Version, Operative system Ubuntu 18.04

Describe the bug Upgraded to 1.0.3 and the shift key for text selection no longer works.

giuspen commented 6 months ago

You must be hitting a keyboard shortcut as I did migrate the default Ctrl+Alt keyboard shortcuts to default Shift+Alt. Go to the preferences dialog, tab keyboard shortcuts, and disable all the keyboard shortcuts that you don't use, or change removing the Shift, that should fix this. If you understand what keyboard shortcut in particular is creating the issue let me know

NouGithub commented 6 months ago

Got it! It was Shift+Up, Shift+Right, etc... the shortcuts to move node positions. Thank you for helping me sort that out so quickly! Phew!

(As a side note, I found the change of KB shortcuts quite problematic. Since I use shortcuts extensively and have been using Cherrytree for almost 10 years, adjusting to the new shortcuts has been quite challenging. Moreover, I had already customized many of the shortcuts, so reverting one of them to default cleared all of my custom shortcuts. I am gradually restoring them as I use them, but I would like to suggest highlighting entries that have non-default or user-customized shortcuts. Additionally, it would be helpful if there was an option to export custom shortcuts.)

Many thanks again!

giuspen commented 6 months ago

Thanks @NouGithub I got what happened, I will fix and in the meantime I know how to help who will find the same issue. Surely I will also better emphasize the non default keyboard shortcuts. Note that you can already export and then re-import you preferences, which include the non default/overridden keyboard shortcuts. File--Preferences--Export/Import

NouGithub commented 6 months ago

Excellent, thank you, as always. Happy holidays!