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Possible (small) Bug with CT Color Picker (Custom Font [Background] Color) #2422

Closed BlauBlinki closed 5 months ago

BlauBlinki commented 6 months ago

Version, Operative system Tested CT Versions: v1.0.2, v1.0.4 Tested OS: Ubuntu 20.04.6 LTS, Windows 10Px64 (both German Enviroment)

Describe the bug When defining your own custom Font (Background) Color by clicking the "+" Button, always 2 Color Boxes are occupied, instead of one Color Box only.

Tested with an fresh downloaded Copy of CT v.1.0.2 & v1.0.4 at Windows and Ubuntu (PPA installed Version), and if I remember right, the Situation was also already with v0.99.5 too.

Since I use some selfdefined Font Colors, it's rather annoying after 4 Colors you'll start to overwrite the first Color again! :(

Ofc, if there's a method to change the whole default CT Color Palette, I'd change it to my needs! ^^;

So thx in advance for some feedback, or even an Fix if neccessary. ;)

Screenshots 2024-01- 5_cherrytree_ColorPicker_Bug

giuspen commented 6 months ago

I see it thanks for reporting, I'll get back

BlauBlinki commented 6 months ago


At your service! ^^

giuspen commented 5 months ago

The custom colours are controlled privately from the GTK3 library, the bug is actually there but it's possible to define the top palette completely. I like the default palette so I'm oriented to not change that but rather to append the last used colours in additional rows and save into the config.cfg for export/re-import How many last used colours would suffice your use case?

BlauBlinki commented 5 months ago

Well, 8 (9?) color choices should be enough. (at least for me) As shown in the Screenshot I mainly use brighter Versions of the default color Palette.

BlauBlinki commented 5 months ago

Of course you could define 2 (or more) rows of additional color boxes... in the end you're the Master of CT, so your word is final! :D

giuspen commented 5 months ago

I'll sleep on it but probably tomorrow I'll add 2*9 rows of customs to the palette. Cheers @BlauBlinki ;)

giuspen commented 5 months ago

I have now added up to 2 rows (18) of custom colours that appear below the default colour palette after you select the 1st / 10th. If you would like to try it before the release let me know which package you need as I can prepare it for you.

BlauBlinki commented 5 months ago

"If you would like to try it before the release let me know which package you need as I can prepare it for you."

Well, I'd say the AppImage? Would be IMO the quickest way to test/check, and then update evering else? (PPA first, yes? ;)

giuspen commented 5 months ago

Please try and provide feedback

BlauBlinki commented 5 months ago

Excellent! 18 Boxes for selfdefined Colors should be really enough... After the 19th Color is set, the first one becomes overwritten without any error.

THX A BUNCH FOR THE QUICK WORK, MATE! (and I wasn't aware the AppImage taps on the same CT settings like the PPA Version :)


giuspen commented 5 months ago

Thanks for testing it mate ;)

BlauBlinki commented 3 months ago

Uhm, not to sound stingy, but when can we expect the new color feature in CT? Thx for some feedback.

giuspen commented 3 months ago

I wanted to release today but decided to delay a week to improve the search inside of tables/codeboxes, so next weekend v1.1.0 will be