giuspen / cherrytree

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Filter duplicate notes after import #2434

Open ajaxStardust opened 5 months ago

ajaxStardust commented 5 months ago

Having used cloud storage and moving around on different PC's, I've resulted in several duplicate nodes.

I wonder if you have a recommended SQL to run on the SQLite db (or as XML)?

I looked around a bit for solutions, but I didn't find anything "simple". :)

Thought I'd ask here in case you already have an SQL to possibly assist.

Thank you, @giuspen @txe !

giuspen commented 5 months ago

Hello @ajaxStardust unfortunately cherrytree doesn't have an automated way to spot duplicates, you have to run multiple searches per node name. In your use case, is the node content identical or you will need to compare the content as well?

ajaxStardust commented 5 months ago

mostly duplicate nodes with duplicate content. however, i have added new content to some. ugh! haha.... honestly, it was me playing around with that MEGA sync thing where I got off track. I was trying to demo that and didn't care what or how I was importing stuff. And never went back to undo. blah, blah. Not a huge or insurmountable issue.

2024-01-22 (1)