giuspen / cherrytree

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Make Cherrytree markdown-based for greater compatibility #2448

Open Breizhux opened 4 months ago

Breizhux commented 4 months ago

When I discovered Cherrytree over 6-7 years ago, I was quick to think that your software should be based on markdown.

The idea was simple, the file would be characterized by :

It seems to me that there would be enormous advantages to such a structure:

On the other hand, the complexity would lie in maintaining a WYSIWYG editor... In other words, the user wouldn't see any change in the interface, except (perhaps, if we choose to do it that way) to be able to format text directly with markdown syntax (to be seen if it's feasible). I haven't looked at how your interface works, but I imagine you're basing it on GtkTextView with formatted text. So there are perhaps 2 possibilities: have a WYSIWYG markdown engine → visualizer directly (such as joplin wysiwyg editor), or a markdown converter → GtkTextView (which would modify the GUI (almost) nothing).

I'm well aware that this would be a real project, and that it would take a lot of time to develop, and maybe even a new version number ^^. But your interface (although perfectible) is well thought-out, very simple and really useful! It really feels like you're developing a tool to be of service, and that's what we expect from a tool! So I thought I'd suggest making it even more useful by integrating this Markdown standard into the file saving structure itself, without changing the interface (unless you really want to improve it).

Thank you for your work and I wish you all the best!

giuspen commented 4 months ago

Hi @Breizhux , it's more likely that the markdown will be supported as an export type in future. Supporting yet another data storage type (there are 3 at the moment, not considering the password protection) would require a serious amount of time

Breizhux commented 4 months ago

I'm well aware that this would be a major change, and that it would take time. And it's with a long-term perspective that I'd like to put this idea forward. I think that switching to markdown would mark a real turning point and make CherryTree more essential than it already is in the world of note-taking! I think the concept and design of CherryTree is really good, and makes it almost better than any other tool out there (simple, minimalist but with the important features, allowing you to take structured notes without unnecessary distractions, it's perfect in form!). I just think you could beat them all by a mile if you added support for markdown storage while keeping the same wysiwyg interface.

Now, I'm aware that I won't be seeing this released for a long time. I'm developing a bit, and I know it's going to be a lot of work. I'm just putting the idea out there for consideration, and hope to integrate it into future versions (I'm patient, I can wait ;)!

gitvectors commented 4 months ago

I have used CherryTree for years and I see no need to change its already formidable structure. However I also use Markdown in multiple cases such as Hugo.

Where we see multiple frameworks there is often the ability to think of orchestrating tools. That is using a cohort of tools in a toolchain.

Thus I have just bounced questions off an AI assistant (who can search faster than I can) and the convergence of prompted ideas was as follows:

Think of a cooperating toolchain rather than aiming for every feature from one tool.

Use a Markdown editor such as Zettlr, Sublime Text, VS Code to create Markdown “nodes”.

Use Pandoc wth a custom Lua filter to transform Markdown to XML.

Inject custom XML as nodes into CherryTree.

The internal structure of any CherryTree document can be viewed in XML editors such as XMLCopyEditor.

Another route is to use Python to inject Markdown created documents into CherryTree. That is leverage the XML structure.

I am using CherryTree as eLearning containers.

Breizhux commented 4 months ago

You think users will do that? Especially simple users who just want to take notes and be able to share them?!

I'm not asking for a tool that does everything and the opposite of everything. Only a tool that can do wysiwyg markdown, which nobody does correctly and simply today (except closed-source solutions). Without losing the spirit of Cherrytree, which I mentioned above.

I really think that with Markdown support, Cherrytree would become THE open-source note-taking software. We all know the advantages of Markdown. Cherrytree also has qualities that no other note-taking software has. I think it would be a great idea to bring together the best of both worlds!

gitvectors commented 4 months ago

Converging on "simpler" workflow, but not dropping above. "Pair" Sublime Text (for Markdown notes and Markdown Preview) with CherryTree (import HTML exported from Markdown). Via Sublime Text custom plugin to automate Markdown <-> CherryTree flow.

hazeyez commented 4 months ago

+1 more vote for markdown export. the reality is that the people using cherrytree interact with markdown in other apps frequently, and cherrytree is a vector to that.

this request has been made for the past 5+ years and i was just about to make it again, and saw this one. understandable it'd take a lot of effort to support this feature as @giuspen noted. he also has been saying that he plans to add markdown support for 7-8+ years, so don't hold your breath.

@Breizhux you fail to realize how much work and effort goes into a small open source project like this. On top of this, multiple other factors come into play such as time, cost, security, etc.

@Breizhux you know you can export from cherrytree to HTML which is so very easily convertible to markdown? IN FACT, they're practically one-in-the-same in the sense of how easy and seamlessly they convert.

On a final note - it'd be nice if all programs did everything we wanted. That's not the reality we live in, unfortunately. Your request is not outrageous, I want to make the same request and have for years. But I realize this is a small open source project, and the creators do the best they can for us. It's on us to liaison the tool for its best uses, and get what we can out of it - while supporting it.

Before we know it, the white house will take CherryTree away from us - so enjoy it while it's still here!!!

Breizhux commented 4 months ago

Yes, I'm well aware of the amount of work involved. That's why I'm proposing a very long-term vision for Cherrytree.

And today I'm perfectly capable of doing a CherryTree --> HTML conversion. But you have to admit that Ctrl+S is more convenient than going to the menus, clicking on export to HTML, then doing an html --> md conversion.

On the other hand, I didn't know that Giuspen included markdown support.

In any case, my intention is only to propose a concept/how to integrate markdown into CherryTree. I have no time requirements, as you can see. My idea is to simplify usage to such an extent that markdown can be used with the touch of a fingertip: Ctrl+S! Wouldn't that be great ;)

gitvectors commented 4 months ago

Another shorter term vision. Today. CherryTree -> HTML -> Pandoc -> Markdown (or other types of many) This pipeline script can be written in a CherryTree CodeBox to run.

tititototutu commented 3 weeks ago


My christmas present would be a keyboard shortcut to easily switch between two view modes for a node: the markdown edit mode and the view mode :)

EDIT: Verry Sorry, it's already implemented....
for those wishing to have a keyboard shortcut that displays the visual output of markdown text via a keyboard shortcut (under GNU/Linux) 0) install the "glow" visualizer via your package manager 1) On your active node -> F2 -> Syntax highlighting -> Select "markdown". 2) In Cherrytree preferences 2.1 ) "Plain text and syntax highlighting" on the left menu -> then Click "+". 2.2 ) Select markdown 2.3) Double click on the mark down line and change "REPLACE_ME " to "clear && \glow -w 230 -- "

And Voila, now press F5 on your markdown node, and you will a have a nice terminal markdown rendering :) and press CTRL + F9 to hide/view the terminal windows, hmm how nice :)

Many thanks to the Cherrytree creator and contributors :)

/!\ Please keep the facility to crypt the cherrytree file with a password/passphrase :)

PS: after reading some source code files, giuspen seems more to be a LaTeX fan :)