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FR: Copy URL when pasting from website #2485

Open gimplyworxs opened 2 months ago

gimplyworxs commented 2 months ago

Describe the solution you'd like

Long time a go I used another notetaking app (still on windows). I can't remember its name, too long ago. But I remember one feature that I found helpful:

Whenever I copied stuff from a website, the URL of that site was pasted to the top of that article. Could this be done for Cherrytree as well?

gitvectors commented 2 months ago

I am just another user pursuing workflow ideas in using CherryTree. Your feature request is easy enough to do manually. However if there are many interactions between browser and CherryTree in a copy and paste workflow then one combination I am developing is linking CherryTree notes to Zotero library. The scraped website URL is captured through Zotero in browser connector and the website URL can then be linked to a desktop CherryTree document. Then you have full cross indexing capability. In Zotero library the linked CherryTree doc is first opened by file manager Thunar then select CherryTree to open the XML file (*.ctd). All citation data can be edited and collected.
However, a word of warning. When CherryTree original document is added to Zotero in fact a copy is cloned into /home/user/Zotero/storage/cherrytree.ctd and this is opened by FileManager.
So next thinking is to sync these files (original and clone seen in Zotero). Just one of many examples of pairing CherryTree with other tools. CherryTree/Zotero make a good team if used with care. But if you prefer a simpler solution write a script.

jonathonmckay commented 2 months ago

MS One Note does this - puts the URL in small text with a link underneath whatever content you pasted in from your web browser. I liked that feature (but not enough to stay with One Note)