giuspen / cherrytree

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[FR] Add password protected nodes and local/node "line wrapping". #2491

Open LadyMikea opened 2 months ago

LadyMikea commented 2 months ago

Thanks for very useful application! I am coming from "Allmynotes" application, slowly migrating my notes to Cherrytree and while I am doing that, I wonder, if...

  1. ... is it possible to add a password to protect only some nodes?
  2. ... have a local/node option "line wrapping"? Now, it is a global one, but having "node specific" would be very useful (some nodes do looks way better without line wrapping e.g those with many tables but some e.g pure text don't.)
  3. ... and for purely cosmetic effect, possibility to change nodes background color for having groups of nodes in different colors would be useful for quick visualization aid.
gitvectors commented 2 months ago

My suggestion as another user pushing CherryTree to its limits (for several years). I am not a CherryTree developer.

Do not put all your nodes in one basket (i.e. just one massive notebook). Create multiple CherryTree documents. Use import feature when needed Some password protected. Others not. Then have a parent CherryTree orchestrate multiple CherryTree documents. I have many, many CherryTree documents scattered and indexed by Recoll (in Ubuntu). they are listed in one column in Recoll using query: ext:cmd (show extensions with ctd at end CherryTree without password). Or if different CherryTree modes are in use, search by extension (ctb, ctx, ctd etc.)

Regarding cosmetic colour coding highlight area of node, right click, Format (text colour/background). Or attach tags linked to colours.

LadyMikea commented 2 months ago

Well... indeed, I indented to use one big notebook because it is easier for me to maintain this way, but thanks for the tips! I consider more versatile approach, for the password protected stuff for example.