giuspen / cherrytree

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Preference to use default options when creating a new node, without the properties dialogue. #2495

Open HubKing opened 2 months ago

HubKing commented 2 months ago

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. Not a problem, but it's kind of annoying. I use it as a quick, temporary note tool, but to create a new note (or "Node" as it's called here), I have to fill a name in the dialogue box., when I don't really care about the name. If I need, I could change the properties later.

Describe the solution you'd like It would be nice if there is an option in the Preferences to make Cherry just create a new node with default name/settings without the properties dialogue. The default name could be either just sequential ("Note 1", "Note 2", "Note 3"...) or maybe date-time ("4-28 13:34", "12-31 23:59"...).


gitvectors commented 2 months ago

How about this improvisation?

Create a Node .. name it Notes.

In Node > Notes > hit [Shift+Alt+D] to insert CodeBox. Choose Type > Plain Text.

Repeat as required to insert multiple CodeBoxes containing temp notes.

You can delete these any time.